I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 725

"No! It's not an assassination! It's a war! The next three-member group will be on my way to the Kyoto Imperial Palace, to initiate a campaign against our entire Communist Party and the Japanese government. Even the last fig leaf may be completely lost. war!

If they win us, they will win the whole of Japan.

And as long as we can win them, then we will also win in disguise the entire war that is currently unfolding in Central Asia for the status of future world hegemony!"

Chapter 524 Wait and see

As time passed, the reporters who had been sitting around the edge of the venue could not help but start talking.

The representatives of the two countries sitting around the oval round table in the center of the meeting room could not help but start to look around anxiously in the long wait.

On both sides of the oval meeting round table, the old man from the sky sitting in the middle of one side leaned on the back of the seat and began to close his eyes and rest. The main seat at one end of the round table was already waiting here with everyone. For nearly an hour, President Trump was constantly looking down at a valuable American-made watch on his left hand.

"Mr. President, you seem to be anxious."

The celestial old man with his eyes closed and rested suddenly asked President Trump, who was constantly looking down at his watch.

At this time, President Trump, who was suddenly questioned by the celestial elder, unconsciously, under the celestial elder's inquiry, covered the American mechanical watch that he had been looking down at with his sleeve before.

The hearts of everyone in the venue who had noticed his action couldn't help but feel that he was hiding something with his action.

It’s just that, as a qualified president who has gradually begun to be qualified during his years in power, after discovering that he had made such a behavioral mistake, he immediately ignored the doubtful glances that everyone was casting at him. , Looked up as if nothing had happened before, said to the old man from the Tianchao who took the initiative to talk to him and caused him to make such an action error.

"There is one thing. We must know that we have been waiting for the arrogant Japanese prime minister for almost an hour."

"As high-level politicians who determine the direction of our respective countries, we should have enough patience with everything.

It's like going to a Michelin restaurant in Germany to eat. It takes enough time to look forward to the food that comes on will become more and more delicious."

President Trump, who was stunned by the celestial elders, showed a sign of dissatisfaction. He put his hands on his chest, leaned back, raised his head and used one. As if scorning others, he squinted at the celestial old man who was still keeping his eyes closed.

"I hate waiting, and we are not eating in a Michelin restaurant now. What we are holding is an important meeting about the future of the world.

Being late is itself an irresponsibility to the future destiny of the world."

"Then you have thought about why Prime Minister Hoshino was late?"

Mr. Trump's awe-inspiring speech continued to be rebutted by the elders of the Celestial dynasty who seemed to have entered a state similar to Zen enlightenment.

And this rebuttal also made President Trump, who was originally dissatisfied with Hitomi Hoshino's lateness, or dissatisfied with the old man who used his words, became even more uncomfortable in his eyes than before. very.

He couldn't go on following the old man's speech, because if he went on, he and the old man of Heaven would have to tear their faces!

Why is Hitomi Hoshino being late?

Isn't he, the American President who suddenly visited Japan, still doesn't know how to force this question?

It's just that if this fact is told here, the public opinion and support of various countries in the international community on these issues related to Japan-US relations will definitely fall towards Hoshino Hitomi and Japan as a whole!

Think about it~ Under the banner of breaking the ice in international relations, the US president colluded with the Japanese mafia forces in an attempt to assassinate the Japanese Prime Minister Hitomi Hoshino. How big is the news to leak and report?

The entire international community shouldn't be arguing about this matter?At that time, the condemnation of the United States from various countries in the international community may resound across the sky!

And once the situation really develops to that level, then the so-called international credibility of the United States in the international community may be completely returned to zero as a result, right?

"...Well, according to your Excellency, I'm just waiting for the underage prime minister who likes to put people aside.

But if she hasn’t felt the scene of the meeting where we are now before my patience is completely exhausted, then for this Japan-US relations relaxation meeting, and the next meeting on the resolution of the war in Central Asia we will start In terms of the holding and launch of the event, I can only say apologize to everyone sitting there and the Japanese prime minister who likes not to appear on time."

"Nine o'clock."


"If Prime Minister Hoshino hasn't appeared before nine o'clock, then I will agree to Mr. President's proposal to cancel this meeting.

But if she arrives smoothly before then, I would like to ask Mr. President to continue the meeting on international friendly ice-breaking relations between Japan and the United States, as well as the upcoming meeting on the war in Central Asia."

