I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 397

After taking a sentence about the topic of Yuri Kakihara saying that he wanted to protect herself and become her own physical shield, Hitomi Hoshino made such a one to Yuri Kakihara with a serious appearance, asking her to help herself Order a takeaway request.

Of course, in this order of takeaway, it must be her eldest Miss Hitomi to talk nonsense to the innocent and honest Miss Yuri about the school test of the delivery speed of the Tianchao takeaway boy.

As for the real reason~

Maybe the final blame is the poor cooking skills of Miss Yuri who seems a little clumsy as a maid~

It’s also right to think about it. How could a girl who has been searching for garbage in the trash can for six or seven years and lived and survived to learn how to master it in less than half a year after following Hitomi Hoshino? How about cooking?

Although the things she usually cooks are unpalatable, Hitomi Hoshino, who is sympathetic to women and subordinates, will reluctantly finish eating it with tears in her eyes, but this kind of murderous food made by the girl next to her with tears. thing.

On weekdays, if it can be avoided, Miss Hitomi will still try to avoid it...

It's just that when Hitomi Hoshino asked him to order takeaway, Yuri Kawakihara, who was the requested party, did not fall on this lunch with him at all for today's own eldest lady. .

Hitomi Hoshino’s previous sentence to make her a good maid, don’t think of some unintentional remarks about these things to be a shield for yourself as a shield. At this time, inadvertently, it hurts deeply to the beginning of this fight and join the Hoshino team. She had already made up her mind to give her the girl who was saddled by Hitomi Hoshino.

A mind that wants to become stronger and want to play a bigger role around Hitomi Hoshino has begun to rapidly grow in this heart that should have existed as a cute thing around Hitomi Hoshino.

[The one who guards hope... How can there not be the power to guard hope...]

"Miss...I will try to become stronger..."

At this time when Hitomi Hoshino devoted his energy to reviewing official documents again, the same petite and thin girl who stood behind him and stared at her petite and thin back, but only used He muttered like a voice he could hear...

Chapter 263 The Sustained Takeaway Brother

"Hey! Zhao Yang! I took the order!"

"Hey! Good! I said Boss, where is this hot pot going?"

"Dongcheng District~Hoshino Resorts Headquarters in Beijing~I was a little rushed. I left a message on the Internet saying that it would only give us 20 minutes, otherwise it would only give us a four-star evaluation."

"What!? Dongcheng District!? It's more than ten kilometers away from us! Just give it twenty minutes!?"

"No~ I can only find you in such a short time. After all, among the bunch of takeaway boys under my hand, you can deliver the food the fastest and the quickest hands and feet~

You have to hurry up with this order~ The person who ordered the food said that if you can deliver it within 15 minutes, you will be tipped by 200 yuan!"

"I'll go! Two hundred dollars! What a lavish shot! I'll go to the boss! Oh! By the way! My car is running out of power, your little eDonkey lends me to use it, and I will ride back after the meal is served. Give it back to you!"

"Ride, ride~ and be polite to me~ hey! Remember to slow down! Don't run through the red light in a hurry, safety first!"

My name is Zhao Yang, a southerner from the celestial dynasty. Since I was young, my temper has not been so big, and my bad temper has caused a lot of troubles in my family because of my bad temper.

At the age of sixteen, when I was in the first year of high school, I fought with someone and caused my opponent to lame. Afterwards, the family lost some money to the other party for private purposes, which allowed me to successfully avoid being a juvenile offender. An honorable national-level labor reform staff.

But this incident also made my family completely disappointed in me, and then used the method of crying, making troubles and hanging up to prevent the family who was disappointed in me smoothly. Then they should send me to some kind of "good boy" school and hand it over to In that school, there was a professor surnamed Yang after doing reformation education.

At the age of seventeen, my family members who were disappointed in me spent money to buy out all kinds of relationships and sent me to the ranks of the soldiers of the Chinese people!Become a glorious armed police soldier under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Military Region!

Because I am impatient, I am irritable in everything. I like to be at the forefront of the team when I am in the army. Therefore, during the two years of being an armed police, I have made a lot of achievements. Exploits.

Those dignified old chiefs in the Armed Police Force saw my outstanding performance, and finally transferred me to other important departments with satisfaction...

