I am invincible in the second dimension with my XX power

With XX ability, I am invincible in the second dimension Chapter 530

There is no Shi Ding of Sen Luo Wanxiang and Shangri-La's space teleportation, he still has Shi Ding of the world and Shi Ding of Ke Ke Di, and there are gaps in space movement to replace, and in general there is no loss at all.

"In order to prevent Erya from over-consuming, you should stop it when you release it now."

Ye Fu glanced at the world stopped by Sen Luo Wanxiang. It seemed to be no different from the time he used. However, the energy maintained by Erya in this article is not the same as his own, and the scope of the time stop is not as good as the world.

"Well, I will try."

Honjo Erya nodded, and then thought of the idea of ​​canceling inwardly, only to see that the static situation outside began to turn again, and the monotonous gray-white color returned.

"Stopping and teleporting are for Erya to save your life."

"Just give you another ability to deal with danger."

Ye Fu turned a blind eye to the recovered scene, he didn't plan to stop, but continued.

"No, these two are enough."

Benjo Erya shook her head quickly. She really felt that she didn't need it anymore. Without saying that she put aside the shelter of the world in her current state, she could completely kill her before, even silently.

"is it?"

"That's really a pity."

Ye Fu is indeed a bit regretful, he still wants to give that big killer to Ben Tiao Erya.

"I am simply curious, what abilities do you plan to return to me?"

Thinking that Ye Fu gave these two great gifts to herself without heartache, curiosity urged Ben Tiao Erya to ask, even the time, space, and cause and effect all jumped out. She wanted to know what else there would be.

"It's nothing, it's just a dimensional blow that is the same as the strength of the world."

"Able to make three-dimensional things into two-dimensional, commonly known as paper man."

Ye Fu said with a flat expression that made Erya feel a heart shock. The dimensional attack is not inferior to the time-based ability. It is not up to him to decide if he wants to kill or cut the enemy into paper.

Just like those incomparably powerful characters in comics, if there is no way to break through the dimension, they are not solved by outsiders in a simple way.

"Such a terrifying ability, are you really willing?!"

Erya in this article can't believe it, the ability to send is not like that, right? Each is a force among the best.

"I don't want you to have trouble, because I like Erya very much."

Ye Fu couldn't help but smile as he talked. Even though it looked like a normal smile, it made people know that he didn't lie.

"...I do the same...like it."

Suddenly by Ye Fu's words, Ben Tiao Erya's face blushed in less than a few seconds, and her shy emotions instantly replaced all of her heart. The crimson that appeared along with the roots of her ears and her entire body were infested.

Then the slowly moist blue pupils reflected the figure in front of him, with a fast beating heart, Benjo Erya couldn't help but cling to the leaf talisman, and after two or three seconds, he looked at each other with a flushed face a little closer.

The next moment the lips and the lips fit together, from slow to eagerness, the desire in my heart wants to be vented to the full, both of you are in the initiative, you come and me, there is no idea of ​​retreat, it is imaginative The voice faintly sounded.

"You...what are you doing!"

When the air seemed to turn pink and Ye Fu and Honjo Erya enjoyed the loving interaction between lovers, a cold and unbelievable voice came from the living room.

I saw Ben and Yakumo Zi staying in the room to study, and Mooreumeng, who would only appear after eating, stood here and witnessed the scene in the living room at this time.

Chapter 644: Friends and Girlfriends

The sudden voice interrupted Ye Fu and Honjo Erya. The bodies hugging each other were shocked, and the wet tongues entangled with each other stopped. Two pairs of blurred eyes couldn't help looking at the sound. The location of the source.

I saw the people in Miu Lingmeng standing sluggishly outside the living room, their delicate faces with various complicated expressions such as surprise, anger, disbelief, and doubt, as well as the slightest air-conditioning.

The atmosphere between Ye Fu and Ben Tiao Erya slowly disappeared when I was hit by the misfortune of Lingmeng. A little embarrassment rose in the hearts of the two waking up. When their warm lips parted, they pulled out a crystal clear silver wire. , And then broke apart from the middle.

Honjo Erya, with flushing face and a little sweat oozing from her nose, panted lightly, then buried her head directly in Ye Fu's arms. Her open face was only shown to young people. Girls with outsiders would still be shy, especially. This kind of intimacy is seen under the circumstances.

It's like publishing the dark history to the public, and Erya in this article decided to leave the rest to Ye Fu to solve, as long as he stayed quietly in his arms.

"Ahem, why did you come out?"

Seeing Ben Tiao Erya who was pretending to be an ostrich, she could only rely on her own Ye Fu to cough a few times to dissipate the embarrassing atmosphere, and then asked Mi Lingmeng who suddenly broke in.

"In fact, we proposed to come over."

"Just now we sensed that Xiao Fu had a residual time fluctuation on your side, so we came over and took a look. The result..."

Yakumo Zi, who came out from the side, squinted her eyes and replied, with a smile at the corner of her mouth, which made people feel that she was interested in what happened now.

According to the previous daily routine, Yakumo Zi and Miu Lingmeng did not come out until they had a meal, but they noticed a little trace after stopping Erya just now.

As the administrator of Gensokyo, Yakumo Zi, needless to say, no one can match her in control of the world except for Ye Fu, and even if people of the rank of Reimu are affected, they can detect it. Not coordinated.

The most important thing is that Erya does not have the strength of Ye Talisman when using it, so much so that traces of those high-spec or special existences will be found. If Ye Talisman uses the enemy, it will either be immune or know nothing. Whether it is powerful or not depends on the user.

Because I wanted to find out, Meng Lingmeng was also induced by Yakumo Zi, but at this time I didn't know if it was good or bad.

"alright, I got it."

Ye Fu scratched his own hair. He was only spending this short rest time with Ben Tiao Erya. Who knew it would develop into the situation just now, although he also liked the interaction with girls.

"Who are you guys?"

"Why be close to Ye's side!"

The wrinkled Brow Lingmeng ignoring Ye Fu's person, looked straight at Benjo Erya in the arms of the young man. If it weren't for the young man at the scene, she would like to do it directly. She would never hug or kiss. Thought of doing this kind of thing.

Just now I saw the affection between Ye Fu and Erya in this article, Wu Lingmeng didn't know why he felt that his own things had been taken away, and a feeling of possessiveness suddenly grew.

Ben Tiao Erya, who was pretending to be an ostrich, sensed the strong malice, and couldn't take care of her own shyness. She turned her head from Ye Fu's arms and carefully observed the dream of misfortune that seemed to blow up hair, and a hostility emerged naturally.

"Why do you say?"

"Fu is mine."

Ben Tiao Erya grinned and couldn't help holding the leaf talisman tightly with both hands to show the youth's right to belong.

She felt that the girl in front of her, like Yakumoran’s fox, had a deliberate mind. It’s no good not to watch out. Especially both of them belong to the type of face and body, which is undoubtedly more dangerous.

Not to mention whether Ye Fu will be seduced or not, maybe they will start from other aspects, such as sleeping x, medicine x and other images appear in Ben Tiao Erya's mind.

"what did you say!"

"You bastard!"

I didn't know the filthy picture that Erya was thinking of this article, but Wu Lingmeng was stimulated by her straightforward words of proclaiming power, her unhappy eyes flashed with cold light, and her whole person became dangerous.