I am the Monarch

< Chapter 4 Battlefield Ghost >


‘It's not the best, but it should be in the next lane. ’

Rose troops are headed just south of the front line.

Unfortunately, it's not the front line where monsters can battle right now, but it's a better position than the east or the north.

‘Besides, this place looks safe now, but it's actually the front line. ’

The idea that the rose army is not on the front lines of the camp will change in just four days.

No one knows yet, but the monsters are marching around the Pedian hospital in the shape of hooves.

‘Their attack begins in the north. ’

That's a pretty good number.

Because of this, the commanders march their main unit north.

This loosens the central faction.

Monsters attack from the west and east, aiming for a loose center as if they were waiting.

‘From that moment on, this place became the front line. ’

Roan grips the window tightly.

‘It's important that this Monster Extermination on the Pedian Plain goes exactly as I remember it. ’

If you come all this way and things happen that are different from what you remember.

His eyes sank calmly.

* * *

It's a relief.

The monster subjugation operation on the Plain of the Pedian was the same without a single error in the past life.

‘It has been three days since the troops' main unit left for the north. ’

If memory serves, a group of monsters will appear in the western and eastern factions tonight.

"If we do this, the outermost of the western and eastern factions will be wiped out. ’

Building a specialty is important, but letting people die is pretty awkward.

‘You must announce the appearance of monsters. ’

The method is simple.

All you have to do is act very simply.

Roan grabs his spear and heads out of the barracks.

“More training? ”

The voice of Squad Leader Thane.

Roan bows slightly.


“Are you going to run through the western plains again today? ”

“I intend to. ”

In Roan's reply, Thane nods and shakes his hands.

“I'll be back.”

Leave the barracks with a short greeting.


The smell of the battlefield tickles the tip of the nose.

Roan looks out of the camp, eye to eye with the familiar troops.

You can see the open field.

‘This will be the last time I see such a landscape. ’

Now hell will spread over this place.

He takes a deep breath and starts to squirm lightly.

He crosses a group of factions to the west of the plain.


Weeds and trees swaying in the western winds.

The forest at the end of the western plains gives a cool vibe.

‘They were hiding out beyond these woods. ’

Clever monsters.

After spending some time nearby, Roan returns to the Rose Army camp.

Full of urgency and anxiety.

“Commander Gail! ”

He finds the commander himself, not the squad commanders or deputies.

Gail has been paying more attention to Roan since the last human trafficking group incident.

Sometimes I could find my squad barracks because I didn't have enough to call them myself and talk to them.

< You're the only reason we're tired. >

Pete gave me a pint, but I'm only grateful for Gail's interest in Roan.

“What's going on? ”

The guards guarding Gail's barracks frown.

“It's important. ”

Roan still has a look of urgency.

The guards were well aware of what Roan had done, so they couldn't ignore him.

“Wait a minute. ”

One of the guards steps into the barracks and reveals himself.

“Go inside. ”

“Thank you."

After lowering his head, Roan steps into Gail's barracks.

“Oh, Roan. Something important? ”

Gail smiles brightly as she sits at her desk and asks.

On the other hand, Roan still acted as if he was in a state of urgency.

“Monsters. Monsters to the west of the plain. ”

At that moment, Gail jumps up and down.


A wooden chair tumbles backwards and rolls the floor.

Gail looks at Roan, frowning.

“Monsters? Are there really monsters west of the plain? ”

Roan bites his lower lip and nods.

“Yes, I think that's a big one too. ”

“Stop, you can't be.......”

Gail's face is still frozen.

Roan nods and receives a hint.

“Maybe they're planning an ambush with a loose center. ”

“Of course.”

Gail nods and grabs Roan's shoulder.

“I've brought you some very valuable information. I would have been humiliated if I was you. ”

He believed in Roan.

After a few days of talking, I realized how good a soldier Roan was.

You can't just ignore the procedure.

“We'll need to send scouts to get the exact size and location. Can you come with me? ”

“Of course.”

Roan nods.

Gail taps his shoulder with a joyful smile.

“Fine. Then I'll arrange for a scout. ”

He soon summoned his deputies to form a scout.

Is that him again? ’

Are you lucky or are you lucky? ’

"Wherever you go, you find monsters." ’

The deputies glanced at Roan with a mixture of glances and surprises.

‘Your face will be pierced. ’

Roan lowers his head with a bitter smile.

“The scout team has assembled. ”

The voice of salvation.

Roan looks down at Gail and her deputies and leaves the barracks.

"A belly. A belly. ’

Gail smiles gladly at Roan's rear view.

“Well, I better go see the captain. ”

“Are you going to report it already? Let's wait for the scouts to return. ”

All of my deputies.

Gail shakes her head.

“It's a simple trend report. I'll just tell him we sent scouts because there's been some suspicious activity. ”

Winning or losing battles can also be determined by these small reports.

Gail leaves the barracks behind her deputies.

The deputies in the barracks sigh and shake their heads.

“Don't you trust the words of a soldier too much? ”

“Plus, he's a rookie. ”

“I just got lucky. ”

Complaints and complaints pouring in.

In between, Dawson was silent.

"Lucky"? Well, I don't think so. ’

I have a strange smile on my mouth.

* * *


Roan hides himself in the grass and puts his finger on his lips.

All of the scout troops following you lower their heads.

As you pass through the forest, you can see the field unfolding below the noisy hills.


Weeds as tall as waist are swayed around by the westerly wind.

A very peaceful landscape, at first glance.

But Roan sees the monsters hiding among the weeds.

“That's a big number. ”

Benson, the oldest of the scout troops, approaches.

He also found monsters hiding in the weeds.

“Probably hiding out at the end of the field. ”

Roan points to the ridge.

Benson nods and roughly finishes the calculations.

“At least 5,000. ”

Roan nods instead of answering.

‘The first raid hit 5,000. But then it blew up into that boat. ’

Monsters surrounding the Pedian Plain in the form of hooves.

Their numbers grow exponentially over time.

‘Cause of the Byron Empire. ’

I hear Benson.

“When will they attack? ”

“It must be tonight. ”

Roan said in a confident voice.

Benson frowns.


“They are hiding in the weeds without a camp. because the attack is imminent. ”

“Then maybe we should attack now? ”

Benson looks worried.

Roan shakes his head.

“They're too tired for that now. ”


“Yes. They would have run for days without rest to raid the loose center on our side. ”

It is true.

Like an army of monsters rushing in from the north, they were also located in the north area of the plains just a few days ago.

“They were supposed to be in this shape in the Northern Plains. ”

Roan flattens his fingers.

I then retracted my fingers to the point where my hands were like horseshoes.

“But this is what it looks like now. While the monsters in the north, the ones with their fingers on them, are facing our main force, the rest of them wrap around the east and west in the shape of hooves. ”

Benson bursts into low elasticity.

“Ah! The ones in the north ran east and west. ”

“Yes, in his time, he would have come running without a wink. ”

Lowers Benson's voice in Roan's words.

“Good. Then the raid must be tonight. I have to report to the troops and prepare for an ambush. ”

At that point, Roan didn't say anything.

‘No, that's not a good idea. ’

Eyes chase monsters hidden in the weeds.

A cool light seeped into my eyes.

‘What we need now is an attack, not a defense. ’
