I am in Dongying mixed society

I'm in Dongying Mixed Society Chapter 750

"It's a pity... It's windy outside, and my body is shaking and I can't aim well... I originally wanted to lead..."


Almost at the same time as the black-clothed maid's voice just fell, the muzzles of all the three members of the group present shifted from the mountain wild aoi to the black-clothed maid who entered through the broken window.

It’s just that in the face of such an unfavorable scene, the black-clothed maid’s eyes did not have any fear or solemnity. She slowly raised her other hand, which was not holding a gun, and placed a black one on it. The remote control with only one button was displayed in front of everyone present.

"If you want to kill me, shoot... But while I was shot and killed by you, your life may only stay here..."

"The bluffing guy... is it from the Hoshino team?"

After looking at the remote control in the hand of the maid, among the people present, Guang Anke, a senior cadre of the three-member group, even made such a rebuttal to the maid’s statement in black, and faced his unbelief. The black-clothed maid did not continue to say anything that she wanted to emphasize to him.

She just threw away the pistol in her hand that was used to injure Shinoda Maki in front of everyone present, and then untied the metal rope tied to her body, and at the same time untied it from the rope. She went upstairs. The silver suitcase that I carried on my body when I got down.


The air-conditioned voices sounded one after another among the members of the trio!

Because when the silver suitcase was opened by Shinoda Maki, the high-explosive plastic bombs the size of an ordinary mobile phone power bank and connected by wires of different colors were presented in front of them.

The appearance of these high-explosive plastic bombs wrapped in plastic shells is similar to the appearance of the C4 bombs that they just pasted on this floor in an attempt to blast the load-bearing wall of this building. The high-explosive bomb in the silver metal suitcase is really C4, or TNT, which has a strong explosive power.

The black-clothed maid’s box of explosives equivalent to at least twenty catties is indeed enough to make them all on this floor, and even the several floors above and below the fire-resistant floor, that are undergoing firefighting. The members of the Republican Party and the three members are all dead!

"Yeah yeah yeah~ She's really an uncute little sister~ I shot someone when she came up and injured her arm~

By the way, is Yuri right?When Xiaotong shut me up in her house a few days ago, I thought we could be friends.

Now it seems that you and me are afraid that even friends don’t have to do it~

what happened?It was shot and bomb again. Are you going to come and die with me?"

Shinoda's opening made the scene suddenly become tense again, and there was a little dispensable relaxation, but she faced Shinoda who still showed a disgusting smile to herself even with her bleeding arm. Maki suddenly broke the window and entered Kawakihara Yuri, who had saved Yamano Aoi's life, but didn't have any intention to ease the situation with the opponent.

"Let the wild aoi..."

"Will you let me let me go? Then I'm very shameless?"

"Tell you to let it go...you don't want to die here with a useless and lowly maid like me before the goal is reached..."

The smile on Shinoda Maki’s face froze. It seems that what she said to Yamano Aoi before, the maid holding the bomb remote control with the button pressed should have heard it. ~

"Okay, okay~ Since you have said that, then I order someone to let her go, right?

What about after talking?You don’t want to wait for us to let her go, then let go of the remote control in your hand to detonate the bomb and die with us, right?"

Obviously, although he verbally promised that he would release the wasabi that was shot in the leg at this time, he did not want to obey him so obediently in actual actions. Yuri Kihara asked her to let her go.

After all, when the other party is threatening her with a box of bombs, she also needs to guard against the other party is deceiving her?

In case her obedient here let her go, and the other party violates the rules and directly detonates the bomb and ends up with her, wouldn't she be a big loss?

"You don't need to know..."

Facing Shinoda's question, Kawakihara Yuri continued to maintain a tough attitude.

But in the face of her tough attitude, Shinoda Maki here put away her stiff expression and tilted her head directly towards the other person, who seemed to be cute without meaning.


There was another shot, and another bullet hit Kawakihara Yurina's thigh, which had already been shot.

After seeing this scene, Kawakihara Yuri's cold and gloomy face could not help but continue to become gloomy and gloomy.

"Do you have a bomb disposal expert?" After several thoughts, he asked Yuri Kawakihara, who would kill Yamaya Aoi again.

After hearing the question from Kawakihara Yuri, Shinoda Maki couldn't help but turn her eyes on all the members of the trio around him, including Kakujin.

Two little-known members of the three-member group stood out from the crowd under Shinoda Maki’s move to look around. As these two stood up, Kawakihara Yuri did not hesitate to move towards Shinoda. Maki kicked the silver suitcase that was placed by her feet in the direction of her, which was full of bombs and had been opened by her.

"After cutting off the blue wire... the remote control signal between the remote control in my hand and the bomb in the box will be completely cut off... Of course... if you don’t get my permission or are you If you cut off the blue wire in the box before you leave... I will immediately let go of the button of the remote control I hold before you cut the wire..."

"Let her go."

Watching the two trio members standing out from the crowd squatted in front of the suitcase and checked for a moment, they turned their heads and nodded to them, and asked the two trio members to put a pair of scissors On the line, Shinoda Maki, who was ready to cut the blue line in the mouth of Yuri Kawaki in the box at any time, directly ordered, according to the request of Yuri Kawaki, he had already hit her leg. Two shots of wasabi were released.

After Shinoda Maki stepped back in front of her, the wasabi who knew that Yuri Kawaki had come to save her immediately got up from the ground and walked in the direction of Miss Yuri by the window, looking at her. Limping and inconvenient to move, Yuri-san, who was confronting Shinoda Maki in a state of high concentration, did not say that she actively and kindly came forward to help her.

Until she used a slower speed than ordinary people, and walked to Miss Yuri's side with her limping injured leg, Miss Yuri, who barely took a look at her, tied the one on her waist before. A metal rope that could lead to higher floors of this building was directly stuck in her hand.

"You go up first..."

"...How about you?"

"Between this woman...I have other issues to deal with..."

The 548th chapter wants to be the help of the lady

"...be careful."

Yamano Aoi obeyed the suggestion of Kawaki Hara Yuri, who seems to have suddenly become extremely tough, and climbed out of the window with difficulty along the metal ropes hanging from the upper floor of Kawaki Hara Yuri.

The scene was almost tense to the extreme, as if it was like a rubber band stretched as hard as possible, and the tension that could break at any time appeared again and continued to escalate.

Especially Shinoda Maki. After becoming the eighth generation leader of the three-member group, it can be said that her perception of the crisis situation was the same as three years ago when she was just the daughter of a gangster and elementary school girl. Great progress.

So when he heard Yuri Kawaki Hara saying that he wanted to stay and deal with some other things, instinctively, she couldn't help but retreat in her heart.

"You are looking for me, what other things do you want to deal with?"

Feeling an inexplicable threat, Shinoda Maki first moved her feet back two steps calmly, and then glanced at the hostages of Kawakihara Yusuo on the ground. The metal suitcase that kicked over to his side.

But Yuri Kawaki, who noticed her action, didn't pay too much attention to her actions that seemed to be overly wary of her.

After continuing to stand up and waiting for a short period of time, it was estimated that the mountain wild aoi that had climbed upstairs along the metal rope outside the window should have almost reached the position of the window on the fourteenth floor at the end of the metal rope.

She then reached out to Shinoda Maki who was guarding her, and made a gesture as if she was asking for something from Shinoda Maki.

"Bring it."


"The communication signal shielding device you have activated for this building...now our communication equipment can't effectively communicate with the outside world... I want to make a call... I want to borrow your mobile phone..."

"How can you be sure that my mobile phone can connect with the outside world?"

"You can never even interfere with your own signals..."