I am invincible in the second dimension with my XX power

With XX ability, I am invincible in the second dimension Chapter 467

No way!No way!Can't let him find out!

To enjoy, you have to wait until you succeed!

Zhucheng Zhenjian, who worked hard to control her expression, suppressed the fluctuating emotions in her heart. She didn't want to be warned by the other party before the plan was implemented. Although the current situation is not too good, there will always be that opportunity.

Since Ye Fu had a bad feeling about herself, Zhenjian Zhucheng didn't mind taking advantage of this. Lies and scams had always been her right and left hands, and many interesting things were done through them.

I have to say that it is super fun to watch others fall into the trap according to their own ideas. No matter how many times they taste it, they won’t get tired of it. Her whole body is made of a bad substance. .

"It would be great if I could also have this ability."

"You said I can have this ability? Can you tell me? I really want such a doll."

Zhenjian, who had a series of plans in her heart, asked the trouble of building a city. She didn't rush forward, but stood obediently, not only Ye Fu was observing, but she also observed the youth from the beginning.

From the previous performance, he figured out Ye Fu's general character. Zhucheng Zhenjian knew how bad she was to treat others, and it was normal for the other party to be disgusted during the communication, but she still went her own way.

From another point of view, this behavior is not a supplementary method. Zhenjian Zhucheng never minds her behavior. He has to ask why. Of course, she always feels satisfied with each development. Therefore, it is not necessary to release herself when it is unnecessary. Get in the way.

"Brother, just tell me, I promise with my personality that no outsiders will know about it!"

"How's that? Don't you worry?"

"No way, as long as you are willing to tell me, let the charming Xiao Zhenjian do anything~"

"If your heart beats, act quickly. If you miss this village, there will be no shop!"

While speaking, he cast a wink at Ye Fu. Zhucheng Zhenjian saw that the corner of the target's eyes was twitching because of the emotional fluctuations in his heart, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth rose again.

"Please! I really mean it!"

"Brother Ye Fu, don't hide, can I get your doll!"

"Can the doll Sang come behind me? I also want such a doll with a sense of security."

"As a weak woman, I have someone peeping in the dark all the time. The consciousness to protect myself is a must."

Feeling the violent atmosphere of the air, Zhucheng Zhenjian couldn't help but feel scared, but a certain kind of distorted pleasure in her heart rapidly increased, knowing that the plan was approaching the end of success.

"Hurry up!"

"Tell me quickly!"

"Your doll... can you give it to me?"

The expression on the whole face has been distorted into a certain degree of fortification. I don’t know the number of times that similar words are repeated, but she does not seem to stop at all. It seems that a certain time is ripe, she should not say it intentionally. The last sentence.

As if to make people pay attention to the end, deliberately emphasize the tone to achieve the effect of emphasis.

"It's so noisy! You mother-in-law!"

"Give up! Impossible! Don't even think about it!"

Ye Fu, who hadn't paid attention to him since just now, couldn't help it anymore, and he shouted with an impatient look.

He had never encountered such a long-winded woman before, it was like hundreds of ducks surrounding him constantly making noises. If Zhencheng Zhenjian dared to make a noise, Ye Fu vowed to absolutely throw it into the gap. It will not be released unless it is closed for ten days and half a month.

Don't think that the gap is safe without your own deliberate manipulation. Treating things hidden in the dark by outsiders will be treated in an extremely impressive way. Life is better than death is the best adjective.

Chapter 571 Want to play?can!

"Ahhh~ It's pretty rude to call a lady a mother-in-law."

"If you know that keeping grudges is a girl's nature, Xiao Zhenjian and I am no exception."

Facing Ye Fu’s angry shout, Zhucheng Zhenjian gently stepped back a few steps, as if the luminous vertical pupil had formed two crescents, and the twisted nature of his body became worse, even an ordinary person could feel it. What's wrong.

"For Ye Fu's impolite behavior, a small punishment must be given."

"Your little doll betrayed because of your behavior, just like it is now~"

"The lies of lies, this can instantly reverse the pros and cons."

The weird ending sentence seemed to have changed between Zhucheng Zhenjian and Ye Fu with the sound of the right hand. The place that ordinary people could not explore was caused by the former's behavior.

Ye Fu, who was too lazy to hear the noise again, was about to cut a gap and throw the Zhenjian fortification into it, suddenly he felt an inexplicable force appearing and tried to tamper with something of himself.

The sudden power surprised Ye Fu, but at the moment the power was applied to him, the silent golden fingers boiled quickly like hot oil encountering cold water, and three of the four core abilities were activated, copying the external power and strengthening it. , The nature of evolution prevents it from being affected by the second time.

While gaining the enhanced version's ability, a bunch of memories appeared in his mind, and a trace of Ye Fu's eyes flashed clearly in the eyes of the originally puzzled Ye Fu, and the look of danger surging in the depths little by little.

Ye Fu, who understood what was going on, looked straight at the True Mirror of Fortification in front of him. He didn't expel the external power, but allowed to change.

The seemingly long mental activity actually takes less than a second outside.

Suddenly thinking of what to do, Ye Fu quietly waited for the future development. In the eyes of outsiders, the world behind the young man floated to Zhucheng Zhenjian without reluctance, as if she was the mainstay.

Zhucheng Zhenjian did not show a trace of strangeness, his face was full of unpleasant twisted smiles, Ye Fu, who felt that he was disconnected from the substitute, didn't care, neither panicked nor questioned the person in front of him.

"how is it going?"

"Is it the same as Xiao Zhenjian said, your little doll has betrayed you!"

"This punishment is great! Even if you don't have this, you can live on. I will always cheer you up!"

"Come on! Come on! Work hard!"

The things going on were more convenient than expected. Zhenjian Zhucheng was very happy in his heart. He shouted in an exaggerated tone. Two rows of sharp teeth were clearly exposed outside. It seemed to be for Ye Fu's sake, but in reality, everyone could see her. Is stimulating Ye Fu.

Using his unique ability, Zhucheng Zhenjian took Ye Fu's stand-in as his own, and the Ye Fu was deceived infinitely. This is the name of the ability.

Using scams and lies as a medium, the holder asks questions to others. Once the questioned person denies the question, the negated question will be turned into reality, falsehood will become true, and the original cause and effect will be reversed.

Just like the fact that Zhucheng Zhenjian proposed whether he could have the world as a substitute, he denied it as the questioned Ye Talisman, so that the conditions for the use of this ability were met, and then he was able to distort reality by inciting cause and effect.

In the case of unequal information, encountering this kind of ability can be said to be quite tricky. After all, few people would think that the use of language to distort reality will easily fall into the opponent step by step under the deceit of Zhucheng Zhenjian. In the trap.

Ordinary people will be surprised or even panicked if their ability to survive is taken away. Some people who cannot accept it will lose their minds and become impulsive, especially those who value power very importantly.

However, for the Ye Fu of the person concerned, it was only the loss of one ability, which was nothing at all. One ability was exchanged for another ability, and with additional information, he undoubtedly earned a bit more than the other party, not to mention that this is still the case of the youth's willingness.


"and then?"

Looking at the city building Zhenjian that looked like a clown jumping beam, there was no wave on Ye Fu's face. He had the confidence to consume the other party to the end. After all, the humanoid repository was not a joke.

Once you know the ability of Zhenjian for building a city, it is easy to defeat her. Yanye Infinite Deception is very powerful, but there is also an obvious weakness, the preconditions are too troublesome.