I am the Monarch

< Chapter 21 Tron Academy >


“Informants are gathering and analyzing this area around Milr Castle. ”

Keefe steps back after finishing his report.

Roan twists his legs on one chair and worries.

An elongated coat that you wore to the ball flows under the chair.

‘Princess Aelee.......’

Somehow, Ali's face fills her head.

"Why do you care so much? ’


‘Nonsense. ’

Roan shakes his head.

He and Ali were the first to see each other today.

Moreover, Roan, who had lived twice his life, could not have known the feeling of love.

No, I thought you didn't know.

‘What was your relationship like in your last life? ’

I couldn't remember it all because I'm Roan.

Some of the things you didn't think were bulky could be related to Ali.

He frowns slightly and touches the tip of his chin.


He looked at Roan nervously.

He has been with Roan since the days of the Roses of the 7th Army.

He became the head of the Intelligence Service when Amaranth was founded.

Keef noticed that Roan's expression was different than usual.

I was worried that there might be a problem with the mission.

“Mmm-hmm. Sorry. ”

After a slow thought, Roan looks at Keefe.

“Excellent. Make the most of the crew and gather as much information as you can. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

Keefe bows his head in relief.

At that moment, Roan hesitates and raises his right hand.

“Oh, and by the way..."

The end of the horse is blurred after it loses a place to go for a while.

After taking a few breaths, he whispered in a small voice.

“Is there anything about Princess Aliens from the collection and analysis? ”

“Princess Aelys? ”

Keefe tilts his head.

“I'll have to check the details separately, but I don't remember anything in particular....... ah! ”

Keefe, who was following the horse, suddenly burst into elasticity.

He looks at Roan and asks with a careful voice.

“Are you talking about the Shadow Princess? ”

“Yes, that's right. Shadow Princess.”

I had a slight look at Roan's face.

Kip whispered in a small voice.

“Maybe last year, Shadow Princess had a serious illness. ”

“Heavy? What heavy? ”

Roan frowns.

Keefe shrugs.

“I don't know exactly. It's a rumor floating among the people of Milr. From the fall of last year to the spring of this year, we didn't see her, so we all assumed to be heavily ill. ”

“I can't see..."

Roan narrows his eyes.

‘If rumors like this were true among the saints, the royal family would not stand idly by. ’

He's paying a lot of attention to her without even knowing it.


“Yes, Baron. ”

Keefe bows his head.

Roan gives a new command in a small voice.

“Gather some palace and royal information. I like the same rumors and stories now. ”

“Wow, royalty? ”

Keefe asked with a surprised expression.

Roan nods.

“Very secretly. Don't dig too deep. ”

I could have bought the rebellion against the palace.

Keef lowers his head, sweeping his surprised chest.

“Yes, I understand. ”

It was definitely not an easy task.

But it was not impossible.

‘Let's show them what the Informants are capable of. ’

I wanted to show him how much better he was than Agence.

‘And you said the palace and the royal palace.......’

His eyes quickly return.

‘Perhaps you're interested in the Shadow Ball... or Princess Aelys. ’

It was Keefe, too.

‘Baron, just trust me and the informants. ’

He clenches his fist.

Roan smiled at Keefe, whether he knew it or not.

‘Yes. Competing with each other, improving with each other. ’

The water was rotting.

Roan stands up with a happy look on his face.

Next up is Tron Academy…..

My heart was pounding.

It was one of the places I couldn't go even if I wanted to go in my last life.

‘What else will happen there? ’

The smile on my mouth became dark.

* * *

Roan had a big dream.

It was different from ambition or desire.

It was very pure and hot.

That's why I learned to write even though I was a commoner and bought books and stuff.

To him, the Academy was a kind of shrine.

‘I've always wanted to go there. ’

Roan smiles bitterly at Tron Academy's gigantic entrance.

Where I wanted to go, but couldn't.

There were many reasons, but the biggest were identity, wealth, and time.

