I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 581

"...In addition, Representative Kokirita, because we are in the same car, let me give you a reminder~ If you really want to use money to bribe the Chief of Staff of the Ground Self-Defense Force, you should not go personally. Ah~"

"Ah? Why is this?"

"No, it's just that there is something wrong with it..."

Chapter 406 General!

Funny to say that the prime minister of a country lowered his posture and ran to ask a nine-year-old girl to give him an idea, but in the end he was turned away by the nine-year-old girl.

If such a thing is said, on the one hand, it will definitely hurt the face of the prime minister of this country, on the other hand, it will make countless people who know about it laugh out loud.

Is this kind of thing ashamed of a prime minister or a man?It must be shameful~ But at this time, the protagonist Ishida Manna, who should have been ashamed at this time, didn't feel any shame at all, or there was no time to be ashamed of it. ..

Just yesterday, the same day he went to Kobe to ask for Shinoda Shinhime, while he was out with National Public Security Committee Chairman Junyu Yamamoto, the central government station in Chiyoda District where he had just left was unknown. Terrorist attack by people!

Although this attack only resulted in the casualties of a few security personnel responsible for defending the central government, as well as several people who were holding placards outside the central government’s premises.

But there is no doubt that this bomb attack, which is a terrorist incident for Japan, is his roots, whether it is in Japan, whether it is in a turbulent state at this time, or internationally. The Japanese Prime Minister Ishida Manna, his cabinet, and the entire Japanese Liberal Democratic Party have brought extremely bad influence.

The true identity of the unidentified assailant who attacked the central government premises with a home-made bomb was determined to be a full-day investigation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, which seems to have suddenly become marginalized in Japan recently. A former middle-upper income person in Japan.

His name is Akira Yamagami, and he is the owner of a medium-sized company that has closed down.

And this time, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life and attacked the central government's premises by suicide attack. The reason for the shock of the whole country in Japan was precisely because he was given the tacit approval of the Japanese Diet. This was done after the “tariff turmoil” brought out by the party caused its company to close down and shouldered a huge debt that ordinary people would never be able to repay.

And after yesterday, the daughter of the guy named Yamagami Mingxiu, a girl named Yamagami Youxi was still crying after the incident, that is, after her father launched a suicide attack on the central government station. He stood out from the crowd while hugging her father's portrait.

At the same time, at the moment when she was standing up, the damn reporters from major TV stations who weren't too troubled, all held up cameras and microphones like cats smelling the fishy smell. In front of her.

The mastermind of the death has been confirmed in yesterday's suicide attack, Yamagami Myoshio’s company went bankrupt, and Yamagami Yuki ran away from his father to assist in communication in order to keep his father alive, which was dug up by those bastard reporters. !

This news immediately shocked the whole world!

People are becoming more and more dissatisfied with his choice of the Japanese prime minister and the cabinet who has chosen to "indulge" entrepreneurs!

After the start of this'tariff storm', his approval rating of Ishida's real name has fallen below the danger line. After the incident was exposed and fermented, it took only a day to show another large scale. Go down!Looking at it now, the support rate of the so-called Liberal Democratic Party can be said to have basically returned to zero...

Do not!Can't wait any longer!Ishida, who has begun to panic, thinks so!

At this time, he only felt that he had to use the only remaining power in his hand as soon as possible, and immediately disband the damn two houses of Congress!

Yes!Only by completely dissolving the two houses of Congress can he recover all his real power that is completely controlled by the House of Representatives!

Only by dissolving the two houses of the Diet can he use the recovered power to quickly suppress the hatred that caused the entire Japanese middle and low-level people against him this time!

It’s not about how we can continue to serve as Prime Minister of Japan in three years and the Liberal Democratic Party as the next ruling party, let alone how we can kick the Communist Party out of Congress and bring it down. It’s time to become a political waste like the Japanese Communist Party!

At this time, the first thing he must consider is how to protect himself from the bad influence of this'tariff storm'!

That's right!Don't think about what to turn around!If the window of the Prime Minister’s office is filled with public grievances throughout Japan, then in the end, he, the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Japan may become the Prime Minister of Japan after Hideki Tojo in the Showa era and the Heisei era. Japan's first prime minister to go to the guillotine!

