I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 579

Seeing Mr. Prime Minister who looked expectantly and anxiously in front of him, Inoue Yukuni, as the party being questioned, just shook his head symbolically at the two in front of him with a calm expression.

"No, but Makihime asked me to bring you two words."


"Please go back."

Chapter 405 Disqualification in the world

Many people may not know what a terrible chain reaction this increase in foreign trade tariffs will bring to a country.

Due to the nationwide increase in tariffs, many imported raw materials and various commodity prices have risen, and the prices of raw materials and commodities have increased, so it also represents all the real economic industries and needs in Japan in disguise. The production cost of industrial factories that import raw materials needed for production from abroad, as well as the purchase cost will increase accordingly!

When the cost of all products is high, the pre-sale price when it is sold to the general public will naturally increase, and the price will increase. In the past, many Japanese middle and low-level people who could afford or could afford these products It becomes unaffordable and unusable for these products.

then what should we do?They are definitely going to consider buying similar products with lower prices.

And once most people in the low- and middle-income groups have all shifted their purchase direction and purchase goals for similar products.

So in retrospect, the products produced by Japanese manufacturers whose production costs have increased with the increase in raw material costs have become unsellable...

We all know that whether it is a company, an enterprise, or a manufacturer, it does not matter if it is necessary to produce goods and sell products, it is naturally necessary to hire staff and workers.

The employees and workers employed by the company need the company or company to use a large amount of funds for support, that is, pay these people.

However, this product cannot be sold anymore, which has caused serious problems in the capital chain of these companies and enterprises, and these companies and enterprises have any serious problems in the capital chain.

In the end, there are only two companies with problems in the capital chain.

1. Bankruptcy.

2. Layoffs.

Regardless of which of these two correct answers is the final result obtained by the companies that have problems with the capital chain, in the end these two vicious results have only one bad effect on the entire Japan!

That is, in just a few months, the entire Japan will have dozens, hundreds, or even millions of unemployed people in a short period of time!

Of course, someone may ask, although in this [tariff turmoil], are there two hundred or three hundred entrepreneurs in control of Congress who can benefit from this [tariff turmoil]?

Couldn't these unemployed people, who have suddenly surged across the country, apply for jobs in their companies, their profit-making companies?

Okay, let’s not talk about the problems of how many employees were there before the start of the [Tariff Disturbance] before the start of the [Tariff Disturbance].

Even if these companies are really bad people, how many unemployed people can they help Japan absorb in the unemployment storm that has occurred throughout Japan?

fifty thousand!?One hundred thousand!?Two hundred thousand!?Five hundred thousand!?one million!?

Let alone just four or five months or even six months, whether these companies have the ability to digest this million unemployed people, even if they really have such a huge digestive capacity, after excluding these million people, there will be What will happen to the millions of unemployed people?

Of course, from a big perspective, it may be the two hundred conglomerate industries that have benefited from the [tariff storm] that have propped up the entire Japanese economy, but it can really solve these hundreds. Tens of millions of unemployed people find employment problems, but those under these big companies, countless small and medium-sized enterprises that have been overwhelmed by these big companies all the year round!

However, these small and medium-sized enterprises, which occupy the whole of Japan and account for the largest proportion of the problem of "employment", have become victims of this tariff crisis because of serious errors in national policy decisions...

When the government is unable to quickly solve the reemployment problem of the tens of millions of unemployed people, what will their millions, even tens of millions of unemployed people think? ?They have lost their daily life, or the most basic job that guarantees their survival. How terrible and how can they make it difficult for people to guess?

Akihide Yamagami is a fairly successful entrepreneur in Japan. At least, he can start from scratch in Japan, which is difficult in terms of "enterprise". It only took more than ten or two decades to establish a company in Japan. He can be regarded as a small, well-known medium-sized company, and he can already be regarded as an amazing person among countless Japanese entrepreneurs!

However, just over a week ago, his company went bankrupt. The reason for the bankruptcy was very simple, that is, his company was affected by the "tariff storm" and the products produced were not purchased and the goods piled up. There is a break in the company's capital chain.

The product can’t be sold, and the employee’s salary can’t be paid...

Although thinking about the fact that the government will be able to revise the policy in a short period of time after such a very serious policy error, he is still relying on his savings over the past ten years, plus bank loans, In the "tariff storm" that lasted nearly half a year, he made his own company hard to support until now.

However, today, more than four and almost five months later, he is as if he was struggling as a small boat swaying under a huge wave in an economic storm caused by Japan’s financial problems. The company that was completely exhausted was also overturned by this economic storm about a week ago, and has successfully become a member of countless victims in the "tariff storm" in Japan over the past four months. ..

My boat overturned, the company went bankrupt, and the employees disbanded...

The bad news that this brought to his life has not stopped, the bank's loan that is no longer repayable, and the huge arrears he has created in the past few months by borrowing money to pay the employees of the company. The bill surrounded him now.

It can be said that if you really want to count now, even the few 100-yen coins left in his pocket at this time can't be counted as his thing in the strict sense...

How to do it?Although in order to take the initiative to reduce the burden for him, his wife officially announced his divorce three days ago and ran back to her natal family, but it is impossible for his daughter to run with his wife, right?

Although there is no legal concept in the Japanese legal concept of repaying the debts of the father and the son, if he commits suicide because he has a huge debt that cannot be repaid, the future of his 17-year-old daughter should be in the future. How to do it?

[However, among all the options, perhaps only suicide is the best way?

Ah~Yes~ Yamagami Mingxiu, who is burdened with such a debt that may not be repaid for a lifetime, thinks like this, because he knows that no matter how hard he works at this time, he may not be able to leave anything for his daughter. Legacy.

I thought of Myoshio Yamagami who committed suicide. Yesterday I bought myself a bottle of potent pesticides that would definitely kill me if I touched a little bit. I was going to spend more time with my daughter before the bank and the guys who drew his debts issued a reminder to him. The sky died quietly.

However, it may be because of the relationship between the father-in-law and the daughter. His daughter who has been a good girl for seventeen years seems to see his thoughts.

So last night, my daughter ran out secretly by herself carrying his useless dad...

[Dad...Although I know that the money is definitely not enough for you to pay off the debt... But please don't die without permission... Please...]

After a night away from home, the daughter who only appeared in front of her in the morning, with 40,000 yen in her hand, stood in front of his father who had become anxious because of her missing daughter all night...

In an instant, he magnified the despair in his father's heart that he wanted to die.

How could he not understand how his daughter got the money he was holding when he reappeared in front of him crying after a night out.

And the appearance of this situation also instantly destroyed his feeling that was already on the verge of collapse...

In the end, he didn't take the 40,000 yen from his daughter's hand. He raised his hand and beat his daughter with a big mouthful of melon seeds and then ran away.

Ironically, in just one night, the person who ran away from home changed from his daughter who appeared in front of him with a cry this morning to his father.

The world seemed to become more and more indifferent at this moment, and his conscience seemed to gradually collapse with his fragile heart at this moment.

Why me!?Why do I have to encounter such a thing!?Let me suffer the crime alone, why bother my daughter together!?

Why it is like this!?

Ah~ It might be right to destroy this world, isn't it?Why should I remember this world again?

It's good to die, yes, it's good to die.

Just like Osamu Dazai said: "I'm sorry for being a human being"...


Is it really good to die so alone?

Is it really good for such a person to die without permission and not to let the culprits who killed me and my daughter look like this?

Ah~ I really have to do something before I die, right?It’s reasonable to do something meaningful and then die, right?