I am invincible in the second dimension with my XX power

With the XX ability, I am invincible in the second dimension Chapter 406

This article Erya knows that the time lapse between the world and the world is different. The time on this side is much slower than the other side. Through this time difference, Ye Fu and Yayunlan get along more and more, not to mention the opponent’s race. And body is also the enemy.

Categorizing these points, Erya felt that this was definitely a big crisis. Her progress in scoring Ye Fu was indeed higher than that of Yakumolan. After all, she had intimate physical contact and several kisses, but it seemed not enough.

Ye Fu hadn't noticed it now, and the Eight Cloud Blue had only shown signs. If there were no surprises, the two sides would definitely not develop.

But even so, Erya still has to be cautious, if something accident happens someday, it will definitely be too late.

Whether she likes it, hugs, or kisses, she came first, so why should she give it to the latecomer.

If Yakumoran earnestly attacked Ye Fu, he might surpass herself in a short period of time in terms of progress. When the time comes, the two will show their affection, and she will eat dog food alone. This is not the ending that Benjo Erya wants.

This is a trial!

A trial that allows me to defeat a powerful enemy. Only by defeating the enemy in front of me can I grow and gain something.

It seems that because of Yakumolan, Benjo Erya had various thoughts in his heart, and even in the end, the whole person began to become excited, and Ye Fu and others on the side noticed.

"Er Ya, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Xian, who was closer, gently pushed Honjo Erya, and she could easily feel the girl's shortened wavelength, who could control the wavelength. This sign represented the emotional upsurge of the other party.


Benjo Erya blinked because of external forces. She saw Yayunlan who she considered her arch enemy, Ye Fu who was about to attack, and Ling Xian beside her, with three doubtful eyes focused on her side.

"No, nothing."

"I just thought of something."

Honjo Erya scratched her cheek and gave a vague answer. She can't tell Yakumolan as a love rival, even if she says she can't be in her own face, otherwise she didn't deliberately remind the other party. .

Ye Fu didn't care too much when he heard this. Erya didn't want to say in this article, then forget it. Anyway, as long as there is no danger involved, it may not be a major event.

Time passed, and soon it was night, and the red pupils and black pupils who went to school also came back. When they saw the sisters Yakumolan, they welcomed them. They were not as resistant as Honjo Erya.

If Ling Xian is the role of the big sister next door, and Honjo Erya is an unreliable elder, then Yakumo Lan gives people a warm feeling, probably half a mother.

Because Chitong and Heitong are Ye Fu's daughters, Yauyunlan of Aiwu and Wu will naturally not be indifferent to them. When they are familiar with Lingxian, she will also come here to help take care of them.

It is for this reason that the red pupil and the black pupil have a high degree of affection for Yakumolan, which is much higher than that for Yakumozi.

In this room, apart from being regarded as love rivals by the second Adam of Honjo and Lingxian who just met today, the remaining three people have a good impression of Yakumolan. She and Ye Fu are friends, and Chitong He and Heitong are half daughters.

Yakumolan's observation ability is not weak, Ling Xian will not say it, Honjo Erya can feel the faint resistance of the other party, as for the reason, she has caught a little bit.

Thinking of that possibility, Yakumolan's heart beats a bit faster. The first time she encountered this kind of thing, she was not very clear about what to do. She might find the answer by herself, and she might go to other people for help. , Or maybe go with the flow.

"Fu, let's go on a date tomorrow!"

Ye Fu, who was resting in his room, heard such words as the door of the room opened in Wanshi's room at night.

Chapter 500: Yakumolan Who Worries About Dating

What a leisurely day...

Yakumolan, who was sitting on the dining table and chair in the Wanshi House, sipped a sip of warm tea, feeling so emotionally, after the rest of last night and the necklace that Ye Fu gave before, all the fatigue accumulated on her body disappeared.

Yakumolan felt that thanks to the effect of this necklace, she might do irrational behaviors to vent because of excessive stress in a workload that would kill people.

Speaking of it, Ye Fu once accidentally mentioned the naked sky fox in front of Yakuunlan, but he quickly stopped when he had reacted. Now because of the necklace, the leisurely girl can't help but recall this trivial matter. .

Yakumolan once asked curiously, but it was a pity that Ye Fu concealed it but did not answer. This made her wonder what the so-called naked sky fox is a monster, but because she felt the malice in this name, she didn’t really want to contact. .

