I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 288

Speaking of this, Miss Shinoda’s gaze that had been fixed on Kondo’s face once again became serious, she just looked straight at the person in front of her, who seemed to be still hesitating, and served her as a guard for several years. , To her almost can be said to be a loyal man.

[So, Kondo, what is your choice?I risked being beheaded by my father to accompany me to gamble.Or do you conscientiously be a qualified member of the three-member team, and inform my father that I came to instigate you today?

Of course, if you let you help me at the risk of decapitation, I can't let you do it for nothing, right?

You like me right?Just because of the relationship between my identity and my age, you are not very good to tell me.

[Big... Miss...]

[Don’t be embarrassed, it’s okay, there is nothing shameful about love between men and women, but based on this, you should also understand the conditions I am asking you this time?

That's right, when you help me realize my plan, when I reach adulthood, I will allow you to pursue me.

If the conditions are right, it’s not impossible to stay together for a lifetime~

And until then, everything you did for me today, including me, will be yours.

Think about it Kondo, it’s okay, even if in the end your choice is still to faithfully perform your duties as a cadre of the three-member team, I won’t blame you for going to my father to expose my plan this time.

After all~]

At this point, the tone of Miss Shinoda, who was still serious, was first, and then she looked at Kondo, who was completely stunned in front of her.

Then smiled softly...

[For so many years, every time I ran away from home, you covered me in front of my father~ At least, as a girl, I really appreciate you~

Brother Kondo~]

Finally, for the right hand extended by his eldest lady, the man named Ang Kondo chose to lower his head and kiss.

Of course, he would never admit that he betrayed his identity as a member of the trio, and kissed his eldest lady's right hand and back to show his allegiance to his eldest lady, because the eldest lady proposed that he was willing to marry him as an adult. conditions of.

The reason for his allegiance is only because of his full loyalty that he has unconsciously cultivated through his guarding career in the past few years~

Ah~ After all, he seems to have never refused the request of his own Miss Shinoda~

This time, of course you have to follow the usual practice, right??

However, allegiance returned to allegiance. After finishing allegiance to my eldest lady and completing the so-called ritual of kissing the back of the hand, Kondo's face was still angry when his eldest's forefoot had just walked away.

He waited until he had successfully fallen asleep in the middle of the night when he told him so many eldest ladies, so he rushed to the mysterious woman named Xingji who had been left by his eldest recently. s room.

Ignoring that the other party seemed to have expected his arrival, he rushed into the opponent's room while standing respectfully waiting behind the door, then grabbed the opponent's collar and pushed the opponent towards After retreating from the back, he finally reached a cabinet on the opposite side of the door of the room. On the cabinet were two seemingly expensive antiques, and on the cabinet in front of the wall!

Immediately, when the other party did not make any resistance to his behavior that seemed extremely rude to a woman, he also pulled a hand from his waist, which seemed to be at any time. Pistol to carry with you.

Without hesitation, he put the muzzle on the head of this woman named Xing Ji, who was as beautiful as a first-line Korean actress!

[It’s you, right!?You confuse the eldest lady!?

[I'm just a maid, all this is just the will of the lady.

[Don't you admit it!?If it's not you!How could the lady make such an impulsive decision!It must be you, a woman who is making trouble!

Remember what I told you back then!If you dare to do anything unfavorable to Miss!Even if I am blamed by the lady, I will kill you myself!


[I have come to fulfill my promise now!

Speaking of this, Kondo, who placed the opponent on the antique cabinet, was about to pull the trigger of the pistol in his hand!

However, just when he was about to pull the trigger of the pistol in his hand and shoot this woman who had bewitched his own Miss Shinoda in his eyes, this one was on the death boundary line with his gun against his head. The woman suddenly smiled without warning.


Why are you laughing!?

[I am laughing at your dishonesty~]


Hearing the other party's words, Kondo, who could be described as murderous at this moment, couldn't help narrowing his eyes full of anger.

As for his aura of killing people and beasts, the opposite woman named Xingji turned a deaf ear.

She just continued with the smile that seemed to be mocking the other person under the glaring gaze of the other person, and looked at the other person without showing weakness like a okay person.

[You~ Isn’t what you have been looking forward to these years is exactly the result today?

[Blood mouth!When am I looking forward to this result!

[You said I spit my mouth?Oh yeah~ so too~ things like love always make people lost in it~ it is normal if you don’t admit it~

But if you insist that you don't expect this result, then when you were in your room just now, why did you bow your head and kiss the back of her hand as the lady asked?


Kondo Aungmoto, who was said to be dishonest, wanted to refute the rhetoric that made him hate women.

But when his words used to refute the other party just came to his lips, he found that he seemed to be unable to speak.

An unspeakable mood blocked his throat very uncooperatively at this time. Is that an expectation?

Does he really expect his Miss Shinoda to marry him when he is an adult?

Yes, maybe this is the case~

Protecting the other party for so many years, from acquaintance to acquaintance, the impression that the other party left on him Kondo during these years is too good.

Regarding beautiful things, whether a man or a woman, they will unconsciously embrace the proposition of'fully own her' in the deepest part of their heart, as deep as a traveler in the desert towards a sweet spring. Isn’t it the desire?

[So say~]

Taking advantage of the chance that the other party was distracted by her own words, Xing Ji, who was also on the cabinet by the other party, took the opportunity to reach out and take off the other party's left hand, which was holding her collar tightly.

[Whether it is me who wants to destroy the Hoshino group, or Miss Shinoda who wants to get rid of the control of my father Shinji, or you who are now silent in front of me.

All of us are just taking what we need~

Since each person takes what he needs, what qualifications do you have to say that I bewitched the eldest lady to make this choice?

Don't you think that you who now put this responsibility on me are a bit like those double-standard dogs on the Internet?

Thinking of this, Kondo Akira looked straight at the envelope with the golden iris pattern in his hand, against the dark circles that ended his memories of the series of events that happened last night, and reached out from his pocket. Took out his own phone.

After he sent a text message on the phone, soon, a man opened the door of his bedroom and appeared in front of him.