The Celestial old man made such a request to President Trump, who said he had little patience. At this time, Mr. Trump, who wanted to refuse the other party, could not find the right way to reject the other party’s “unreasonable request”. Reason.

In fact, why didn't he want to just sit here and wait successfully, the news of Hitomi Hoshino's death he was expecting to be heard?

It's just that if the news of Hitomi Hoshino's death did not come as she expected, instead, Hitomi Hoshino himself walked in from outside the door of this meeting room.

So on some issues that were originally used to cover Shinoda Maki, concerning the Central Asian war that the United States and Japan, as well as the United States and the three East Asian countries, are now jointly watching, Mr. Trump has to To a certain extent, he and the United States behind him are not willing to make compromises!

Yes, as long as Hitomi Hoshino can survive the assassination of her by the United States and the Japanese three groups, and he can feel the meeting scene smoothly before President Trump's "unbearable temper" , Then Mr. Trump Wang has no reason to reject the two copies that are now before him. He took the initiative to bring about the ice-breaking of the relationship between the United States and Japan and the withdrawal of most US troops from Central Asia. Documents!

And once he signs these two articles in the name of his own president of the United States, the future decline of the United States will be completely doomed!

This congress hall is not so much a congressional hall as it is a turning point in the real world history and the future decline of the United States!

At this turning point, the only thing that can prevent Hitomi Hoshino from surviving in this assassination operation against him is the best ending for the United States, and only Hitomi Hoshino rushes to the meeting site. Before, as the President of the United States, Mr. Trump and King could leave here early!

Because only if King Trump leaves before Hitomi Hoshino who may survive, can the United States compromise with the three East Asian countries continue to be delayed.

As long as the United States can drag its bow to the three East Asian countries, they will still have a certain amount of time to find a follow-up method to defeat the Three Nations Alliance and get rid of Hitomi Hoshino.

After all, the current meeting is that Hitomi Hoshino is late, not his President Trump. As long as he grasps and makes good use of this, he can ignore this meeting and what he will sign at this meeting. Once signed, the United States will accelerate the decline of two treaty instruments!

In fact, King Trump and the United States really have nothing to do with Hitomi Hoshino.

Now in the economic field, Hitomi Hoshino has used his prime minister’s government authority to impose controls on European and American investors and high requirements on various aspects of Japan’s own foreign trade and economic policies. If the United States does not want to be thorough If the fate of usher in decline, in addition to launching a thermal weapon war against Japan and China and Russia, the only choice left is to kill Hitomi Hoshino.

And the prerequisite for the United States to launch a thermal weapons war against Japan is that Japan is non-nuclear. Now Japan, after Hitomi Hoshino's previous nuclear crisis, is there a nuclear bomb?

"Okay! It's nine o'clock! I'll wait! But before nine o'clock, the little Japanese prime minister who likes to hang others out has not yet arrived! Then I will treat the interruption of this meeting as her Japanese Prime Minister Hitomi Hoshino's missed appointment will not pay any responsibility for his departure!

I would like to see if the Japanese prime minister can arrive at the meeting site where we are now on time!Anyway, we also have time now, just wait and see what you said!"

At this time, President Trump, who was told by the celestial elders that he could not find a reason to leave early, leaned his body back again and stopped talking.

And at this time, slowly opened the pair of old celestial elders with two eyes?However, he learned the same way that Mr. Trump Wang, who was currently angry, looked up at a luxurious European-style wall clock hung on the wall in the conference hall. The hour and minute hands turned to the 6:30 pm scale.

"Um... let's wait and see~"

Chapter 535 Impressions

war?How fierce an armed conflict can be called a war?

To be honest, whether it’s Sato Hidenaka or Watanabe Ikekur, as a group of guys who used to have armed conflicts when they were fighting for territory, they really don’t know what kind of so-called armed conflict will arrive. Only by scale can it be given the title of "small-scale war".

It was close to six o'clock in the afternoon when he came out of the parliament assembly hall. The task assigned by Hitomi Hoshino was to find out the location of Shinoda Maki as soon as possible. Watanabe Ieking habitually looked up at the sky.

The sun has slanted west, and the bright sun at noon now emits orange-red twilight, shining on the snow-covered city, as if the Chiyoda district, which is already covered in silver, has attached a blood-stained depressive layer. feel.

"Brother, the car is coming."

"Say it many times, don't call me big brother."