To enter the Academy, you had to have at least a nobleman or a nobleman's letter of recommendation.

It took a lot of tuition and four years to graduate.

It was a place I could only look at for Roan.

“You said you had a special talk with Baron Tail today. ”

“Baron Tail won't freeze to death. It's Roan, Roan. ”

“Yes. You were lucky to be the baron because you were a prisoner on bail. ”

“That's what happened when I saw the prince. ”

The sound of ridicule was heard by the Academy students passing by Roan.

They didn't recognize Roan at all.

"The children of the nobles......."

Roan smiles bitterly.

The level of consciousness of the students who had to lead the kingdom was too ridiculous and childish.

He followed the students who continued to complain.

The ones who walked ahead looked back.


“Do you know him? ”

“I don't know. First grade? Or a transfer student?”

The students muttered among themselves, frowning.

They didn't think that Roan, the hero of the subjugation, was the same age as the new baron.

He was only one year older than Roan, since he was nineteen years old in the fourth grade of the Academy.

Roan smiled as his students met.

“What? Why are you laughing? ”

“What the hell is that? ”

The students' faces were distorted.


“Oh! You're here? ”

I heard a familiar voice from a distance.

The eyes of Roan and the students moved with their voices.

"Ian Phillips. ’

The protagonist of his voice was Ian.

Ian waves from the Academy's main building.

“Hmmm. That's Ian Phillips, isn't it? ”

“Yes. Earl Philips' eldest son, Castle Mill, or the greatest genius in the kingdom. ”

“You're a freshman this year. ”

“That's right. They're saying hello to us. ”

The students sniffed up the waste water.

“I thought the Earl's firstborn son was a genius, and he was very arrogant. ”

“You're quite a gentleman. ”

They all smiled awkwardly and waved their hands.

Ian suddenly approached me.

“Yes. Nice to meet you. Ian. I'm fourth grade blood.......”

When the student in front greets you.

“Wait a minute.”

Ian pushed the students to the left and to the right, turning to Roan.



The bastards pushed to the left and to the right, frowned and looked at Ian.

Eyes were naturally focused on Roan and Ian.

Ian bows his head.

“Hello, Baron Tail. ”

“Thank you so much for coming out to meet me. ”

A clear and clear voice dug the ears of the students in the wind.


“Baron Tail? ”

“That's the Roan? ”

They looked at Roan in surprise.

Roan glances at you, smiling and nodding slightly.


The students quickly bowed their heads, swallowing up the false wind.

They mocked and mocked Roan, but they couldn't reach out to the nobles of the kingdom.

“Te, Baron Tail. Ba, our story just now.......”

My voice trembled.

Although they were also the disciples of the nobles, they were nothing compared to Roan, who had a real title.

Roan smiles and stands in front of them.

Ian tilts his head to see what's going on.

“I'm fine.”

Soft voice.

Roan reaches out and pats their backs once.

Too natural and adult.

The students who were lowering their heads bit their lips with unexpected touches.

‘Damn, they treat us like babies. ’

However, I couldn't bring myself to do so.

Meanwhile, Roan smiles brightly and taps their shoulders.

“Good work, everyone. ”

He clearly separated himself and the students by one action and one word.


They still don't move quietly with their heads down.

Roan looks back at Ian.

“Shall we go to the auditorium? ”

“Oh, yeah. Follow me.”

Ian wakes up late and nods.

He had a brief, full understanding of the situation before and after.

‘Yeah, always watch your mouth. ’

Ian shakes his head, smiling bloody.

Within moments, Roan and Ian disappeared.

The students just sighed and lifted their heads.


“I can't believe that kid was the Baron Tail. ”

“I know. The rumors about Hegeman were utterly false. ”

Then one of them said in a gentle voice.

“Perhaps his skills and his specialty have improved too? ”

The rest of the students clapped their hands fearfully at the end of the conversation.


“Maybe so! ”

Suddenly, they hit their heads and whispered in small voices.

