I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 634

After all, these two countries have been fighting almost torn apart over the years. If they continue to fight Iran, which may possess nuclear weapons, and because there has been no war for many years, the military power and military strength have been developed and preserved in a relatively complete manner. That is no different than an unequal war.

Of course, the United States may launch military assistance to Iraq and Iran, but if you want to launch military assistance to these two countries without Iran being aware of and grasping the handle, you can launch military assistance to these two countries. Assistance is definitely very limited~

Besides, now that Assad is still there, the entrance to the Syrian war corridor has not been completely opened up by the United States. It will take a long time to successfully lay down Iran, and there will be no accidents in the middle.

Once a war is launched against Iran, then for the United States, it is actually a high uncertainty in itself, and the probability of losing money or even losing is still 80% to 90% or more. A big bet!

Such a gamble is also the least willing to face the current stagnation of economic development in the United States."

"So? Next, in these two areas that have been war-torn throughout the year, what is the greatest possible method for the United States to suppress the rise of the heavens through these two areas?" The old man picked Raise eyebrows~

While the old man raised his eyebrows, Hitomi Hoshino stood up directly, raised his little hand, and applied force to the two locations of Central Asia and South Asia on the tiled map on the coffee table in front of him. One shot!

"The so-called most effective method is to have a cost-free war between Central Asia and South Asia!"

Chapter 440 Trouble with Aphrola

War without cost?

So the question is, what is a war without cost?

In fact, there is no cost to war, this problem is also quite easy to explain, that is to watch other people fight, and then watch the fire from the sidelines!

That's right, this is the so-called cost-free war in Hitomi Hoshino's mouth!

Immediately, when Hitomi Hoshino said this, she withdrew the small hand that was pressing on the two areas of Central Asia and South Asia on the map, and immediately picked up her and the old man from the coffee table. The expensive fountain pen that signed the [Agreement on Japan’s Nuclear Weapons and Restriction and Regulation of Japan’s Military Development].

After unplugging the pen cap on the pen again, regardless of whether the old man would think about her next scribbling on the map, he took the pen and drew directly on the map down to Pakistan and India. As far as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Xinjiang, Tibet in the east, Turkey, Syria, Israel in the west, including parts of Saudi Arabia, an oval-shaped circle!

After that, she covered the pen in her hand for drawing circles, and turned to the old man who watched her circle the whole time and said solemnly.

"Have you ever thought about the possibility that the United States will draw the large area of ​​Central Asia and South Asia that I have drawn with a pen now into the flames of war?"

Facing Hitomi Hoshino's question, the old man nodded solemnly. As his complexion became heavier, his eyes flashed approvingly to Hitomi Hoshino who had drawn the circle.

"It's just not as big as what you draw now."

Hitomi Hoshino sat back on the sofa opposite the old man again.

"Then grandpa, Xiaotong, what I want to say next, should you know it in your heart?"

What did Hitomi Hoshino mean to the old man at this time?

In fact, what Hitomi Hoshino wants to express to the elderly is very simple, and there is only one, that is, the United States is very likely to not let itself suffer huge losses and consumption, and at the same time, it can smoothly contain through Central Asia and South Asia. In thinking about this issue of Zhutian Dynasty, I thought of dragging the entire Central Asia and South Asia region, including the Heavenly Dynasty and Russia, into a small-scale war of the third world war!

Yes, let Central Asia and South Asia become the epitome of the contradictions among the five powers!

Turn Central Asia and South Asia into a chessboard for the five great powers!

In this game of chess, what the United States is most likely to do next will not be to station troops in Central and South Asia, nor is it thinking of attacking Iran through Afghanistan and Iraq, and after controlling Iran, it can reach Xinjiang. , The effective channel of war that successfully contained the Heavenly Dynasty!

It has only one thing to do!That is to make the now chaotic Central Asia and South Asia region fall into a state of chaos that is even more chaotic and cruel than it is now!

The chaos is even to the extent that with the continuous expansion of future wars, this miniature war of World War III may eventually drag Russia and the Chinese dynasty into this war quagmire!

The celestial dynasty, which has caused no war and only wants to do a good job in its own country's infrastructure development, will also fall into a long-term low-level war state like the United States under forced circumstances!

In order to distract the attention of the Tian Dynasty that was too concentrated on its own strength accumulation and economic development!

After all, in the 21st century, no matter which country in the world starts a war with another country, it will have to disperse energy, and even consume a lot of financial and material resources, and even comprehensive national power.

And once the celestial dynasty enters into a state of low-to-medium-intensity war like the United States, the investment in the Middle East in recent years, the development of the African region, and even the development and construction of its own country, Will be dragged down by this war!

