I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 190

But compared to the old clapper who remembered his father Shinichi Hoshino who had died, it was more important to figure out why Yuri Kawaki had become this dirty and smelly appearance at this time.

[Dad?In other words, does this child really want to die in his heart?Are you still alive just because you have made such a promise to your father?

Yes, if you live only for the promise, then the quality of life and survival goals are not considered by Kawamu Hara!

To eat and wear warm every day, living in a big warm house is alive, and only relying on one or two boxes of instant noodles to hang one's life is also alive!

For a person who wants to die, but lives for a promise, these two seemingly bipolar ways of living are simply out of the scope of his consideration.

Yes, it doesn't matter whether you live well or not, you just need to carry on the promise!

"Is that so..."

"Thank you... for allowing me to continue to fulfill the promise I made to Dad..."

Hitomi Hoshino was shocked by the success.

In the face of her astonishment, Kawaki Hara Yuri was just saying thanks.

The girl's voice awakened Hitomi Hoshino from his astonishment.

She once again looked at Kawakihara Yuri with her serious gaze.

After several hesitations in his expression, he then continued his inner question towards Kawakihara Yuri.

"where is your family?"


The girl was taken aback, and then a painful expression appeared on her face, as if she thought of something she didn't want to recall.

"Mom was washed away by water..."

"Water?" Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help frowning.

Is the water in the mouth of Kawakihara Yuri a flood?

However, as far as Japan’s geographic location is concerned, there is a greater possibility of a tsunami than a flood!

"What about father?" Hitomi Hoshino, who couldn't remember any tsunamis in Japan in recent years, continued to ask.

But in the face of Hitomi Hoshino's question again, the painful color on the girl's face deepened.

"After my mother was washed away by the water... some uncles of government officials found us... asked Dad to take me to Tokyo... Dad took me here... They gave us a settlement of 60,000 yen. Fee...but..."

"But what?"

"Sixty thousand yuan... can't settle down..."

The girl’s pretty face was buried in her knees, this time Hitomi Hoshino was not stopping.

She already fully understood what disaster Kawakihara Yuri was talking about in Japan in recent years.

In 2011, the Fukushima earthquake!

At that time, the earthquake and the accompanying tsunami killed many people and made countless coastal residents near Fukushima homeless.

The worst is the nuclear leakage accident caused by the earthquake and tsunami.

Let Fukushima at that time become a wasteland after the disaster!

Residents near Fukushima were forced to move out of their homeland under the threat of a nuclear power plant leak.

When the disaster happened, the Self-Defense Forces only took care of themselves, and the speed of escaping under the threat of nuclear leakage even exceeded that of the people affected!

However, the most ridiculous place does not stop there.

After the nuclear leak, residents of Fukushima were asked to evacuate Fukushima.

However, the Japanese government, which requested the residents to evacuate, refused to provide post-disaster compensation subsidies to the affected residents because the Fukushima nuclear power plant where the nuclear accident occurred was not under the jurisdiction of the government.

There is no news of post-disaster reconstruction work.

They pushed all the responsibilities to the nuclear leakage accident, and was responsible for the management and holding the largest stake in the nuclear power plant, an established Japanese company responsible for this project.

Let this company be responsible for the post-disaster relief work for the entire Fukushima disaster-stricken residents.

The company was ordered, negotiated, and subpoenaed...

In the end, only from the company that existed as a company and the company leader was a veteran Japanese entrepreneur squeezed out a very'significant' sum of compensation to the affected residents of Fukushima.

Afterwards, this "considerable" compensation was evenly distributed to every Fukushima disaster resident.

The final amount is 60,000 yen per person.

What is the concept of sixty thousand yen? Ten thousand yen is approximately equal to six hundred yuan.

Six six three thousand six.

In other words, the residents of Fukushima lost their families, houses, jobs, and almost everything.

In the end, the economic compensation was only about 4,000 yuan.


then?Then there is no more~

The disaster-stricken residents came to Tokyo. Some relatives went to join relatives, but more often took a family of surviving families into the black grid Internet cafes that were less than five square meters in Tokyo, or cheap rentals in Shibuya. In the room.

They are looking for work day and night, just to survive in the world's top-ranking international metropolis without everything.

There are even a very small number of people who choose to go home, yes, go back to their home that has been completely polluted by nuclear radiation, and then continue to work hard to survive in places where people can hardly live normally.

It is self-evident what kind of future they will face...

"Then...Father? Didn't you say that father came to Tokyo with you?"

With the last glimmer of hope, I recalled after the disaster in Fukushima, even in Japan, many people did not know about it. Hitomi Hoshino asked about the living conditions of the affected residents in Fukushima.

But after facing her question, Kawaki Hara Yuri's reply completely wiped out the last meaning in her heart.

"Come to Tokyo... We have no money to settle down... Dad is old and many companies are reluctant to hire him... 60,000 yuan will soon be spent... One day, Dad said, if we return If you go to work at your old home...you can quickly make money to settle in Tokyo...

Then... Dad went..."

"...Later, did you come back?"

"I'm back... I came back with cancer... The money I made at my previous home was finally spent in the hospital... When I swallowed my last breath... That's when... . Dad said to me... let me live even if I am alone..."