I am the Monarch

< Chapter 22 Good People >


“Hunting competition? ”

“Yes, it's hosted by Birkhoff Horton. ”

Simon looks surprised at the unexpected report, gathering his neighbours and reviewing his future plans.

“Horton? Horton……? ”

My face changed badly.

The reporter, Tio Luin, nods with a bitter smile.

“That's right. Prince Tommy's favorite son, Sonny Horton. ”


Simon spills a low tear.

Theo looks at your face and carefully speaks out.

“Looks like Baron Tail didn't know enough to attend. ”

Simon gives you a weird look.

He shakes his head, looking through the documents he was holding.

“I don't know. Baron Tail can't be that sloppy..."

Simon mutters in a small voice.

At the time of the Porsche Monster Subjugation, Roan was perfectly aware of the location and route of the monsters.

As he responded to the nobleman's invitation, he couldn't help but notice which prince the nobleman was supporting and what tendencies he was in.

‘There's no reason for Baron Tail to stick up for Tommy in this situation…..’

Eventually, he attended Anthony's Hunting Competition for another reason.

‘I'll take care of myself. ’

Simon believed in Roan.

No, I wanted to empower you.

“Birdie Louie. ”

“Yes, my prince. ”

Thio bows slightly.

Simon looks through the documents and gives the instructions as if they were a blurb.

“Bring Roan a decent bow. You can't use a cheap Soldier Bow at the nobles' Hunting Competition. ”

“Yes, I will. ”

Theo smiles and walks toward the entrance.

"Fortunately, you don't doubt the Baron Tail. ’

I felt lighter.

Then Simon's voice is heard again.

“Ah! Were any of Roan's men without bows?" ”

“Yes, you have the rank of White Captain. ”

Theo smiles awkwardly because the word white man doesn't stick well to his mouth.

In fact, the strange military organization of the Amaranth troops was already a major issue among the nobles.

Some of the young nobles even imitated Roan similarly, but most of the nobles said it was useless.

“Bring him one, too. ”

“Yes, I will. ”

Thio bows once more.

Why he's taking Simon.

It was because of this.

An image that does not conform to the status quo if it has abilities.

‘If He were to be a little softer, He would be a great monarch. ’

Theo grabs the doorknob.

‘A new medicine. All you need is a new medicine. ’

Then Simon was able to eradicate the Magi of Mana that he was training in.

If that were the case, even if you were angry, you would not lose your mind and run wild.

"Duke Webster. Please. '

It was the duty of Duc Bradley Webster, Simon's outsider, to obtain the New Testament.

Theo sighed briefly and left the conference room.

Simon smiles faintly, looking behind him.

‘Owl Louie. I can see my face full of worries. Hehe.’

I felt proud for no reason.

Loyalty that cares for you day and night.

‘If only there were people like Bird of Louin, I wouldn't be angry. ’

I had a bitter smile on my mouth.

Simon has yet to find the source of all his wrongdoing elsewhere.

* * *

‘Roan Tail. ’

Anthony grips his teeth, looking at Roan chasing behind him.

‘You will die here today. ’

The good looking face disappeared everywhere.

The cold life around my eyes and mouth was surrounded.

‘Those Janice guys. That's amazing. ’

The connection between Anthony and Janice Intelligence.

It started when Anthony doubted his wife's unfaithfulness.

The Janis Intelligence Group has gathered hard evidence for the noble and wealthy Anthony of the realm.

After all, Anthony's doubts were misunderstood, and his love and belief in his wife became deeper, whether it was because of his sorry heart.

With this, Anthony was very fond of the Janis Informants and did not spare money.

Specifically, the relationship between Anthony and the Janis Intelligence Group became closer as the three princes of the Rhine Kingdom began to compete for their next throne.

Because Anthony joined two of the three princes, the Tommy Rhines faction, and needed information from the other princes.

‘The information they provided was all useful. ’

Thanks to this, I was able to climb to a position where Tommy and I could talk alone, despite my own identity.

If this is how Tommy becomes the next great king.

‘An earl, or at least an earl. ’

Literally all I have left to do is win.

But there was a cloud in front of Anthony.

The cause is the phosphine monster subjugation.

In this subjugation, the First Prince Simon posted an overwhelming majority.

Thanks to this, the ongoing ascendancy of the throne leans towards Simon.

Tommy, the second prince, has been overwhelmed by the panic that has caused him to die.

Anthony is in a hurry.

I needed tricks, incidents and accidents to reverse the situation.

A chance to avert Simon's liquor and bring Tommy back to life.

