I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 532

But in the end, because they came out from the hotel to find their own Yuri, this conflict is still unavoidable?

It seems that the second'stepping' sound from outside the door before was the attack from the opponent who was fleeing from Yuri?

If the opponent was wounded by Yuri with a gun, the injury would certainly not be too light.

Looking at it this way, the beams that Miss Hitomi and the school resident shouldn’t and don’t want to forge, seem to have formed in the end...


Hoshino Hitomi, who had figured out all of this, couldn't help but slowly begin to show anger in her heart.

Although from Yuri’s narration, she also knew that the other party must have placed a cement bag as a trap on the first floor just to prevent outsiders from invading the teaching building, but no matter what, the other party attacked her maid. Is not it?

Besides, the arrival of Kyoko, Shenmuyao and Yuri were just to find themselves, and at the beginning, they never thought about having any unnecessary conflicts with this school resident!

The other party stunned Kyoko and Shenmuyao with a cement bag like this indiscriminately, and even attacked Yuri. This was already a challenge to Miss Hitomi's bottom line.

Therefore, at this time, it is inevitable that Miss Hitomi was arrested by the other party because of Kyoko and a certain abnormality. The residents of the school who even dared to kill in order to keep a broken school began to vaguely rise inwardly. There was a'killing heart'.

[It's a murderer anyway, if you want to kill her or catch her and give her to the police, I believe there is nothing wrong with it...]

"Miss... Kyoko and the others... should be fine, right?"

Just when Hitomi Hoshino was thinking of catching the other party’s school resident, who seemed to be a girl, she slowly retreated from the excited Miss Yuri who had found the missing Hitomi Hoshino, and couldn’t help but start thinking about it. I felt a little worried for my two maid companions...

Regardless of the three of them fighting back and forth at Hoshino’s on weekdays, they would even kill each other at every turn, but in essence, after six months of getting along, they are actually the kind of relationship that affects their best friends. Friends at this level who talk about everything.

"...Come here first and come to the fire."

Hitomi Hoshino did not dare to ask Yuri Kawaki for peace of mind to assure the safety of Kyouko Yakamiji and Haruka Shenki who fell into the hands of a murderer. After all, based on the information she knows, they are definitely not It may be a kind that will show mercy to people.

Regardless of whether the current Miss Xiangzi and Shenmuyao are dead or alive, according to the current situation, if she wants to know where they were captured by the other side in this school, she has to try to catch this first. The residents of the school who are hiding in the school can learn about the whereabouts of Kyoko and the others from the mouth of the residents of the school.

"Yuri, tell me, apart from seeing that the person who attacked Kyoko and them was a girl in white with a hand wrench, did you find anything else?"

"Other...discovered? Ah... by the way!" came to Yuri by the fire with the dark-faced Hitomi Hoshino, and showed her before Hoshino Hitomi and Mizuki Maki. In the secret compartment under the stairs on the first floor, the letter obtained from the arms of one of the three skeletons.

While handing the letter to Hitomi Hoshino, he also opened his mouth to give a brief explanation of how he got the letter to his eldest lady.

"Miss...This is when I was walking up the stairs... I accidentally smashed the wooden board under my feet and fell into the crypt under the stairs... What I got from the three skeletons... It seems like one Letter from my husband to his wife far away on Shikoku Island..."

"You fell into the hidden compartment under the stairs?" At this time, Hitomi Hoshino noticed the white cloth-wrapped wound on Miss Yuri's leg, which was faintly stained with blood.

Seeing the eyes that Hitomi Hoshino casted at him, Yuri-san hurriedly covered the injured calf with her hand.

"Small injuries...not very important...I have used the medical gauze that I carry with me for temporary treatment...The skills taught by Kyouko and Xiaoyao are really useful...at least for now... .I can also bring more things under my skirt that I might use on weekdays..."

[Four-dimensional maid skirt bottom] Is this skill?

Okay, at least it won’t be as ruthless as the girly version of Doraemon from the blue and white fat times...

Anyway, how much capacity these three girls have in their skirts, Miss Hitomi can't control her, right?As long as these three skills can play its role at the critical moment, isn't it?

As a result, I temporarily suppressed the concern about the injury on Yuri's leg, and at the same time, she also frightened the spit about the skill called [Four-dimensional Maid Skirt] that Miss Yuri learned from Kyoko.

Miss Hitomi, who was somewhat entangled on our face, had to withdraw the gaze that had been watching Yuri-Ms. Yuri’s black and white maid’s long skirt that seemed to have nothing in it, and the water that had moved her head toward the letter by her side. Together with Shinhime Tsukimi, he refocused his attention on the details of the letter that had been opened.

"...Is that so?"

