I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 651

Temporarily acting as the protector of Miss Kalashnikov who passed out once, a certain perverted maid called Shen Muyao, this is regarded as a cold sweat and has begun to mature again in her. But still not losing to the first-line Japanese actress's face put on a reassuring look.

It's just that at the moment when she just replaced this reassuring expression on her beautiful face, another brand-new question began to sound in her heart, who was beginning to mature in character.

The problem is that yesterday, I personally killed Aphrola’s own eldest Hitomi in front of everyone. At this time, while asking Kalashnikov, the sister of Aphrola, to pay back her sister’s money, Why is it necessary to add the word'sister'?

Kalashnikov’s older sister, didn’t you get killed by your little old man yesterday?

However, in the face of this question from her perverted maid, Hitomi Hoshino immediately faced this one, and it seemed that there was something else her master had rolled his eyes on the scene of the blinded maid.

Soon, just before the two maids carried Kalashnikov, who was fainted in the corner of the alley, into the trunk of the black car they were riding in, they turned around and walked to the place where they were riding when they came. Next to the car of her, she entered the back seat of the car she was riding in first.

At the same time, she did not forget to continue holding the piece in her hand. It has not been thrown away by her since the morning when she came here. It has been completely transformed by things like bullets/bullets. With dried blood stains, such as an adult palm-sized small and lightweight special bulletproof board to play with.

"Think of it for yourself~ fool~"

Chapter 459 The benefits of milk/child

Half a month ago, when Hitomi Hoshino learned that the Russian government, in order to absorb and eradicate the forces of the [Order], determined to kill Aphrola as the leader of the Order...

Hitomi Hoshino, who learned that his friend Aphrola was about to die, was very anxious.

After all, even if Aphrora survives this time, whether this woman who has lost her identity as the underground pope of Russia in the future will still be as useful as the Japanese Prime Minister in the future.

But anyway, in the past few years, this woman has really treated herself, whether it was in the execution of Imai Shibami three years ago, or in the issue that she was able to securely ascend to the "Prime Minister of Japan" recently. Kindness!

Since he is a benefactor of his own, and the only friend in three years who can treat him equally, Hitomi Hoshino will naturally try to find a way to protect his friend and his friend when the other party is in crisis. The benefactor is right.

Of course, the so-called "keep the other party's life" is a proposition that should be reasonably controlled within the capabilities of Prime Minister Hitomi Hitomi, who currently exists as prime minister of Japan.

So, next, how can Aphrora be kept under the nose of the Russian government who wants Aphrora's life?

Hoshino, who was thinking about this problem, couldn't help thinking of the advice or reminder that the old man from the sky said to him at the end of the day, "Aphrora must die, no matter how it is used."

And with this reminder in his mind, Hitomi Hoshino at the time can be said to have derived this sentence naturally to another question that seemed somewhat logical and very philosophical.

In this world, or in the entire human society, what is the true criterion for a person to die?

Is the heart stopped beating physically?Or is it the kind of brain death confirmed by medicine?

But what the current Russian government really needs is the death of Aphrora's body and brain?

Do not!Hitomi Hoshino immediately denied this guessed answer!

Now, who is still a political person, she is very clear in her heart that what the Russian government really wants is not Aphrola's brain death!

What the Russian government wants is to completely erase the Russian godfather named Aphrola, the Russian discipline bandit, the leader of the largest Russian mafia [religion], and the underground Russian pope Aphrola. This series can affect Russia. These "existences" of security and sustainability within the country!

Yes, whether it is the government or society, it is not the person’s life that really determines the need for a person to survive, and the question of whether a person should die or not depends on the person. Identity, and something or something that this person has done to society!

The pure physical life and death has nothing to do with everything in human society. After all, there can never be a person in this world who is bored enough to spend a lot of money to kill a vegetative person, or has been locked up in a neuropathy. Neurotic patients who cannot pose any threat to society or to certain human groups!

But what is the use of understanding this truth?

Hitomi Hoshino actually knows more clearly that understanding this truth does not mean any use, and there is no way to use such a simple theory to persuade the Russian government to deprive the Russian government of Aphrora's existence and not manipulate Aphrora's body.

Because the most direct, intuitive and at the same time the easiest way to erase a person's existence is to let her body die!

Furthermore, if just erasing all the identity of this person in human society can completely solve all the series of problems caused by this person, then revenge, revenge, and revenge are enough to make people feel scared. Vocabulary will no longer exist in this world.

That’s right, the Kremlin government wants to deprive Aphrora of all identity and status in human society. After depriving Aphrora of all these things, it is afraid that Aphrora will return from the dark afterwards. If you stand up to retaliate against the government that took everything from her, then the easiest and most direct way is to kill Aphrola and her sister Kalashnikov together.