Unfortunately, such opportunities were neither easy to find nor easy to find.

Meanwhile, Barbara of the Janis Informants has been secretly looking for herself at a late hour.

‘Baron Tail, I asked you to get rid of him. ’

Bava says that Roan is gaining control of information on Castle Mill.

If that were the case, Anthony would no longer be able to provide quality information, or Simon would be on the rise to monopolize the information around the royal province.

‘We can't let that happen. ’


‘It was thanks to Prince Simon that he was able to establish an enormous specialty. ’

That's where he saved Simon's life.

If it weren't for Roan, Simon would have lost his life on the battlefield and the next king would have been Tommy's.

At least that's what Anthony thought.

After much deliberation, Anthony accepted Baba's offer.

He makes a plan, head to head with Baba.

The so-called Roan slaughterhouse.

"Hunting is hunting, but it's hunting Roan, not an animal. ’

I had a nasty, nasty smile on my mouth.

At the time of planning the hunt, Baba advised on the name of the Janice Informants.

‘Janis Intelligence said if I killed Roan, I'd make him an accident. ’

I set a trap for it in advance at the hunting ground.

I didn't just dig deep into the ground.

The moment I stepped on the grass that covered the pit, I made the left-handed soil pour into it, and put the sharp sword and spear upside down.

Nominally, it was a trap to catch the bear that appeared in the area.

Roan steps on a bear trap and screams during the hunt.

What if he doesn't fall into a trap and die?

‘At that time, I had to do it myself. ’

For this reason, knights and foot soldiers were brought together, as well as the familiar nobles.

Of course, the nobles who accompanied him were all supporters of Tommy.

‘This is definitely a dangerous operation. ’

However, the reward for success was immense.

"If we catch Roan, Prince Simon's camp will be in great turmoil. ’

In the meantime, Tommy can recover the scarlet and be ready to fly again.

Anthony narrows his eyes.

‘If I take care of this well, I will fly too. ’

My heart was racing.

It seemed like a bright future was about to unfold.


Jing, Jing! Jing, ding! Bang! Bang!

The whimpering and drumming sounds.


Subsequently, the soldiers in charge of the ambush run screaming.


After going through the long growing weeds, a razor-sharp deer appears.

He was moving around in a frenzy, avoiding the mowers.

The hunting competition has finally begun.

“Who's going to catch that deer? ”

One of the knights next to him came forward, shouting at the top of his voice.

“Let me guess, Ted Wes. ”

Ted was originally a writer from Hoyton, famous for his archery skills.

‘Fine. Let's kill Baron Tail's chi here.' Hehe. ’

Anthony wanted to show off his subordinate skills.

At the same time, I wanted to show a villager from the northeast of the Kingdom that the Kingdom was not so great.

“Oh! Good. Ted, guess what. ”


With Anthony's permission, Ted quickly drew a bow.


Immediately, with a sharp wave, an arrow flew through the space.

Beautiful Hosun.


A terrifying sound rang out.

The deer that fled after being chased by the hunter collapses.

The arrow is pinned to the stag's neck.

“You're hit!”

A soldier shouts out loud.

“Hahaha! What a waste of time! ”

“Ted Wes, the writer of Hoyton, is quite the archer in the royal family! ”

“I'm sure Father Horton will be very confident. ”

The nobles applauded with a surprised look.

Anthony nods, tapping Ted's shoulder.

“Hahaha. You have to be sure. ”

Ted lowers his head slightly.

At that time, a nobleman looked at Roan and said in a gentle voice.

“Not like this. Show me what Baron Tail is capable of. I want to see the skill of the Hero in the Punitive Battle. ”

“Yes. Let's see what you've got. ”

“I'd like to see it, too. ”

A mining that spills like a mill.

Roan smiles bitterly.

‘If you make a mistake here, you will mock me openly. ’

But I didn't intend to play in the beginning.

He smiled, relaxed and replied.

“I'm a spearer, so I'm not confident in my archery. ”

Of course it was a lie.

Although it was definitely far from spearing, archery was also far more skilled than ordinary soldiers.

However, in order to beat the nostrils of the nobles and knights who were making a move in front of us, we needed overwhelming skills that were hard to believe even when we saw them.

"When you need a palace, not an ordinary archer. ’

The palace is just around the corner.

Roan steps aside.

“I'm Captain Harrison White of the Amaranth Army. ”

His right hand points to Harrison.

Harrison notices Roan's intentions as he watches the situation unfolding.

He quietly grabs the crossbow and pulls out an arrow.