Hoshino Hitomi, who read the contents of the letter in a very short time, showed that only the word “clear” was left on Qiao’s face.

Because she can completely conclude that the other school resident must be a human woman who will not hesitate to kill people to protect the school from being demolished.

Because either in this letter provided by Yuri, or in the diary of the supernatural explorer found by Mizuzuki Miami, there are some mentions of the theme of'demolition of this abandoned elementary school'.

This alone is enough for people to make a judgment. The other party is just a little girl who pretends to be scary or even murder in this school to protect the school from being demolished.

"Student Hoshino, looking at your appearance, are you sure that you can break the supernatural veil of this school and expose the school resident who is hiding in this school and pretending to be a ghost?"

Looking at Hitomi Hoshino's picture, it seems that he fully understands the cause, course, and result of the formation of this supernatural school, as if he had a certain victory. After reading the letter, he also revealed something as if he understood something. Maki Dia asked with the expression of Mizuzuki.

"Yes, this letter provided by Yuri proves that my previous judgment to Shuiyuejian classmates you told is absolutely correct. The other party just wants to keep this school from being demolished, so Just keep hiding in this school, pretending to be a ghost, and even a little girl who kills.

As you can see, this letter mentioned that when the demolition company that the writer worked for wanted to demolish the school, the residents of the small town living nearby told the writer that the primary school was abandoned after it was abandoned. , There have always been two wandering scavengers, one old and one young, who regard this as a place to stay.

And in the diary we just read, when the owner of the last page of the diary was locked in a room on the fourth floor and was about to die, it was said that there was a dead woman lying in a classroom office on the fourth floor.

So after linking all this information together, we can infer such an answer.

An old homeless woman took her homeless granddaughter with her. After wandering for a long time, she discovered this abandoned school, and then they occupied the school as a place to wait for them. Temporary shelter for people to shelter from wind and rain.

But it may be because they stayed in this school for too long and are reluctant to leave, or because the body of the old woman is not as good as one day, she is about to die, and it is no longer convenient to go wandering or to find other footholds. Can choose to settle in this abandoned school for a long time.

In the end, when the old woman's deadline was approaching, or not long after her death, the people from the demolition company were hired by the residents, and the mayor of this small town, and wanted to demolish the school.

In order for the grandparents and grandchildren to keep their hard-earned home, this led to a series of supernatural incidents and even murders in this school that should have been demolished a long time ago.

The old scavenger who lives in this school must be dead, otherwise, how could the diary owner find the body of a female old man on the fourth floor?

Therefore, there is only one ghost hidden in this school at present, that is the girl in white that Yuri saw, and the identity of the other party is the little girl scavenging along with the old woman."

[But... can the residents and the mayor of this small town really stop the residents and the mayor of this small town from demolishing the school that should have been torn down just by relying on the supernatural incidents of two wanderers, one old and one young?

If the residents of the small town really want to tear down this place, then as long as they urge the police to allow the police to intervene in the school and conduct a carpet search of the school, they will definitely be able to remove the grandparents and grandchildren. Take it directly from the teaching building and bring it back to the bureau for trial...]

After talking about this reasoning, but Hoshino Hitomi, who had a new question in her heart, did not show any doubt on the surface. At the same time, her pink eyes also began to hide a bit of suspicion, and she was still interested in her side. Listening to her reasoning, Shuiyue saw Maji glanced intentionally or unconsciously.

It looked like he was suspecting that Shuiyue Jian Zhenji had some connection with the series of supernatural events that had happened in this school in recent years, or the two grandparents who made these supernatural events.

"Miss... Next... how can we catch each other... let the other party confess their current whereabouts?"

"This? How to catch the other party? Ah...Yes, I really have to think about it, how can I catch this'murder ghost' wandering in the school~"

Chapter 372

After the tsunami, there were no streets in Fukushima, only the endless water that was rendered black. The water was mixed with countless rotten wooden boards and unusable construction waste. From time to time, you could see a few pieces of clothing that had been soaked in water. And a very small number, soaked in water too late to remove the corpses that had faintly started to swell and smell.

"Child, are you also a homeless person?"

The old voice rang from the side of a little Lolita who had fallen not far from the area completely infused by sea water, sitting on the side of the road on a street that had survived this sea water intrusion.

After the disaster, the little Lolita, who had only a blank face left, turned her head in the direction where the sound came from unconsciously.

What caught the eye was an old man with gray hair. His face was full of kindness. The old man's clothes were even more shabby than her child who fell on the street. However, the old man's spirit was not hit by the tsunami.

"Grandma...Is your house washed away?" the girl who raised her head to the old man asked like this, and then we could clearly see that the girl's face still had tears that had already been dried.

"Home..." The old man said something like this with emotion, her gaze unconsciously looked towards the distant area filled with sea water.