This is not alarmist!It's not that his real name Ishida was frightened by the people's grievances outside the window, so he used his brain to make up for the bad results!

It was a kind of'possibility' that was really placed in front of him that could be reflected in reality!

Because in the eyes of the Japanese people, suicide attacks have already appeared in the "tariff storm" caused by him!

And this suicide attack also successfully caused casualties among ordinary Japanese people!

In the minds of a group of 120 million Japanese people who were hungry and desperately forced by him as the prime minister and began to want to kill him, it is estimated that quite a few people have already been linked to the suicide attack on the mountain. , Gave him the name of a political murderer in my heart!

It's just that the suicide attack has just happened now. Less than a day or so has passed. The thoughts of those guys who think his real name Ishida is a murderer have not yet awakened and broke out!

But as long as this event continues to ferment!If this'tariff turmoil' is uneven for a day!

It may be tomorrow, or it may be this afternoon. The title of this political murderer may be attached to the head of his real name Ishida.

By then, I have already determined that his real name Ishida is a political murderer, and what crazy things will the Japanese people who are already hungry do??

He might be carrying a stick and a Molotov cocktail made with alcohol and rushed directly into this central government resident building to beat him to death with a stick.?

Don't underestimate the power of the people who have fallen into a state of out of control!

Think of Saddam!Think of Gaddafi!Aren't these two guys a bloody warning in recent years!?

Of course, some people may say that the Japanese people do not have guns in their hands, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve that level of things!

But don't forget that he, the prime minister, has now completely lost the two major life-saving weapons of the Self-Defense Forces and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!

Can the few security guards standing at the door of the central government station really stop the 100,000 people who are completely mad!?

Do not!More than one hundred thousand!There is more!a few millions!Even millions of people who have lost their jobs and sources of income and can't afford to pay their mortgages and can't afford to eat are converging in the direction of the central government station where he is the prime minister!

I believe that as long as two or three days pass, the guys outside can completely level the building as the center of political power in Japan with their feet!?

Correct!Can't wait any longer!It must not be delayed any longer!If it drags on any longer, then it won't be as simple as his incompetent prime minister resigns and can cope with it!

"Come on! Come on——!!!"

Ishida’s real name opened her mouth and shouted loudly and crazy!Both the voice and facial expressions look like a wild beast that was driven to a dead end and fell into madness!

"Prime...Mr. Prime Minister!?"

A person appeared in front of him. It was Junsheng Sanbon, the chairman of the National Public Security Committee who accompanied him to the Sankou Group headquarters in Kobe yesterday!

As for now, after hearing Ishida’s real name, why did he come in instead of other cabinet members~

It can only be said that in fact, after the suicide bombing of the central government station by Mingxiu on the mountain yesterday afternoon, the cabinet members who were still staying in the central government station building with the protests and pressure of 100,000 people outside the window were all I was so scared that they packed up their bags and went home secretly!

After all, no one can guarantee that under the madness of the people outside the building, when will the bomb attack that almost never killed them these cabinet members next time!

Therefore, in order to save their lives or something, the members of the cabinet who used to be loyal to their president and current Prime Minister Mana Ishida in the Liberal Democratic Party have had to stare at the pressure of public opinion from all walks of life to support the bomb attack yesterday. After the incident, I said "goodbye" to my prime minister...

"I want to immediately dissolve the existing two houses of the Diet——!!!" Ishida real name continued to growl fiercely!

But his roar was only a moment of embarrassment for Juno Yamamoto.

"But...but...except me...the other cabinet...the members of the cabinet have already run away..."

"The dissolution of both houses of the National Assembly does not require the approval of other cabinet members! This is the real power that the Japanese Prime Minister himself has——!!!"

"But...but...the guys in Congress...they...will they honestly tolerate you depriving them of power?"

"Call me the [Central Rapid Response Group] stationed in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture! Part of it is to guard me at the gate of the central government resident building! Part of it is for me to control those in the Diet who only know that they want money. Old bastard!!!"

"This...I...I know..."

Looking at Mana Ishida, who was going crazy in front of him, the only cabinet member Junyu Yamamoto left behind, after a short period of hesitation, couldn't help but lose under Mana Ishida's bloodshot eyes. Come down...