Very relaxed expression and posture.

Roan smiles faintly at his appearance.

“This is the best archer in my unit. ”

You hear a snoring sound, terrified to the end.


Following the sound, you turn your head, and Knight Ted looks very arrogant.

He shakes his head at Harrison's bow.

“I'm afraid the bars are too worn out to break. ”

Obviously mocking.

“I see. Old, but too old. ”

“And the bows are too clumsy. ”

“An arrow might fall at your feet at this rate. Hahaha.”

Several nobles were happy to fight back.

Roan frowns.

I could tolerate ridiculing myself as much as I wanted.

But I couldn't stand the mockery of Sue.

There has been a similar situation before that that has left Jake, who is more of a boss, in disarray.

It was time for Roan to say a few words.

“My lord.”

Harrison shakes his head, smiling softly.

A sign that you're okay.


“A deer!”

The herders scream.


A deer cuts through the weeds and shows herself.

It's also very chaotic.

Harrison calmly breathed and pulled the bow.


The protest returned to its rightful place because of the crooked arches.

Quick Fire.

It was as if I didn't need a crossbow.


A sharp wave struck my ear.

Everyone's gaze, including Roan's, moves with the arrow.


The arrow sticks precisely into the deer's torso.

“You're hit!”

The soldiers shout in a loud voice.

At that moment, Anthony and the various nobles' faces changed strangely.

It was the expression that forced him to smile.

“Excellent craftsmanship. I hit the deer. ”

“Ted Wes here shot a deer in the neck, and your soldier hit the widest torso. ”

Ted's shoulders shrug in praise of the nobles.

He looks arrogantly at Roan and Harrison alternately.

“As expected, the difference between the province and the province is.......”

When the horse goes on like that.

Ping! Fibbing!

Harrison fires an arrow in a row without even aiming the first arrow.

“W-what? ”

The nobles and knights stare at the arrow in surprise.

Boom! Boom! Puebuck!

Four arrows snap into the deer's torso.

At that moment, the heavy silence settles.

The hunters, including Anthony, the nobles, Ted, and the knights all looked unbelievable with their eyes wide open.

Only two.

Only Roan and Harrison smile at each other.

“Bull 's-eye! ”

A slow soldier shouts.

Then the choking silence broke.

“Oh, how can a cow like that be so skilled.......”

“Is that even possible? ”

The nobles who mocked Harrison were half taken aback.

In particular, Anthony was greatly shocked.

“The first four arrows fired late.......”

I couldn't even finish the sentence.

His gaze remained on the distant stag's torso.

There were five arrows in the deer's torso.

The amazing thing is that the five arrows are all embedded within the size of a fingernail.

Even an arrow pierces the back of the arrow in front of it.

“I envy Baron Tail. ”

“I know. With such a great archer in hand.......”

Some nobles were unable to hide their jealous insides and commended Harrison.

It was kind of an instinct.


“No way! ”

Knight Ted shouts.

He looks Harrison in the eye and sharpens his teeth.

“This is really your thing? ”

Harrison glances at Roan and looks back at Ted.

Harrison shakes his head slowly.

“No, I'm not.”

Ted bursts into flames, terrified to the end.

“Hmph! Of course. This can't be what you're good at. ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

Harrison nods and raises an old bow.

“If the bow was still intact, they would have split the arrows in front of them. ”

Such a sad face and voice.

“What, what? ”

At that moment, Ted's face became red.

He rushes towards Harrison, trembling with all his might.

“How dare you mock me? A country with no roots.......”

When the horse goes on like that.


Heavy wavelengths hit my ears.

At the same time, a black iron bar appeared.


The tip of the rod touches Ted's neck.

“That's it.”

Cold voice.

The one holding the iron rod was none other than Roan.

“From now on, you better keep your mouth shut. ”

The iron scepter is Travis' spear.

“What the…? ”

Ted turns his head in surprise.


Travis' spear presses against his jaw.

“I would have told you to keep your mouth shut. One more joint and I'll break your jaw. ”

A cooler voice than before.


Ted covers his mouth with both hands without even knowing it.

Because I realized that Roan's words were no joke.

“Te, Baron Tail. What's wrong with you? ”

Anthony shakes his hand, smiling awkwardly at the sudden situation.

Roan stares at Ted and replies briefly.

“Ted Wes insulted and ridiculed my men. ”

My voice went out of my mind.

“An insult to my men will soon be an insult to me. ”


Travis' spear grows longer.

Roan turns to look at Anthony.

“He's a coward who endures being insulted. ”
