I am invincible in the second dimension with my XX power

With XX ability, I am invincible in the second dimension Chapter 386

The girl really wanted to know everything about her life, and at the same time, she hoped that the relationship between Ye Fu and Yakumo Zi would not be froze for her own sake. In the words of an adult, she wanted everything.

Whether it is memory or the relationship between the three, Xixing Temple You Yuko said that none of them are indispensable.

When she first got acquainted with Ye Fu, she did not take the other person too much in her heart. Even if she was a younger brother approved by a friend, Youyouzi of Xixing Temple had her own considerations, and it was impossible to dig her heart out as soon as she met.

In the following, the relationship between Ye Fu and Xixingji Youyuzi did slowly change from unfamiliar to familiar. In addition to the factor that the youth is Yakumo Zi’s cheap brother, there was also no trouble between the two parties during the period. Whatever things, it can be said that every time we get along is very peaceful.

Ye Fu didn't say anything. If he had a salty character, he wouldn't take the initiative to make trouble if he didn't have to, and Xixingsi Youyouzi is not the kind of person who is difficult to get along with and has nostrils in the sky.

So two people who are relatively quiet and do not actively make troubles stay together. It seems normal to get along with each other peacefully. In addition, Ye Fu knows that Xixingsi Youyouzi likes to eat, so when he is bored, he will play a wave of food play to increase the so-called Of goodwill.

The Yuyuko of the Xixing Temple who was thrown into the food did indeed change his impression of Ye Fu, so that he became a good friend now, although it was still not as good as Yayunzi, but she was still considered a person she recognized.

If Ye Fu needs her help, Xixingsi Youyouzi will help, but in the past, young people didn't need a girl, but now the situation is just the opposite.

Because Ye Fu took the risk of being killed by Yakumo Zihammer and friends to solve the problem that Xixingsi Youyouzi had been troubled by, so her favorability for the former had been stagnant for a long time began to rise again.

Xixingsi Youyouzi, who didn't want Ye Fu and Yakumozi to be stiff, naturally said that he would push him hard, after all, the final beneficiary of this incident was himself.

If it's just a stranger or someone who is not salty or indifferent, Xixingsi Youyouzi will most likely not pay attention to this matter again, but Ye Fu, a friend, she can't ignore.

"Then please."

"Appear, ."

After pinning his hopes on Youyouzi of Xixing Temple, Ye Fu summoned an omniscient angel. Since he wants to understand the girl's life, this ability is the most suitable.

Ye Fu knows only a little bit about it, all from the settings on the Internet. It's okay to chat with people surfing the Internet about the settings, but the current situation cannot be so perfunctory.

After all, the setting is setting. You can’t take it seriously. Xixing Temple Youyouzi needs to understand that the talisman is not the online setting, but the truth comes from everything before his death. Ye Fu doesn’t know how much ousianpian can display, but it is reliable. Absolutely high.

As he used the , I saw a huge book with a cross floating in front of him, and then automatically turned the page without wind and made a slight sound. Xixingji Yuyuko stayed quietly, now she only Just wait.

There was no time for the girl to wait too long. It was just that the page flipped in the past few seconds stopped. There were a lot of text on the information retrieval page. Xixingji Youyuko looked at these text curiously.

It's just that she, who is not the owner of the message, even if she searches for all the words she has learned in her mind, but still can't find the corresponding, the girl has to turn her eyes to the Ye Fu next to her.

"Don't worry, I'll read it to you right away."

Noting Xixingsi Youyouzi's gaze asking for help, Ye Fu calmed down and looked at the information sought by Peggaopiangu.

After probably understanding some content first, he picked some more important things, and then told the girl her own deeds in a story mode.

Chapter 474 Go to see the living You Yuzi

"Is this the era before You Yuko was alive?"

"It doesn't seem to be different."

The Ye Fu that suddenly appeared, looked up at the blue sky and the heat-emitting sun, and then looked down at where he was. After looking for a while, everything seemed normal.

At this time, he seemed to be staying in a barren mountain and ridge, where there was no grass, no healthy green, the bumpy road was not as smooth as modern times, and there seemed to be no trace of biological activity, giving the youth a sense of desolation and death.

However, Ye Fu's keen sense of smell and vision, he perceives unusual places, the air exudes a faint smell of stench, and a dozen kilometers away from here on his upper left, it shows unnatural potholes and the land. Traces of turning.

Standing in place, Ye Fu concentrated his eyesight, and then saw a human remains lying nearby.

Observing the wreck carefully, the young man found that it was a middle-aged man who had lost his lower body and all kinds of internal organs fell outside. The white hunting clothes and haori worn on his body were contaminated by most of the dust, and a damaged black top The cap fell beside him.

