I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 740

When he opened the phone's address book and connected to the call with Hitomi Hoshino, he heard Hitomi Hoshino's voice on the phone before he could speak.

'Just now I have already called from the hospital, and I already know your condition.'


'Don't worry, Qiuzi and the child will be responsible for the future life of Qiuzi and the child. I, the boss, will be responsible for the end. You don't have to worry about it...

"Thank you... Miss... I'm sorry I couldn't help you catch Inoue Yukuni and Shinoda Maki..."

'Don't blame yourself, Watanabe Ikeko, it's just that the situation has changed and the other party has premeditated, you don't have to worry about it.

In the end, just tell me what you need, as long as I have it, I will try my best to satisfy you.

So, what else do you want to ask me in the end?

Come on, your own person, don't be too far off...'

Hoshino Hitomi's tone was full of relief, but at this time, Watanabe Ikeko could fully hear Hoshino Hitomi pretending to be relaxed.

He opened his mouth, as if thousands of words gathered in his chest that had been numbed by the pain.

Only in the end, these tens of millions of words converged into a short farewell.

"Thank you...Miss...In addition, from three years ago to the present, apart from this defeat, I hope that I, Watanabe Jiaxing, did not give you, to the eldest brother, to our Hoshino team... "


The phone slipped out of Watanabe's hand, and he found that he seemed to have no strength to hold the phone.

He tremblingly looked down at the phone that had fallen on the floor of this hospital ward, and while retracting his gaze, he did not reach out to pick it up...

The black coat concealed the fatal injury on his chest, and even the blood that was constantly pouring out of his chest soaked in clothes.

But the blood was still pouring out in large quantities. After thoroughly soaking the clothes he was wearing to the point where it was difficult to absorb any moisture, it dropped to the ground along the corners of the black coat he was wearing outside. ...

Watanabe Ikeko's gaze fell on the sleeping Miss Akiko's face again. With no one paying attention to him with his eyes open, he seemed to have put down all his disguise at this time.

A wry smile was drawn at the corners of his mouth, and his lazy face was full of helplessness.

At this time, he could only be like a person who had just finished strenuous physical exercise, like a puddle of mud, lying on the back chair of the hospital next to Miss Qiuzi's bed.

Just quietly looking at the beautiful side face of Miss Qiuzi in his sleep that was unabashedly displayed in front of him, and cast a helpless look at this side face that was the same as a smile in his petting face.

"I told you not to set a flag for me...Baga..."

Chapter 536 The difference between a leader and a madman

"As a subordinate, including this time, you have never given me shame~"

During the last call with Ieko Watanabe, Hitomi Hoshino replied to Ikeko Watanabe who was on the other side of the phone with a voice full of affirmation.

However, Ieko Watanabe on the other end of the phone did not reply to Hitomi Hoshino this time.

After a sound of the phone landing from the other end of the phone rang, Hitomi Hoshino, who attached the phone to his side and sat quietly for a while, had to put the phone down in silence.

For the past three years, Sato Hidenaka, who has had a good relationship with Ieko Watanabe, stood beside Hitomi Hoshino, and his face was full of hesitant expressions.

He looked at Hitomi Hoshino, as if trying to persuade him to change his grief, but when the words came to his lips, he heard the past of him and Ikeko Watanabe, who were friends, but he was one step ahead of Hitomi Hoshino, showing a burst on his face. The frustration and sadness...


The man’s long sigh echoed in the carriage of a train heading to Kyoto at night. This sigh seemed to have a powerful contagion that made the eyes of Kyoko Yakamiji sitting on the side of Hitomi Hoshino not help. It's a bit heavy.

The separation of life and death of one’s teammates or friends always makes people feel awkward, not to mention that Watanabe Ikegami in the Hoshino group, or in the eyes of Hitomi Hoshino and everyone else, seems to have more or less meaning Different.

"The Watanabe family is dead, and I have lost one of the most powerful confidantes." In the silence of the night, Hitomi Hoshino, who fell silent in the empty tram carriage slowly heading towards Kyoto, said suddenly.

