I am the Monarch

< Chapter 4 Battlefield Ghost >


Roan was quite embarrassed.

“Commander Richard. Even though it's a special unit, isn't this too much? ”

Gail, raise your voice.

“Commander Gail. Are you mad at me? ”

Richard is the owner of a small but powerful voice.

Gail clears her throat and saves her appetite.

“Hmmm. I can't give it to Roan anyway. ”

Richard shakes his head in frustration.

“You have no idea how good Roan's spear is. Roan is not good enough as a regular troop spearer. ”

I can't help but look forward to it.

‘An eighteen-year-old is too good for him. If you trim it well, you'll be as good as Count Rail Baker. ’

If you are a longtime leader of a unit, you know what you want to do with that kind of weapon.

Then Gail hesitates and shouts.

“Who is the terminal spearer? ”

Richard frowns.

“I'm talking about Roan. I thought he was an unemployed spearer. ”

Gail shakes her head with a bloody smile.

“When did you tell the story? I was going to give him a squad leader because he has a ball that he has built and he has done a great job in this battle. ”

At that moment, Richard looks surprised, as well as all of Roan and the Rose Troops who were listening.

Squad Leader already? ’

Roan felt his heart pounding.

I mean, I did put up quite a bit of work after the Goblin Squad, the Human Trafficking Group, and this sneak attack, but I'm still an eighteen-year-old spearer who just finished training camp.

“Boo, Commander! ”

The urgent voices of the deputies.

Gail glares at you as if to shut up right now.

“Are you insane? ”

Richard asks again in a calm voice.

No matter how skilled and majored he was, the squad leader was too much for an eighteen year old boy.

‘Leading your men doesn't just mean you're good at it. ’

Squad Leader commands over 20 soldiers.

I needed leadership to encompass my team and experience on the battlefield.

It is now impossible to expect such things from Roan, who has only had a few combat experiences at most.

Of course it's Richard's idea.

In fact, Roan was already an experienced soldier who had been on the battlefield for 20 years.

‘You won't believe me when I tell you. By the way.......’

Roan looks back at the memory in his head with a bitter smile.

‘Was it about 15 years after I became squad leader for the first time? ’

Significantly late promotion.

The comrades at the time were at least deputies or officers.

Or rather, he resigned early and went back to his hometown to farm.

Roan was the only one who fought in the field for 15 years as a regular soldier.

‘But you're already squad leader.......’

I feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

Then you hear Gail's voice.

“You're in your right mind. This is our chance to build another squad. ”

“How are you going to fill the squad? ”

“There are squads that have suffered heavy losses in this battle. ”

Richard frowns at Gail's answer.

“Are you trying to bring together different squads? ”

“Yes, the new 42nd is the Allied Squad. ”

Rough answer.

Richard looks Gayle straight in the eye.

‘You don't want to get ripped off. ’

He sighs deeply and shakes his head.

“If that's the case, I'll stand down. ”

Richard looks at Roan.

“Come by any time if you need help. ”

Roan bows his head instead of answering.

Richard shakes his head as he makes his way out of the barracks, looking at the dead deputies.

“You guys must be exhausted. ”

Endless words.

However, the deputies bow slightly as if they understood enough.

As Richard steps out of the barracks, Kenneth, one of his first lieutenants, withholds Gail.

“Commander, for an eighteen-year-old boy, squad leader is outnumbered. ”

The other deputies take the lead.

“That's right. I'd prefer to be subcommander of the 13th squad. ”

“Or better yet, raise your salary. ”

But Gail had no intention of bending her will.

‘You must obey what you say once. ’

He looks at his deputies with strict eyes.

“My will remains unchanged. Kenneth, Jake and Dawson, investigate the other squads and select squad members. Squad Leader 42 is Roan. ”

Gail's gaze is on Roan.

“Roan. Can you do it? ”

At that, Roan lowers his head slightly.

“I can do it. ”

I'll do my best. I won't say I'll try.

You're gonna do great.

Now I needed that word, and I was sure of it.

