I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 409

Hitomi Hoshino asked with frowning slightly, and at the same time Hitomi Hoshino asked this, the Quincy-faced young grandmother showed a hint of helplessness on her face, and revealed to Hitomi Hoshino. She didn't seem to want to explain these things about the older generation to Hitomi Hoshino.

"What's the explanation for this? Can you treat your grandpa as a scumbag?"

"...So? There is a story about a 30-year-old mother-in-law who married her 17-year-old daughter to a 40-year-old man and gave birth to me, a seven-year-old girl?"

At this point, Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

At this time, the helplessness shown on the young grandmother's face immediately became even worse.

"Isn't it~ In fact, your mother met your dad when studying in Japan. The original intention was to introduce your dad to me as a grandmother~

As a result, I tried to get around. I didn’t have to be in a hurry to go to Japan. Your mom and your dad got better~"

Okay, Hitomi Hoshino understands it. No wonder that since childhood, neither his dear dead ghost father nor his mother were willing to mention the existence of this grandma in front of them, nor did they allow themselves to meet this young man. Grandmother.

The relationship is because of the beginning of such a story of family ethics in the history of love between her mother and her dead ghost dad?

Which family is going to change? If this kind of thing happened, for a younger generation like her, it won't be enough to hide this unbearable past for these elders!

"...What about Grandpa?"

Although this unbearable past of my father, my grandmother, and my mother, from the perspective of a younger generation, in front of my subordinates Shenmu Haru and Hemu Yuan Yuri waiting for the people, I really should be there. This is the right thing to selectively skip this family past when most people around you are present.

However, for the curiosity of his own grandfather who dared to challenge the bottom line of the heavenly laws, Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help but extend this topic that should be finished.

And after seeing Hitomi Hoshino with so many things, he pursued his own thoughts about the past and present of his grandfather who gave birth to her mother Hua Xi.

As a grandmother, looking at Hitomi Hoshino's look as mature and sensible as her daughter Hua Xi, the young mother-in-law of her father Hoshino finally sighed.

She opened her mouth and said to her granddaughter who was staring straight at her.

"It was a spring in 1995. In the field of hope, your young grandfather and I who followed the school to organize a grave sweeping and spring activities met by chance~

He was holding a lollipop. When he was with me in the fifth grade of elementary school, when he was over twenty-five years old, he always smiled as sweet as the handsome big brother next door seen on the TV...

In the second year, I ran away with him. He made my belly bigger. He thought that after making my uncooked rice into cooked rice, your great-grandfather would only recognize him as his son-in-law. Who knew that when he returned home, your great-grandfather said He broke his leg with the pole used at home...

Reported to the police, the police arrested him, I cried to see him being sent to prison, still holding your mother in my arms...

Your mother was just full moon back then, don’t you know how hard it was for our mother and daughter to survive after he was in jail..."

"Stop it!"

When grandma said this, Hitomi Hoshino, who was kind-eyed and looked like Quincy's grandma in her arms, interrupted the topic in time.

Because Hoshino Hitomi, who was listening to the other party's recount of the past with a tangled face, suddenly realized that her grandmother was telling her about the topic of her grandfather's final ending, seemingly unconsciously in this eloquent narration. She was strayed by her grandmother.

"You tell me directly that my grandpa's ending is good!" Hoshino Hitomi said loudly to his grandmother, who seems to have been in a state of unconstrained mind.

Then, a bit of hesitation appeared on her face.

"Grandpa... won't he be sentenced to death because of this misfortune?"

"Of course not~" Grandma, who was interrupted in the memory of the past, shook her head lifelessly."It's just a sentence of seven years~"

"What happened then? Is Grandpa alive now?"

"Dead..." A sigh appeared on Grandma's face, and there was a trace of sadness in this sigh.

"Dead? How did you die?"

"After he was released from prison, he became a daughter-in-law. He taught your mother every day that he would marry him when he grew up..."


Speaking of this, my grandmother's narration stopped completely, and when my grandmother was not talking much, Hitomi Hoshino, who fell into silence with her grandmother, seemed to understand something...

At this moment, Miss Hitomi, who was still inquiring about her grandmother, suddenly felt that a certain Reaper elementary student said something that seemed to make sense~

Some secrets, let it be a secret forever...

----------------Dividing line--------------

Sorry everyone, I couldn’t go home last night and my phone ran out of power. Even sending a leave note has become a luxury...

It’s only been updated until now. Really sorry...

Please forgive me...

Chapter 275 Little Palm

"Here and here~ I'm here~ I'll just say, you little girl, how come you don't know how to rush home when you are at the door of the house~ I can’t find the door for feelings, where to go in~ Come, come, come in~ you Mommy is in the house~"

Under the leadership of her young grandmother, leading a group of people, Hitomi Hoshino, who was still walking slowly and aimlessly on the streets of the residential area, finally came to the door of a villa in the residential area villa group. .

But even if she followed her grandmother to the door of her home on the side of the sky, she once again flinched like she was on the way.


Hitomi Hoshino opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say to Xiangzheng's grandmother who warmly invited her into the house.

For this mother who has not seen each other for four or five years, she seems to have an urge to avoid meeting each other deliberately, but in this urge to avoid each other, her body seems to have a bit of desire The desire to meet the mother's side.

She felt a little overwhelmed when she came to this door because of this desire from the body.

What kind of existence is home?What kind of person is your mother?

To be honest, these two terms made Hitomi Hoshino, who had been held up as a noble noble daughter for several years, feel at a loss.

In this life, she does have a father who loves herself, and a mother who also loves herself.

But the father is always the head of a mafia, the leader of the 30,000 people in the Hoshino group in Japan, and a busy man who can hardly spare his daughter even during his leisure time.

Yes, it is undeniable that the relationship between Hitomi Hoshino and her dad when they were alive, although there was indeed a bit of trouble, but in essence, they were both pretty good.

But not many people know that this so-called "good" is based on the soul of the mature traverser Hoshino Hitomi.

Because maturity allows Hitomi Hoshino to show tolerance to his busy father without having to learn, because maturity allows Hitomi Hoshino to treat everyone around him with a considerate attitude since childhood.

However, few people except Kaiyamiji Kyouko know that since Hoshino Hitomi’s biological mother Kaxi left Japan and returned to the Celestial Kingdom, in the next five years of his life, Hoshino Shinichi finished everything he had on hand except in the middle of the night or early morning and went home. At times, occasionally meeting Hitomi Hoshino, who would wake up or be awakened by the movement when he returned home, and his father, Shinichi Hoshino, had never even had a family dinner that took half an hour.

Yes, from the age of three, Hitomi Hoshino grew up only with the company of Kyoko Yakami Temple.

Five years is enough time for Hitomi Hoshino to forget how it feels to have a home.

Some people may ask, does a mature soul need a warm home like a real child needs?

But don't forget, it is the body of a seven-year-old girl who carries this mature soul.