I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 591

"...Let him go."

A command from Hitomi Hoshino after a moment of silence made everyone present who wondered whether the old man Tomoji Seto was trying to save his life and made a mess in front of himself and the others.

Is this old man really right!?This is almost never like the confidant around him who has concealed too much. Does the little Chairman of the Republican Party actually have such a pre-conspiracy that has never been mentioned before?

However, this should be the old man who belonged to Hitomi Hoshino's enemy, how did he know Hitomi Hoshino's plan and ideas that he had never mentioned before?

Could it be that this old man is as good at calculation as Hitomi Hoshino?

However, while this question appeared in the minds of everyone in the Prime Minister’s office, another brand-new question began to flash in everyone’s minds, that is, the so-called transformation of private enterprises into Japanese state-owned enterprises. Can this be done?

If it can really be done, then how can this little Communist Party chairman Hitomi Hoshino, who is about to succeed Japan’s prime minister, send out the youngest of the 200-odd companies? ?

You know, the controllers of these two hundred companies are those in Congress who are involved in the case of the “super-large economic crime” caused by the “tariff storm” incident, but they Even if they fell because of the case, they lost control of these private enterprises.

After paying the necessary fines to the government involved in the case, their family members still have the legal inheritance rights to the more than 200 private enterprises originally controlled by them.

It's impossible to get arrested along with the family members of these representatives, right?

"How much did you make this time?"

Not paying attention to the curious and puzzled gazes of the people around him, when Seto Tomoyuki was let go, he stood up from the ground, and Hitomi Hoshino begged for mercy with a slightly pensive tone. The old guy asked such a sentence.

And this old guy?It was the moment Hitomi Hoshino ordered people to let go of him, and even took a long breath, and at the same time put on the wrinkled old face with a sincerely thankful expression.

Yes, if it weren’t for the fact that they were instigated by the congressmen who were instigated, what’s wrong with the “tariff turmoil”, or for the initial negotiations with Fujita and Yasushi Sakai I suspected the identity of Fujita and Yasushi Sakai, and managed to control my own hands and feet in the use of the "tariff storm" to make money.

It is estimated that his ultimate destiny may not be as simple as a chicken fly egg, and he may even lose his family's business that has been run for several generations. In the end, he will become nothing.

"No... less than a billion..."

"Less than a billion?" Hitomi Hoshino tilted his little head.

"Poor... it's almost such a number..."

Hitomi Hoshino changed into a pensive look again, and her gaze at the old guy in front of her became more and more weird.

"Now, no one is allowed to say everything you have heard. In addition, Mr. Inspector General, please help me to invite these congressmen to your Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."

"Yes! Comrade Chairman!" ×N

"...You come with me."

After giving such an order to the surrounding Communist Party members and the Chief Inspector of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Mr. Yuta Mitarai, Hitomi Hoshino, who did not explain to everyone, took a deep look at the one in front of him. This, he lowered his head in front of her and did not dare to speak any more, an old man named Tomoyuki Seto.

Then, under everyone's respectful or desperate or incomprehensible gaze, he led the old man to a corner of this rather small prime minister's office.

"How did you tell?" Hitomi Hoshino, who didn't want to be heard by others in the room about his conversation with Yuyuki Seto, deliberately lowered his voice and asked toward Yuyuki Seto.

"From the beginning... the young man named Fujita under your hand... and when the woman named Yasushi Sakai came to me... I was somewhat skeptical in the conversation with them. Identity should be more than just'American'..." Seto Tomoyuki replied to Hitomi Hoshino, lowering his voice.

"Really?" Subconsciously, Hitomi Hoshino couldn't help touching his cute little bridge of nose."I really have a keen sense of smell..."

"You...you praised..."

"Not complimenting you, just saying that you are an old fox."


"So? From this, you can guess that I want to include the House of Representatives, controlled by the more than 200 congressmen who used this "tariff storm" to make a profit for their family business. Of those more than 200 private companies?"

"No!" Seto Tomoyuki quickly shook his head at Hitomi Hoshino!

"If you want to doubt the identity of Fujita and the others, you will be able to infer your serial plan with one stone and two birds, and then the premeditated plan in your mind... ahem! I mean, to infer your plan! It is completely impossible!

You can say that this series of two birds with one stone is very clever and very secretive!

Old man, I was able to infer that your next goal after successfully obtaining the post of Japanese Prime Minister was entirely based on the large number of investigations made during the "tariff storm" because of doubts about Fujiwara’s identity. After the existence of Million [Red Flag] and their ultimate goal of electing you to be the prime minister of the next ruling party, they were half-guessing the result!