"However, I never knew what Shinoda Maki really thought in this plan."

"Did you perceive something from Watanabe Ieko's incident?" Sato Hideka asked, putting away the sigh on his face.

Following Sato Hidenaka's question, Kyoko Yomita, who was sitting next to Hitomi Hoshino, couldn't help but cast a curious look at Hitomi Hoshino who was looking out the window of the rear tram with his head tilted.

"Shinoda Maki, she is a lunatic. I had defined her wrong from the beginning."

"What do you mean?" Watanabe Ikeko's brow furrowed even deeper.

At this time, Hitomi Hoshino turned his head, and with a hateful gaze, he looked at Sato Hidenaka, who was now frowning and staring at her without evasiveness.

"Leaders and lunatics are fundamentally different. The so-called leader means that when you do anything, you must take into account the gains and losses you will face when you do it from the beginning.

Unlike lunatics, when doing anything, they don't consider their own gains and losses afterwards. They only emphasize one need in doing things!

That's what you can do to make yourself feel good!"

"You mean... Shinoda Maki is a lunatic who doesn't think about gains and losses, just to make her heart comfortable?" Yomiji Kyouko, who was sitting next to Hitomi Hoshino, took over from Ieko Watanabe and Hitomi Hoshino. After the topic, he asked as if interrupting.

Faced with her questioning, Hitomi Hoshino's hateful eyes began to become increasingly gloomy.

"Yes, under the prerequisite that Shinoda Maki is the [chief of the Yatsushiro Yatsugatami group], I always thought Shinoda Maki should be the leader of a large Japanese underground organization even if he is not very qualified!

But now from the case of Watanabe Ikeko, I found out that I was wrong, and I was still wrong!

The guy named Shinoda Maki is not the kind at all. Before doing anything, he has to consider his own gains and losses afterwards, the top leader of a large organization!

She is a lunatic!A madman who doesn't choose to buckle, just for the sake of his own comfort, who is stubborn and arrogant to others!

Taking her as a lunatic as the benchmark for this incident, and inferring from this point, what I predicted beforehand, all her premeditated plans against me in this plan should be completely overturned!

In other words, the target she wanted to attack and kill from the beginning in this incident was not me, the Prime Minister of Japan!Even if she wanted to kill me, I would not be her main target in this incident!

This time both me and the United States were deceived by her!Promising to the United States that she also wants my head and wants to seize my position as prime minister is nothing but a lie that she used to deceive the United States of giving her arms and personnel support!"

Hitomi Hoshino’s voice became lower and lower, and in the end, even Yomami Kyouko sitting next to her, and Sato, who was standing in front of her with the armrest of the tram car, could clearly hear the sound of her teeth grinding hard. !

Killing intent was everywhere in the carriage of the entire tram at this time!This cold so cold as if it had already materialized killing intent, and even shocked that in the carriage, except for Sato Hidenaka and Yomiji Kyouko, the dozen or so bodyguards who turned into casual clothes all invariably took a pair of surprised eyes and turned towards The side of the Prime Minister who is exuding this terrifying killing intent looks at!

"Then... if you were not her main target this time, who would her main target be this time?"

Is it true that she is the close-knit maid who follows Hitomi Hoshino all year round?Everyone in the carriage, including Hidenaka Sato, who was the first person in charge of the area to surrender to Hitomi Hoshino three years ago, was deterred by Hitomi Hoshino’s sudden killing intent and dared not dare for a short time. In the case of multiple words.

After Hitomi Hoshino’s explanation, Yokoji Temple started to frown, but all the men in the carriage opened their mouths to Hoshino before regaining their spirits from the killing intent emanating from Hitomi Hoshino’s body. Hitomi continued to question.

And it didn’t matter if she didn’t ask. Upon asking, a terrifying but vague answer came in the next second. Yu Zheng gritted his teeth, as if he was forcibly enduring something in anger. The mouth reached her ears.

"Have you seen tragedies in some novels and TV series?"

"Look... I saw..."