“Well, let's see if Roan's skills are real or not. ”

“A test? We? ”

The student who spoke first shakes his head with a strange expression.

“No. He's in our grade. ”

“Him? Ah! That guy! ”

At that moment, the students' expressions brightened.

They looked at each other with mean eyes.

“Let's convince him first. ”

A cool voice rolls over the ground.

* * *

“It's an honor to meet the hero of this subjugation. ”

“No, I am more honored to meet Director Fred Brown, who leads the best academy in the kingdom. ”

Roan bows his head, holding the hand of a centurion.

The old man who wears a clean conquest has led the Tron Academy for 20 years, Fred Brown.

‘I've always wanted to meet him. ’

Roan was overwhelmed.

It was a moment when a small goal that had been continued since the last life was fulfilled.

“If you think about it, I'd like to have a chat, but I don't have much time for special lectures. We'll have our conversation after the lecture. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

It was also what Roan wanted.

For him to establish an academy with the Baron Tail, the conversation with Fred was a valuable opportunity to become bone and flesh.

“Come with me, then. ”

Fred moves one foot ahead and Roan chases after him.

I left the modest Presidential Suite and crossed the wooden corridor.

You pass through several buildings and head to the sponsorship behind the Academy.

The hall was outdoors, not inside the building.

“There are a lot of students who want to be clean, so they have a seat at the academy. ”

Fred looks back at Roan and asks for forgiveness.

Roan nods quietly and looks forward.

You see a high wall covered with vines.

In the middle there was a big door and a nice inscription on it.

< Tron Academy Training Ground. >

The door was wide open.

Fred is one step ahead and Roan is the next.



I felt a hot heat.


Roan bursts a low elasticity.

The training ground was huge.

It is twice as wide as the training ground for Amaranth's troops.

The trainer sets the chair along one side and the other.

An enormous number.

There were students all over the chair.

There were a huge number of students, but they did not make a sound.

I only stared at him with curious eyes, emitting hot heat all over my body.

Over a thousand pairs of gazes pierced Roan.

Flight control? ’

Roan smiles bitterly.

Then you hear Fred's voice.

“Everyone seems to be excited. Shall we go up to the top? ”


After a short answer, Roan follows Fred to the top of the tall statue.

On the platform was a tall, vertical table, and on top of it was a speaker engraved with a magic stone and a magic jewel.

“From now on, let's begin our special talk with Baron Roan Tail, hero of the Istel War and the Monster Extermination. Let's all applaud. ”

The applause erupts, applauding horribly.

It's like I'm being forced to play.

Fred frowns at his appearance, but doesn't get bruised.

‘Baron Tail is going through this on his own. ’

He wanted to see what he could do.

Fred lowers his head slightly toward Roan, then climbs down to the top.

Now, only Roan remains in the tall phase.

He stood at the table and looked at the students.

‘Let's see how well everyone is doing. ’

I felt a hatred I couldn't hide from their faces.

Of course, some students showed pure curiosity, admiration and admiration, such as Ian.


Through Calian's tears, Roan grimaced at the tip of his nose, speeding through the faces of the students.

‘There were royalty. ’

Like the best academy in the kingdom, there were many princesses among the students.

A prominent figure, among other things.

"With Princess Cady Rhynes......."

My eyes stayed in one place for a long time.

‘Princess Aliens. ’

Somehow, my ears were burning hot and I felt better.

Roan looks at her face for a while.


“What's wrong with him? ”

For a long time, the students began to grumble because of the silent Roan.

Then Roan woke up late.

‘This is not the time. ’

He lowers his head with a smiling face.

“Nice to meet you. This is Baron Roan Tail speaking today. ”

I greeted him, but the training ground was quiet.


Only Ian burst into cheer without noticing many people.

Roan lowers his head slightly toward Ian and smiles faintly.


The eyes of the students poured out.

Roan took those gazes lightly and said in a soft voice.

“What I want to talk to you about today is.......”

I have a bundle in my eye.

“What would you do if you knew what the future holds? ’.”