After being dragged down, the development speed of the celestial dynasty will definitely be slower than the current basis, and it will even fall into a state of stagnation like the United States!

And once the development and rise of the celestial dynasty fell into a slow or even stagnant state due to war, then even if the United States did not build any war corridors in the Middle East that would check and balance the rise of the celestial dynasty, the United States would be considered to be completely giving the celestial dynasty to Successfully checked and balanced again!

Even this method of checks and balances is more effective than building any military base in Japan!

Because no matter how many military bases the United States builds in Japan, it only deterred the celestial dynasty, instead of dragging the celestial dynasty into a consumption mode that can actually harm and affect the celestial dynasty!

And such a single-handedly messed up the back garden of the Heavenly Dynasty, so that the Heavenly Dynasty was affected by its own back garden, and was forced to intervene in the battlefields of Central and South Asia!But it can effectively cause a large degree of destruction and consumption to the existing economic and military strength of the Heavenly Dynasty!

The back garden of the Celestial Dynasty is actually also the back garden of Russia. Once the Celestial Dynasty was forced to intervene in the Middle East War and entered the consumption mode, it would have intervened in Russia during the Middle East War. It was also the national power of the Celestial Guangzhou. Will enter a state of consumption even more terrifying than the situation encountered by the Celestial Kingdom!

What a plan to kill two birds with one stone!

So how does the United States implement this plan?Where should it be implemented?

This is what the United States does!

That is to vigorously support the terrorist organizations in the Middle East, so that these organizations can form and evolve into more and more powerful anti-government armed forces in the Middle East countries on the existing basis!

Then use the world's advanced weaponry and weaponry that the United States has in its hands, and a large amount of aid to these countries in Central Asia and South Asia!

In this way, they will be able to establish effective terrorist governments in Central Asian countries like the Taliban government, and strive to integrate and unite them, as a whole to fight against the existing governments of Central Asian countries!

Then someone may ask again, aren't these terrorist organizations all in the Middle East?

As they are mainly active and disruptive on the land of Central Asia, can they smoothly influence the heavenly dynasty as mentioned in the previous book?

In fact, before asking this question, I think we need to understand what Tibet/independence is, what is Xinjiang independence, and the Dalai Group!

And once Xinjiang Independence, Tibet/Independence, and Dalai Lama, these terrorist organizations acquire a large number of sophisticated weapons and equipment such as the United States F22, the United States m1a2, and even the Minuteman 3 cruise missile. , What will be the consequence?

If these groups, which have a huge influence on the social stability of the celestial dynasty, can borrow anti-government armed forces for their use and dispatch from the Taliban, ISIS, and the White Helmets, what a terrifying influence it can have on the celestial dynasty Too!?

Don’t think that the United States can’t do it. People say they will jump the wall if they are in a hurry. In the first two years of Syria’s issue, the United States and the United Kingdom have completely removed the disguise on their faces. Choosing to ignore the opinions of the entire United Nations and launching hundreds of cruise missiles on the Syrian side has carried out a so-called'necessary' attack on the Syrian government.

And now is an important juncture for the survival of the United States. At a time when the petrodollar economy, the country’s main source of income, is about to collapse, it may be launched directly in Central Asia, including South Asia. A simplified version of the World War III incident may not even find the so-called "justified" reasons for attacking Iraq, attacking Afghanistan, or launching a missile strike against Syria.

This is a battle of life and death!

If you lose, the United States may be instantly lonely, falling to the throne of the world's first and strongest country on earth, and even because of the collapse of the economic system, it will start a new century American civil war like the Civil War!

If it wins, it can weld the heavens and Russia to death in this war called Central South Asia, pull the IQ of the heavens to the same level as him, and use its rich experience to defeat the heavens!

It is even possible to drag the celestial dynasty into a state of civil war like Syria, where it constantly engages with Dalai and other anti-government forces!

And he can also earn some extra money by selling weapons and equipment to these anti-government forces and terrorist forces that it has fostered like before~

"Our heavenly dynasty and the heavenly government will never allow this kind of situation that may cause the development of our celestial dynasty to stagnate or collapse, or even make the country disintegrate."

The old man's voice was sonorous and powerful, and he said firmly toward Hitomi Hoshino word by word.

"That's natural, so on this issue, we Japan will definitely support the celestial dynasty. After all, because I drove away the US troops in Japan, the United States has been completely offended to death. If the celestial dynasty is not protected, Then, after the incident, the United States will definitely not let us go, and will definitely come to Japan to settle the accounts after autumn~

I don’t want to be troubled by those damn white pigs when the celestial dynasty is in trouble. So in this matter, we Japan must stand firmly on the same front with the celestial dynasty and try to destroy this The conspiracy of the American hegemonic country will work."