Damn!I'm sorry, it turned into a personal resume introduction~ The author who accidentally helped the book look as handsome as me was so sorry for the number of words~

All in all, in short, after I was transferred from the armed police force, another two years have passed. I was expelled from the military because of some embarrassment to my fathers and villagers~

After unofficially discharged from the military, I chose to stay in Beijing and become a glorious North drifter. My intention was to start a small business with the 20,000 yuan that I saved in the army over the years and start a small company (barbecue stall). , After waiting to earn enough before making a name for himself in Beijing, he returned to his hometown.

As a result, my company, which was only me, closed in less than a month.

In desperation, I joined the army at the age of seventeen and was opened by the army before I even got my college diploma. I had no choice but to work in some industries that didn’t require a high level of education, and became a living on the streets of Beijing. Takeaway boy~

By the way, the guest who ordered today is really generous. Although he gave me a 20-minute time limit, he said in the ordering message that if I could deliver it in advance, it would give me a tip of 200 yuan~

You know this is two hundred yuan!

This meal is enough for me to get close to a day's work pay!

So, for this generous return, I ignored the boss’s advice to pay attention to safety when I went out to deliver meals!

I rushed through the seven red lights on the way to the food delivery (good boy, don’t learn~), and bypassed the three pairs of traffic policemen who were stuck at the intersection and looked for violations of battery cars!

Under this high-speed driving state (40 kilometers per hour) with the throttle all the way to the end, I successfully arrived at the destination of this meal delivery!

This is a building with a height of about forty stories. In addition to the national flag of our great celestial dynasty and a flag embroidered with flowers in the shape of a five-pointed star, there is also a Japanese flag with dog skin plaster~

I parked the little eDonkey I borrowed from my boss in the parking lot under this building, and at the same time, I began to feel a lot less favorable towards the customer who ordered me this time.

Although she tempted me with two hundred dollars, how can this kind of hatred by national enemies and families be measured by money?Not to mention that I was still a soldier before!

Ah~ With my current mentality, maybe the angry young man mentioned by those S13 netizens on the Internet refers to me now~

However, after seeing the dog-skin plaster state-owned enterprise hanging from the front of the building, I felt upset, but I still have to earn the money, right?

So, out of work and the need for a two-hundred-yuan tip, I finally entered this foreign company from my home country with my takeaway box containing a pot of packaged hot pot. Building.

In the reception desk on the first floor, there is a young girl who is estimated to be in her early twenties and looks about the same age as me~

Not to mention, the little girl on the platform in this foreign company is pretty zhuen~

Seeing this skin is whiter than the freshly killed pork that was just pulled into the vegetable market in the morning, the little hands like mutton fat jade cream make people want to touch it~

The plump chest/part and the ass wrapped in the professional OL skirt make me look at meTM...

Uh... ahem!

Work work!These years, such a beautiful lady may not know that they have been ruined by the bosses of their company!

How can a good young man like me who is humble, polite, upright, handsome, gentle, gentle, suave, handsome, and chic, can miss the time and lose the woman who can be seen and cannot eat than her What's more, the two hundred dollars really come!?

Ever since, after a few tenths of a second self-regulation exercised in the army, I calmed my mind and set my attitude, and came to this place with a face of righteousness. Since I entered the door, I tried to use it. Her catastrophic eyebrows seduce the little fairy who is in charge of the reception of my foreign company!

I took off the safety helmet that I was wearing on my head like the hair brother in the 90s, raised my hand coquettishly and touched my forehead bangs, and then opened his mouth with an unpretentious tone to this one who has been trying to seduce My little fairy said righteously!

"Sister ~ appointment?"

Chapter 264 Every takeaway boy is a legend!

"...That, sir...what can I do for you?"

I believe that at this moment, my handsomeness and heroism have successfully attracted her attention. If it weren’t for the indecent things that men and women could not do in public, she would definitely turn into love in the next moment. The she-wolf rushed towards me and took me crazy~

I didn't see her red lips slightly open, her shell teeth half exposed, her beautiful eyes staring slightly, and she looked dumbfounded. This is the best proof that she wants to possess me!?

what!?what!?You say that people despise me who is too artificial in front of them!?Who's rumored!?Tell you all!In these years, people who dare to despise me have never existed!