I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 257

After all, let's not say anything else, the ominous father alone can create infinite guesses of others.

You know, no matter how bad the Hoshino team is, it is the second largest force in the entire Japanese underground world, right?As the intelligence chief who specializes in intelligence work in the second largest force, even if Ikeko Watanabe's intelligence collection capabilities are not comparable to the FBI and the CIA, it is impossible to even investigate the family situation of a Japanese girl without knowing it?

Even if the little girl’s family is powerful and powerful in Japan, there are too many powerful little kids at Otokisaka Elementary School. Watanabe Jiaxing was able to investigate the families of other children, but couldn’t. Who is the father's last name of the second-grade girl named Mizuki Miaki?

I have to say that just one strip is enough to make Hitomi Hoshino doubt the identity of Mizuki Maki.

"...It seems that this time, the identity of the guy I found staring at me behind my back.

Among these girls, only this girl named Mizuzuki Maki is the most suspicious?"

"I think so, Miss, although we can't rule out the suspicion of others in your class."

"...Except for Mitarai bell sound, because the child stood by me when I stared at me.

However, another question is, if the person who gives me that dangerous feeling at school today is this girl named Mizuki Maki.So what is her purpose for paying attention to me?

Because you are curious about me?Is it because of something else?"

After eliminating the suspicion of Mitarai's bell sound, Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help thinking about the other party's unidentified guy's purpose of paying attention to him.

But because now even today in the school today, the guy who gave her that dangerous feeling twice in a row hasn’t figured it out yet, so now she is thinking about why the other party spy on herself, but it seems a little bit It's wasted effort and meaningless.

But it doesn’t matter if there is no meaning now. After all, meaning is often given by people who think about it.

Therefore, in Hoshino's meaningless frown and contemplation, as the answer to the series of questions asked by Hoshino Hitomi, the man named Ieko Watanabe, the head of the Hoshino group's intelligence department, spoke again.

With an uncertain tone, he bowed his body slightly, and the elbows of his two hands were placed on the knees of his two thighs.

Sitting on the chair opposite Hoshino Hitomi like this, he leaned forward and said to the pensive Hoshino Hitomi.

"Miss, I wonder if you have heard of such a rumor."

"What rumors?"

"Ninji, the leader of the seven generations of the three-member group, seems to have a daughter, and her daughter also studied at Omkisaka Elementary School."

"Sanguo Ninji? I remember his surname Shinoda?"


"But there is no girl named Shinoda in our class?"

"No, but Miss, have you considered such a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"Ninji is the boss of the mafia, and the real big brother is also the boss of the mafia, but as a real big brother and daughter, you have suffered no more kidnappings and assassinations than your father, real big brother. Come less."

"...So, you mean?"

"For the sake of his daughter's safety, the three-member group of three members who are also the mafia boss with his true brother, Ninji Shidai, will he adopt his daughter to be raised by others?

Or let your daughter follow the mother's surname.Even if you are studying or going to school, you must be anonymous?"


When the conversation was over, Ieko Watanabe and Hidenaka Sato left Hoshino's mansion by car.

But after the news that he is very likely to go to the same elementary school as the daughter of Shinji Shinji, who is currently the biggest enemy of the Hoshino group and is also his own worst enemy, and may even be in the same class.

Hoshino Hitomi's heart can't be calmed for a long time.

Her gaze was almost intently staring at the family situation survey form of the first year class of the second year of Tokinizaka Elementary School that was transmitted to her mobile phone by Ikeo Watanabe when she left.

Except for the Mitarai ringtone, the names of all the students in the class and the information about their families scanned back and forth.

Among them, Harano Mika, Akimoto Colored Painting, and Suizuki Jianzhengime have the best family situation among all the students in the three classes, and the three most powerful girls in the class can be said to have received her focus.

Especially when Mizuzuki met Shinhime, after all, if the information that Watanabe Ikeko gave to her was true when he left just now.

Then the daughter of Shinji, the leader of the seven generations of the three-member group, and the eldest lady of the three-member group, is most likely the same girl in the same class as this'her father is ominous.

"But if it's her... why should she pay attention to me? Is it because I am her father's enemy? Or because my success in school today aroused her interest?

Or is it both possible?"


A voice suddenly remembered the interruption, and he was thinking about the reason why the other party would pay attention to him in the class today.

Hoshino Hitomi couldn't help but turned his head in the direction where the sound came from.

What catches the eye is the night to see the temple sound, I saw this elegant and dignified maid lady's face at this moment is a look of hesitation.

"What's wrong? Kyoko?"

Seeing Miss Kyoko's appearance, Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help asking casually with some curiosity.

But it was okay for her not to ask. When asked, the worried expression on Miss Xiangzi's Qiao face who seemed to be worried was even worse.

Standing in front of Hitomi Hoshino hesitated for a long time but couldn't make a word.

In the end, she stayed aside. The abnormal rival Shen Muyao, who had been in a good relationship with her recently, couldn't stand it anymore.

After turning his eyes back and forth between Hoshino Hitomi and Kyouko, he took a step forward, opening his mouth with a posture that seemed to be fighting for the bullied buddies, and looked at Ben with a puzzled look. Said Hitomi Hoshino of Miss Kyoko who was swaying.

"Miss, Xiangzi actually has a very important question to ask you now, but for some reason she feels that this question is more difficult to tell you."

"Perverted Yao!"

"Jianzi, since you can't say it, shut up first, let this pervert explain it to me for you."

Seeing Shen Muyao's mouthful, Miss Xiangzi, who seemed to have something in her heart, couldn't help but yelled at Miss Xiaoyao who betrayed her with shame.

As a result, at the same time she just spoke, her rant to Shen Muyao was immediately interrupted by Hitomi Hoshino who saw her unable to hold a word for a long time.

"Let's go, what is there that Kyoko can't say? You take her to tell me, right?"

Hoshino Hitomi, who interrupted Kyoko's yelling at Shenmu Haruka, said.

And after hearing Hitomi Hoshino's words, Miss Shenmu Yao who was being stared at by Miss Kyoko with a look of shame and anger can be described as a sacred decree!

After throwing a reassuring look at Ms. Xiaozi who was glaring at her, she disregarded her unreliable aura like an artificial mental retardation and a smile that was equally unreliable.

Maintaining the grace that belongs to the maid alone, she has recently learned from Miss Kyoko.

Facing the white lady in front of her, just like a well-known actress on the stage of a drama, she spoke after giving a deep salute before the show started.