I am Noble

00393 Boy Friends?

(Note: We have corrected the mislabeling of Carnegie's eldest daughter's name as Casiope the Daughter. My oldest is Katarina, not Casiope.)

News of Carnegie's acquisition of three safe zones hit U.S. stockbrokers. As soon as news came to light, Carnegie's corporations and stakeholders exploded in unison.

There are only four safe zones in the United States. It is first installed in LA, Washington and New York, and in each of the three major cities. The other one is a small installation on a large farm for employee evacuation and has no economic value.

Despite the rainfall demands of installing safety zones around the world, Yeong-woong only installs them once a month. Of course, it installs several at once, but when you look at the number of cities around the world, it has no chin speed.

Moreover, after the CIA's terrorist attacks, the United States has long been out of the safety zone installation rankings. Literally in situations where we don't know when we can make a commitment, it didn't usually mean that Carnegie had the right to install and own three safe zones.

“Rockefellers, you must be heartbroken. ”

“We need to take advantage of this opportunity. This is the perfect opportunity to revive Carnegie. ”

“You said Katarina was in charge of the negotiations? ”

“Your father speaks very highly of Katarina, and the kid, Kickstarter, is in charge. Since we succeeded in eliciting such a big negotiation……. ”

“That can't be right, sister. How can you be the owner of Carnegie with this much? She's just a little girl. ”

There is also a great wind in the power grid inside Carnegie. Although now less than ever, Carnegie's corporation extends across the United States and has tremendous value for its assets. He is the second or third richest person in the United States and the fourth richest person in the United States.

Naturally, there is a fierce competition between relatives within the family. In Saints' eyes, the struggle to inherit more legacy was hot, regardless of age and women.

Seine has your son. The three Katarina sisters are now the children of the eldest who are not dying. The three uncles and their children pushed Katarina out of the way and made way for Saints to see it.

Unlike the Casiope, which is not particularly interested in the municipality of power, the ambitious Katarina did not retreat at all to any of their obstacles.

The Carnegie family itself is a kingdom. A family that can exert enormous influence on the United States and the world. I didn't intend to take that power away from others easily.

‘Yes, you can. ’

Katerina bites Jigsy's lip as she attends the family meeting. It was a meeting to determine how to utilize the three safety zones.

The original family meeting must be greater than or equal to the child of Saint-Amin Carnegie in order to be able to attend. Young people as young as Katarina are not given the opportunity to attend.

However, by acknowledging the achievements of the safe zone itself, Saint-specifically allowed her to participate. It was a great compliment for her.

“How are you?”

Katrina greets her slightly as she enters the meeting. There is still no sign of Saint Carnegie, the head of the family and her grandfather.

Dozens of watchful eyes greet her. None of the Pokémon has an easy target. The adults gathered here were able to say that their status alone included Senators seeking power, CEOs of global corporations, and owners of prominent media companies.

“I heard you did something big this time. That's fantastic."

“Thank you, Little Father. ”

“The deceased brother will be pleased, too. ”

“All thanks to the help of your little father. ”

There were several times when I hid the sword in my tongue. Before the meeting began, the atmosphere of trying to take down the aircraft was tense. I've only been here for a few minutes, but I can't breathe strangely.

Of course, this is a subjugation that determines the direction of a massive family of hundreds of billions of dollars in assets. A place where all the power of Carnegie is determined, and its fierceness is inevitably hot.

Katarina stares at Saints' seat, which is still empty. You can never sit there unless you're under this kind of pressure. She clenches her fist unseen.

“The chairman is here. ”

Saint Carnegie, with four assistants, finally enters the room. Everyone stood up and greeted him. Prior to sitting down, Saints met Katarina blindly.

Katarina swallowed a dry saliva. He's always been a strict and scary grandpa. I feel more nervous because I can't read any faces.

Sitting down, Saint looked around at his children and nephews for a moment and finally opened his mouth.

“What happened to Teresa and Jace's engagement? ”

Originally, the engagement was determined by Saints' coercion for the friendship of the two families. But as Teresa wakes up as a tanker, she becomes virtually unstoppable. Once the tanker wreaks havoc, the mechanical army will have to leave the armed escort to suppress her. How can I dress her in a wedding dress?

It's been a long time since Jace, who had a crush on Teresa, didn't want to get married, but in fact, both families have admitted that he's married.

“I've agreed with Sean Rockefeller that it's time to settle in. Jace says he's almost done with it. ”

“Keep it clean. ”

Teresa is currently sitting in the Janis family. When I talk to Katarina, I also proudly say, 'I am a member of the Janis family.'

The strange thing is that Saints who are famous for being strict don't say much there. So some quick guesses might even try to push Teresa into the assault commander's life as his girlfriend.