After all, a large part of us in the House of Representatives has already made money out of this "tariff storm" and can no longer control their own hands and feet. In this kind of huge funds of tens of billions of dollars for each company. In the end, I think even if we members of the House of Representatives shift all the responsibility for this "tariff storm" incident to Ishida Manna, it is impossible to make money from us in front of the entire Japanese society so easily. It's just revealed, right?

Although we can use Ishida’s real name to create such a massacre of civilians this morning in Japan, it has caused the people’s hatred and attention to gather on Ishida’s body. There are still people who want to stand up and hold us congressmen for making money.

Those of us in the House of Representatives, who have made money to the point of forgetting, still can't run away, right?

So the old man, after noticing this horrifying thing, I started to think, if we finally used this'tariff storm' to make money frantically, it was deliberately brought up and put in front of all Japanese people. In terms of matters, then this family that has deliberately found fault for us when our sense of existence has been reduced to the extreme by the'Ishida real name massacre of the people'.What is the purpose of this man?"

"So inferring from this, you have got this young lady's intention to incorporate your private companies that have committed crimes in this'tariff turmoil' incident and become Japan's state-owned enterprises in the future, right?" Hitomi Hoshino Asked.

"Just... that's it... after all, it's impossible to complete the conversion of a private company that supports nearly a quarter of Japan's economy into a state-owned company." Of this idea.

What time is more suitable than when the controllers of more than 200 state-owned enterprises are involved in a sensational “super-large economic crime” case?

And no matter which prime minister in Japan came to power at any time, I believe there must be the idea of ​​incorporating these companies that have supported almost a quarter of the Japanese economy, right?

After all, a prime minister controls the army and the police, which does not mean that the prime minister has complete control of a country. Police recruited need to be paid, and the Self-Defense Force also needs the government to pay them monthly.

To control Japan’s economy is to control Japan’s military and police in a disguised form. If the economy cannot be controlled, the so-called prime minister is nothing more than a puppet controlled by countless capitalists~

Other prime ministers of previous generations failed to control Japan's economy simply because their talents were not enough to create a suitable time for themselves to consolidate the country's economy.

But now that you have created such a suitable time for yourself, there is no reason not to take this opportunity to take advantage of the issue of controlling the Japanese economy, right?"

It is true that this remark of Tomoyuki Seto at this time can be said to be a complete statement of Hitomi Hoshino’s heart. In the past, the Japanese prime ministers of previous generations, how can they not imagine that they can boost the Japanese economy every day? The top corporate income is used for their own use~

It’s just that because they were originally puppets that were promoted by more than a thousand companies, they are themselves controlled by these companies. With the lack of ability, they can only imagine this in their hearts. That's it~

But Hitomi Hoshino is different!She was the prime minister who abruptly instigated the people to directly initiate an'unarmed coup' against the Japanese government. She was not a puppet nominated by these more than 1,000 top entrepreneurs who control the Japanese economy!

So she is fully qualified and able to do it and do it to control the Japanese economy.

And since there is still time for qualifications and abilities, that is, in such a situation where the right time and place are both occupied by her, the previous prime ministers who controlled the lifeline of Japan’s economy could only imagine things in their minds. Is there any reason not to do it?

"You're fine." Hitomi Hoshino nodded blankly.

You must know that Tomoyuki Seto, who is still an authority, can roughly guess what she will do next in the whole plan of changing Japan through a little bit of information. It is enough for her to give her the name Seto. Friends of the old man has a very high evaluation!

"So since you have guessed that I am going to take advantage of the'tariff storm' to incorporate more than 200 companies in Japan, that is, to incorporate a quarter of Japan's economic strength, what can you do for me? "

"This..." Hitomi Hoshino asked one of the friends of Seto to stop!

Yes, guessing the other party’s intention does not mean that he can really provide the other party with great help. All he can think of is to use his identity as a raccoon with other members of the House of Representatives to collect these two hundred companies in Hitomi Hoshino. Time to help Hitomi Hoshino, so that Hitomi Hoshino can be more justified while incorporating these companies~

You know, the congressmen who are the controllers of these two hundred companies, although Hitomi Hoshino will surely be labeled as an'economic criminal' after today, if they are really an'economic criminal' for themselves If Hoshino’s hat is to surrender the huge amount of compensation required by the law to a certain degree, if Hitomi Hoshino wants to incorporate these more than 200 companies, he will inevitably bear the title of an unreasonable “national robber”. ~

After all, I have already said that the case involved only these congressmen who are the controllers of more than 200 companies, and the sons and daughters of the House of Representatives are not involved in the case and the defendant. Identity.

If in the end, these companies are punished and fines are paid, what if Hitomi Hoshino asks others to hand over their respective industries?