Judging from the traces, it seemed that something had been bitten by something. The dim eyes and corpse spots on the body were enough to prove that this person was dead, and it was still a while.

"The previous era looked equally uneasy."

After discovering this dead body, Ye Fu probably understood that this place was not a safe place, and the seeming silence might contain a fatal crisis.

Ye Fu's gaze didn't stay on the wreckage for too long, because there was a new change that attracted his attention, the originally calm ground swayed vigorously, and he sensed that there was a biological aura in the ground moving quickly.

Ye Fu did not wait for too long. Along with the dust and noise, a spider the size of a bus emerged from the ground. The whole body was pitch-black. There were nearly twenty eyes in front of his head, and the bottom was like pliers. His mouth has no hair on the body surface, instead of a hard thing similar to the armor structure.

This spider, who seemed to be ugly, stared all his eyes at the small Ye Fu not far away, and released his cold malice, and the air suddenly became heavy.

"Look at what I found, a human being alone!"

"We can try..."

An unpleasant but hoarse voice came from this spider's mouth, and it seemed that Ye Fu was a prey that could be preyed on.

"Shut up, there is no part of your role here!"

Ye Fu, who was staring at his prey, didn't bother to deal with this kind of monster that looked like a dragon, not to mention that there was business to do in this era, and time could not be wasted here.

Without giving the giant spider a chance to finish speaking, Ye Fu raised his right hand, which had already squeezed his fist. With a strong wave from the air, a violent shock wave was formed instantly, and then he beat the giant spider to the point where there was no scum left.

The monster who had just appeared on the stage was declared dead with a simple blow by Ye Fu, and the ground within the range of the blow was all turned over. The huge movement quickly stopped, leaving a trail that was several hundred meters long. The huge gully.

In this deserted mountain and ridge, even if there is a big disturbance, it will not affect or attract the attention of others, so Ye Fu doesn't need to worry about anything, not to mention that the other party has murderous intent on him as soon as he comes out.

Solving the giant spider's leaf talisman effortlessly, his face was full of plain expressions, and the monsters that suddenly appeared were not worth paying attention to.

Ye Fu, who didn’t care about the episode, opened a gap in front of him. Just as he was about to go in, he suddenly stopped again. After thinking about it for a moment, he removed the gap. His figure disappeared instantly, leaving only the gully and The wreckage in the distance.

The girl is explaining...

There was a reason why Ye Fu appeared here instead of staying with Youyouzi of Xixing Temple.

Through the content on the , Xixingsi Youyouzi slowly learned about his life, but because the content seemed to be too much, Ye Fu did not fully translate it, and some of the above descriptions were too detailed.

This caused the privacy of Xixing Temple Youyouzi to be exposed to Ye Fu's eyes. He immediately skipped it when he saw such content. Fortunately, the girl didn't know the text of the confession, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

The purpose of using the is to let the other party understand his own affairs, and if he is misunderstood as a voyeur, Ye Fu has to call the wrong one, and one Yakumo Zi of the voyeur is enough.

In short, after understanding part of his own affairs, the things that Xixingji Youyouzi lacked in his heart finally began to be satisfied, but at the same time a new problem was created, that is, a sense of isolation.

After all, Xixingji Youyuko has no memory, not lost it. Even if she knows the content of her lifetime, she understands it as a third party, and she doesn't feel much about being substituted.

Just like a person with amnesia, even if his family tells him what happened before the amnesia, the former cannot immediately substitute himself in, after all, there is a sense of isolation in his heart.

Even if what Ye Fu said is indeed in line with her personality, it is a pity that Xixing Temple Youyouzi doesn't have much sense of substitution. If you want to compare it, you probably feel that you are watching a movie with a person with the same name and personality.

It's not that the girl didn't try to imagine the protagonist in the story as herself, but the final effect was not satisfactory, and the situation did not change much compared to before.

If it’s just amnesia, then there will always be some fragments in the mind. As long as you encounter something that is more profound, there will always be a little related memory. But it is difficult to do without memory, whether it is verbal or taking me to those The places that leave a deep impression are not very useful.

Similar to a pick-up hand, the brain cells that store memories are hit by the light feathers of Long Tucao, causing cell death, and the related memories can no longer be recalled.

Although the two causes of "amnesia" are different, the results are actually the same. There is also no lost part of the memory in the brain, and trying to recall is just futile.

Xixingji Youyuko, who encountered new problems, did not intend to go deeper. She was already satisfied to know what had been concealed. Even if there was a gap in her heart, it might be fine to try to adapt.