A granddaughter who is mentally ill, unruly and uncontrollable because she is a tanker. After all, if you can become the richest woman in the world, the card you tried to throw away will be transformed into a great joker.

Of course, I met Janice's assault commander several times, and Katarina was determined that his expectations would not be fulfilled.

Young-woong is a great patriot. I never fell in love with another woman while dating Jeong Hyojoo. However, Teresa is a member who receives the trust of Yeong-woong and Hyo-Joo Jeong. Is there anything that Saints would want out of that relationship?

“As I said earlier, we will discuss the safety zone rights that Katarina has acquired this time. Start with where is the most efficient setting up of safety zones, and talk about revenue and management and all sorts of other problems. ”

“The Federal Government has offered to negotiate a safe zone selection. There are now many states that are demanding to be installed in their states. In a situation like this, if we unilaterally choose a city, we fear that we will be repressed in an unselected state. Father."

“That's a good point. ”

“I would like to place an open bid for a safe zone installation. It's a federal tender. It's all about fair play. Then you won't be able to offend us in an unselected state. ”

“I don't think it should be too much trouble. You don't have to deal with those who complain about not being selected. And Carnegie is not that big of a family. I've asked experts to select several candidate cities. We can negotiate individually with our Carnegie's most profitable cities to get the best possible conditions. ”

“I think……. ”

Everyone had a variety of opinions. The location of the safety zone, as well as the careful part of the selection process, opened their mouths considering how to maximize Carnegie's profits.

Seine nods occasionally and keeps listening. With an endless variety of opinions, Katarina was unable to find a way to intervene. As soon as she tried to say something, everyone would intrigue her and interrupt her, as if she were negotiating.

I don't know how many times I've been pushed to comment. But Katarina didn't give up, she waited for an opportunity.


When Sainte summoned her, her relatives kept their mouths shut. Everyone's gaze was directed at her.

“Yes, Grandfather. ”

“Did you have something in mind? ”

“I……. ”

“That's it. I don't want to hear it. ”

Catarina's legs tremble with contempt. Yes, of course, and the scorned gaze of the elders of my relatives fell all over me like a dancer.

“I'll give you one safe zone. ”

At that moment, Katarina doubted her ears. When I looked up in surprise, I could see the frightened faces of my relatives. Maybe he heard it wrong.

“Yes?! ”

“No, Father! What do you mean! ”

“Please reconsider! Big Daddy!"

“How could you give such a huge fortune to Katarina! ”

Saints who were listening silently shook their hands lightly. The children who were likely to cause a riot kept their mouths shut reflexively.

“A member who raises a ball for his family will, of course, inherit more wealth. Katarina's accomplishments are worth the reward. No objections ”

Katarina was strangled at the moment. He didn't need to hear his own thoughts, which meant he had to take his own.

* * *

- Get it, get it!

Outside the nest, Tristina cries loudly. However, no matter how much you cry, Brownie doesn't show up. It was more frustrating.

How could you do this? You'd rather have a nasty brown feather than a pure white feather?

If you go into the nest, you will definitely see that kind face. Tristina is crying tirelessly out there, screaming for more than Brownie.

― Kuaaaak!

You hear Brownie's cry. But the direction is up?

Tristina raises her head. A shadow falls over your eyes. Brownie bites the snake-looking beast in her mouth, whether she's been hunting or not.

Tristina brightens her complexion. Oh, he wasn't in there! That's why I didn't come out.

Tristina stops running for Brownie on the ground. I see you've been hunting food. So why two, not one?

One of them is yours, and the other one isn't? This skank wants me to hunt food for him!

He's angry. He's his own man. It is unforgivable, unforgivable and incomprehensible for my father to go hunting for food for other females than himself.

Brownie sets down one snake as if it were to be eaten by Tristina, and the other one enters the nest, door to mouth. No, I tried to get in.

- Take it out!

Tristina tugs at Brownie's tail and tugs. Like I told you not to go in there. Of course, no matter how hard he pulls, he can't withstand Brownie's power.

Brownie sprinkles Tristina and goes inside. The unbalanced Tristina cries out in horror.

A few moments later, Brownie is out again. Tristina stops crying when she sees Brownie. They must have gone in to feed them.

Tristina protests, flapping her wings. Do you like eggs that much? Do you like it that much? Then you can give birth to me too!

Brownie tries to calm down, embarrassed, not knowing what Tristina's up to. I spread my wings, covered my back, and rubbed my neck.

But the more I did, the angrier Tristina got. Why does he keep trying to look at himself as a child? He's made up his mind! They're gonna lay a hundred eggs like that! I'm not a girl anymore!

Tristina turns around. You flatten the boat to the ground and press the tail feather up as hard as you can. He turned his neck and looked back and cried loudly.

Come on, Dad! Come on! Let's make some eggs! as they say.

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Maybe I should make eggs with my brother.