Yefu brought back things related to Gensokyo from the World of Fire and Mist. In addition to Yakumo Ultraviolet, Yakumolan naturally followed, but this version of Gensokyo was different from the original version due to Yefu’s intervention.

The larger one is like Gensokyo becoming a fantasy world, from a piece of land to a world, while the smaller one is like Yakumoran’s malicious title. Because of the necklace, she will also be able to do so in the future. No decompression by taking off clothes.

Of course, Gensokyo’s version is definitely more than this. The world is tens of thousands and countless. The Gensokyo information circulating in some worlds must have the original version, and even other different versions.

Ye Fu didn't think that only he was special, there must be people who passed through, but he hadn't encountered it yet.

In the morning, there was a bit of noise on the street outside, but the room seemed quiet. Chi and Hei were still going to school on time, enjoying their youth, while Ling Xian was still in his room because of some things. Ye Fu and Ben Tiao Erya...

"What is it like to date?"

"How does it feel to be with someone you like?"

Thinking of Ye Fu and Benjo Erya, who had gone out early in the morning, and Yakumolan who had a clear concept of dating, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that they didn't understand their feelings.

According to her understanding, dating is a form of appointment. First set a time and place, wait until that day comes, and then go to the agreed place with the agreed person, and then proceed with the activities of that day.

If you bring the element of love, then it is part of the human courtship activity. Through conversations to understand each other and find out the so-called degree of cooperation, you can use it as a test and choose whether you can be a spouse and whether you can reproduce Offspring.

To put it sweetly, it is to enjoy the beauty of love during dating. Both men and women will feel happiness and heartbeat because of interaction, and at the same time cultivate and consolidate the relationship between both parties.

All of the above are Yakumoran's simple summary of dating content. She is naturally not low in EQ, who is able to take care of others. The reason why she is confused about dating is probably because she has not personally experienced the heartbeat and happiness between lovers. She is not very imaginable. .

If we say happiness, Yakumoran will have a faint sense of happiness when we get along with people with good relationships.

He served for a long time, and sometimes he always bullied himself, and only got along for a few years, but because of the various things that happened during the period, the Ye Fu quickly increased his feelings, Yakumolan will feel this way, as for other people directly Be in the back.

With regard to the heartbeat, Yakumolan thought about it carefully, and when she ruled out Yakumozi's past intimidation behavior later, she found that only Ye Fu seemed to be in line with it.

Staying with Ye Fu is very warm and calm, and once you realize your intimate behavior, your heartbeat is indeed faster than usual.

Yakumoran imagined what happened inadvertently before. Although there was no change on the surface, her heart rate was faster than before. Then she thought of the young man and Nijo Honjo doing intimate actions outside, and her heart suddenly became a little blocked. feel.

"This feeling... jealous or unbalanced?"

Yakumoran's right hand was holding the part of her heart, with a puzzled expression on her face. Even the tail behind her seemed to become a question mark. Even if she understands the knowledge between men and women, she who is used to thinking rationally may take time. get conclusion.

"...Just for now."

After thinking about it for a while, Ba Yunlan decided to give up thinking about this question for the time being. If she couldn't find the answer in the future, she might go to Ye Fu to ask for help. She touched the necklace that hadn't left her body through her clothes. This was what she planned.

"Today's sunshine is really good, it's suitable for caring the tail,"

Yu Guang glanced at the balcony covered by a layer of golden sunlight, and then looked at the nine furry, bright-colored tails behind him. Yakumolan decided to take care of his tail at this time.

As I said before, because I have been busy for a long time, the tail has not been taken care of for a long time. Now I am free and the weather is still so good. Yakumolan believes that this time is definitely the best time to do this kind of thing.

Yayunlan, who wanted to do it, stood up from the chair. She remembered Ye Fu telling herself yesterday that there was a hair conditioner in his room, which was a gift he planned to give to herself.

It’s just that because Ye Fu hasn’t had time to come back recently, today Ye Fu was pulled out by Erya of this article again, so it was delayed until now, but it’s not bad, and there is no need for so much trouble if the Eight Cloud Blue people are here. .

When Yakumoran left the dining room and walked towards the resting room, Lingxian, who had been in his room, just walked out.

"Miss Yakumo, what are you?"