I am invincible in the second dimension with my XX power

With XX ability, I am invincible in the second dimension Chapter 137

When Erya heard Ye Fu's words, he picked up his own game console without saying a word. His delicate face was full of confidence.

The arrival of the girl not only brought Ye Fu an extra income, but also can play games together like now to open black. When chasing fans, you don’t need to be alone. There are a lot of ideas and complaints but no one can be found. Sharing, as for Tokizaki Kakuzo, she was not very interested.

Although Ye Fu doesn't mind being alone, after all, a person has his own benefits, but sometimes he still wants to share his happiness with like-minded friends.

"Left! Hit the left!"

"Hurry up and eat that supply, so that our odds of winning will increase!"

"No! Someone is coming!"

"It's okay, let me solve him!"


On this seat, Ye Fu and Benjo Erya each held a handheld game console in their hands, shouting constantly. Although the game is in a fierce battle, the two also know that they are in public, so their voices are also different. Controlled, did not cause other people's dissatisfaction.

Just when Ye Fu and Benjo Erya were in a dark scene together, the clerk of this barbecue restaurant unknowingly appeared several new faces.

"Very good, just solve it like this!"

"Small problem, the rule of victory has been decided. Look at my up and down ABABA, the super kill is launched!"

As Ye Fu shouted, Ben Tiao Erya showed a triumphant smile on his face, and quickly pressed the button on the game console with two fingers.

We win!

"Won × 2!"

With such words and the background music of victory, the smiles of Ye Fu and Erya Honjo, their tight nerves relaxed.

"The game technology is not bad."

"Of course, in addition to painting, I also have a bit of confidence in games."

For Ye Fu's praise, Erya generously accepted this article. In addition to his own magical operations, the game just now was also thanks to his teammate, otherwise it would not be possible to win so early.

"The game is here for the first time, let's start to make barbecue."

Ye Fu glanced at the meat and drinks placed on the table for him and Benjo Erya. These items had been delivered just now, but because both of them were addicted to the game, there was no time to get them. .

"Oh, hurry up! My belly is starting to scream."

Honjo Erya looked at the raw meat on the snow-white plate and said eagerly.


Ye Fu put down the game console in his hand and turned on the fire device under the grill pan. After the plate was heated, he picked up the container with oil and poured it into an appropriate amount. When the oil heated up, put slices of raw meat into the grill pan. Then there was a sound.

"Done yet?"

"Wait a minute."

Hearing Erya’s urging from Ben Tiao, Ye Fu turned the food in the baking tray with the tongs in his hand, and answered her in his mouth. After a while, he sprinkled some of the seasoning on the table on the ready to cook. On the barbecue, then continue to flip.

"Isn't it okay? I'm not good anymore!"

Eyes staring straight at the roasted meat in the baking tray, with the smell of meat entwined in his nose, Honjo Erya felt that he had reached the limit, he had to press...No!What do I want to press?

"Okay, go ahead."

While Erya was still thinking about why this sentence came out in her mind, Ye Fu, who was in charge of the barbecue, said the words she had been waiting for. Regardless of the question she was still thinking about, he picked up the chopsticks and quickly removed it from the baking tray. Pick up a piece of fragrant barbecue and dip it into a bowl of some kind of sauce, ignoring the heat of the barbecue itself and stuff it directly into your mouth.

"Candy number! So greedy! So hot!"

Honjo Erya, who had just put the barbecue into her mouth, had no time to taste the taste, her eyes suddenly opened, and then she shouted vague words.

"It's not a kid, it's necessary to be so anxious."

Seeing that Erya Honjo wanted to spit out the grilled meat in his mouth, Ye Fu couldn't help laughing, and then he focused on the grilled meat. Although he won't be hungry, he still has appetite. of.

Pick up the barbecue with chopsticks, dip it in the sauce, and slowly taste it in your mouth. His physique is enough to ignore the high temperature, so the barbecue that makes Honjo Erya feel hot only feels warm in his mouth. As for the taste In the case of his cooking skills for nine years, it is delicious if he doesn't talk about it.

"It's delicious, I didn't expect Fu You's barbecue technique to be so good... delicious... really delicious..."

Here, Benjo Erya finally swallowed the piece of barbecue in her mouth, her eyes couldn't help but shine, praised Ye Fu and then continued to sandwich other barbecue slices, learning the lesson just now, she would blow it before eating. Then he put it in his mouth, chewing and showing a big smile on his face.

Ye Fu’s compliment is acquiesced by putting a few slices of raw meat on the baking tray when there is free space, and turning it over to add seasonings from time to time, while Erya in this article is responsible for eating it. Anyway, she will not bake it. These pieces of meat might as well let professional people come.

In this yakiniku restaurant, the two sat in their seats and slowly enjoyed the Akihabara barbecue lunch.


While Ye Fu and Benjo Erya were eating barbecue, new customers walked in from the door of the barbecue restaurant, and the waiter led the way down to the empty seats.

"Hey? Isn't this Mr. Ye Fu and Miss Ben Tiao?"

"You guys have lunch here too, what a coincidence!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, causing Ye Fu, who were still eating the barbecue, and Honjo Erya to focus on the owner of that voice.

Chapter 174 The Five Rivers of the Raiders Again

Hearing someone shouting their name, Ye Fu and Ben Tiao Erya looked over and found that this person was not the Wuhe Shidao they had met before.

"It's a coincidence that I met again."

Wuhe Shidao stood beside the two, with a smile on his face, and said hello.

Although Wuhe Shidao said it was a coincidence, Ye Fu felt that his smile seemed a little reluctant, and then looked around the shop calmly, and found that the clerk of this barbecue restaurant did not know when there were a few more. Familiar faces.

Yes, they are familiar faces. Not far away are Mura Yu Lingyin and Wuheqin in the uniform of the clerk. Although the waiter who leads the protagonist does not know the name, he also has a familiar feeling. , It should be a member of Latatosk.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fu couldn't help but think of the scene in which Shixiang, the god of night swordsman, was being attacked. At that time, it was not the members of Latatosk who were assisting and supporting, but now it was replaced by the second sub.

"It's a coincidence indeed, Wuhe Boy."

When no one noticed it, Ye Fu returned his gaze, and Ye Fu also responded, but Ben Tiao Erya focused on the barbecue with a glance. It is not important for strangers to have barbecue.

"I'm sorry, our shop is full. Would you like to join this customer if you don't mind?"

At this moment, the waitress who was suspected of being a member of Latatosk asked Ye Fu apologetically.

Following the waiter's words, a bunch of people immediately squeezed in from the gate, filling up the empty seats one after another, and the store suddenly had no empty seats.

Hey Hey hey!This is too fake, you just come to someone as soon as you finish. Isn't this insulting my IQ?

Looking at the bunch of strangers who were full of seats, Ye Fu's mouth twitched a little, and he couldn't help but vomit.