Of course, Kalashnikov’s words are not necessary even if they are not killed temporarily. After all, staying with her sister Aphrola all year round, her threat to the Kremlin has yet to be evaluated.

But her sister, Miss Aphrola, the underground Russian Pope, is a target that the Russian government has decided to kill!

So, at this point, another brand new, but also the most important and final problem of the problem has appeared!

That’s how to let the Kremlin government personally confirm that Aphrora’s body is dead by using other more precise methods. From under the eyes of the Russian government, it’s already in some respects. As far as Aphrora was confirmed to be'dead', did she leave after finding a way?

A somewhat crazy, and somewhat whimsical, but generally simple and reasonable idea immediately unfolded in the mind of Miss Hoshino Hitomi, who has been brainstorming a lot with people in the past few years!

In fact, if Hitomi Hoshino thinks about this method carefully, you will find that it is neither insured nor secure, and even the risk that Miss Hitomi has to bear is so high that if the plan fails, maybe Miss Hitomi will attract Russia. The government's secret grievance, even the level of hatred.

But for Hitomi Hoshino, in fact, these series of problems are not a problem. At this critical juncture where life is hanging by a thread, she really needs to think about it in depth, but it's just that this one in her mind is full of risks and Whether an uncertain plan can be used or not, is it so-called operability?

So, with this idea, Hitomi Hoshino directly used his mobile phone to encrypt communication that night and dialed Aphrola, who was still far away in Russia.

"Hello? Aphrola?"

'Ah~Miss Xiaotong~Is there any trouble that needs someone to help you solve it?Don’t worry~ As long as your money can be in place, you can send someone to help you kill the President of Sichuan in the United States. There is no problem~

Of course~ it's just a little bit expensive in terms of price~ but we believe that even if it is more expensive, for you now, it will definitely be just a drop in the bucket, right?'

"It is true that I have encountered some problems that are not easy to solve." Hitomi Hoshino, who was holding the phone and speaking without a trace of emotion, confessed to Aphrola on the other end of the phone without any shy. The trouble encountered.

It's just that when she admitted that she was in trouble to Aphrola on the other side of the phone, she didn't wait for the other person to speak, but her conversation changed.

"It's just that the trouble I encountered is not my trouble, but your trouble."

'I... my trouble?'Even through the phone, Hitomi Hoshino could imagine at this moment that the old woman on the other end of the phone talking with him was shocked by his words like a small animal in vain.

'I... what can I do to trouble!Xiaotong, stop making jokes with me here, okay?This is not funny at all, okay!'

Soon, the previous Aphrodite was apparently surprised by Hitomi Hoshino’s remarks on the phone, and the rhetorical question that he sent out had already brought some kind of suspicion in her voice. After being exposed, Aphrora, whose tone became unnatural due to tension, immediately made such a seemingly unconvincing defense to Hitomi Hoshino.

However, facing her somewhat weak defense, Hitomi Hoshino's voice still seemed so calm.

Immediately no longer with the other party's ink marks, and straight to the subject as soon as he opened his mouth, this old Russian lady who was still hiding and covering up from her no longer had room for dealing with and interrupting her year-end friend on the topic.

"I don’t think I’m thinking about joking with you, Aphrora. I have learned about you through my own channels. Now, the Russian government is preparing to kill you, right? Now that you are fully aware of the situation, do you find it interesting that you and I gag like this now?"


There was silence, Hitomi Hoshino's method of directly disclosing the terrible situation Aphrora was currently facing, even when Aphrora on the other end of the phone fell into a silent silence.

Across the phone, the atmosphere between the two couldn't help but become low and weird as Hitomi Hoshino broke things through.

It can be said that if it is not for the relationship that the two have established over the past three years that can trust each other to a certain extent, Hitomi Hoshino has no doubt that he is just breaking things right now, the other party will not Hesitatingly hung up his phone.

It's just that now that Aphrora is in a silent state on the other side of the phone, Hitomi Hoshino knows that if she herself allows Aphrora to remain silent, she will not find anything to say to reopen her and Aphrodite. As for the topic between Flora, then Aphrora, who was in silence on the other side of the phone, would soon hang up for her unilaterally on the other side of the phone.

"Don't hurry up and hang up, I ask you, do you want to live?"

'...I may not be able to answer your question.Aphrola's tone became low as Hitomi Hoshino broke the story, and replied after hesitating for a while.

"Why can't you answer?"

'Because if this matter only involves myself, then I don't care about my final ending, whether it is alive or dead.'