Gail nods, satisfied.

At that moment, Roan raises his head, looking at the cold deputies and saying in a small voice.

“Hey, by the way..."

When you blur your words, you look at Gail as if she's okay.

Roan laughs awkwardly.

“I have soldiers I'd like to bring to my squad. ”

* * *

Austin, who's been on the battlefield for eight years, is a bright young man, 28 years old this year.

My spear skills were crude, but I also studied small subjects several times because I was so strong.

‘Good. One more year like this and I'll be promoted to squad leader. ’

When resting in a puffy dream.

“Austin, we have orders to evacuate. ”

A transfer order has been issued to the Rose Squad.

"No way! You're promoted to squad leader already? ’

Otherwise, there's no reason for your troops to suddenly change.

My heart was filled with anticipation.

However, the reality that I encountered after a while was in the gutter.

You want me to take this kid as squad leader? ’

My face keeps distorting.

This was not just Austin's idea.

‘Dammit. You stepped on shit. ’

‘I can't believe you just took a kid who graduated from training camp as squad leader. ’

We're not the only ones dying because of the squad leader. ’

The soldiers' faces were filled with disbelief, annoyance, anger and exhaustion.

‘Yes, I understand your feelings. ’

Roan smiles at the soldiers.

You'd be annoyed if you asked an 18-year-old spearer to be your squad leader.

He takes a deep breath and looks the soldiers straight in the eyes.

“Everyone will be very unhappy. You wouldn't understand. ”

Atomized voice.

The soldiers' faces become more distorted.

Roan speaks indifferently.

“I won't say a word. ”

He opens ten fingers.

“Just ten days. Just trust me for ten days. If I don't like you after 10 days, I'll let you go back to your original squad. ”

Then the soldiers' faces will be lightened.

‘Ten days.......’

Ten days, right? ’

Until then, just be gentle.

At that time, you hear a soft answer behind the stampeding soldiers.

“I understand!”

The protagonists of his voice are Phil and Glenn.

These are the soldiers that Roan wanted to bring.

Roan turns around and bursts into laughter.

‘Rest well tonight. It's gonna be crazy tomorrow. ’

The tail of the mouth rises wickedly.

* * *

A group enters the Faction Entrance.

An outdated armor that has been dried-up with bloody shells.

“Huff. Huff. ”

Rough bust.

However, their eyes were dazzled and their feet walked.

The soldiers are resting around the squad barracks.

“The Ghost Squad. ”

“You said you did it again. ”

“That squad leader is a ghost of the battlefield. Ghost of the battlefield.”

“That's amazing. Amazing.”

“You said you robbed three monster strongholds in just ten days. ”

The group moves deeper into the camp, under the attention of the soldiers.

You hear a faint voice from across the street.

“Oh! The ghost of war! ”

The man approaches with a wave of his arms to the left and to the right, feet.

The man who walked ahead of the crowd smiles and bows his head.

“Pete. ”

A gentle greeting.

At that moment, Pete thumps his hand trembling.

“Oh, please speak comfortably to Commander Roan. ”

A sarcastic voice.

Roan shakes his head, smiling bloody.

“Don't make fun of me. ”

“Hmmm. Because it's fun. ”

Pete scratches his chin with a single smile.

He sticks his tongue out as he looks at those who are lying behind him.

“Squad Leader Roan. Did you do it again today? ”

At that, Roan looks back.

Fierce eyes and a confident attitude.

They were soldiers filled with disbelief and annoyance ten days ago.

New 42nd squad.

Right now, the 42nd squad is being called the Ghost Squad.

“Yes. I met some Goblins. ”

“You met him? You didn't visit him? ”

Roan smiles instead of answering.

Pete looks fierce.

“The so-called Roan Squad Leader is a ghost of the battlefield, a ghost. ”

He slaps Roan on the shoulder.

“They're haunted by where the monsters are and where they live. It's a ghost.”

That's what Roan smiles about.

"I'm glad I'm not a battle soothsayer. ’
