I am the Monarch

< Chapter 40 Amaranth >



"Mana Law and Spear"? '

Roan frowns with a puzzled expression.

Am I crazy? '

It was a perfectly reasonable idea.

Manna's intangible form and the invisible spear appear in human form.

But even more surprising.

'The more I look at it, the more I feel like it.'

Over time, the man dressed in red felt like a Flamdor Mana, and the man dressed in black felt like a Travis spear.

Did you notice Roan's insides? The man in the red conquest outfit, Flemish, frowns and breaks his head.

"Strangely no objection, right?"

Roan nods slowly.

This time Travis smiles and speaks out.

"I had to. You don't remember, but we've met quite a few times."

"We've met several times?"

"Yes, here in Bertex."


Roan frowns.

It was a series of unknown words.

Flemish steps back and spreads his arms wide.

"We call this space Vertex. It sounds like a great name, but it's easy to say, deep down in your head and your mind."

"The source of reason and emotion."

Travis stoops down, making a splash.

Roan still couldn't understand.

"How is this possible? So Flemish and Travis are no ordinary Mana laws and spears?"

The two nod coldly at the end of the sentence.

"Of course."

"Of course."

They glanced at each other, smiling and making a funny face.

Roan frowns.

"You're not going to tell me who you are?"

I felt that strongly.

Flamdor and Travis glance at Roan with a clear expression.

"That's not something we can tell you."

"You have to figure it out for yourself."

Flemish circles back and forth.

"Do your research, not just your training. That stupid Raid didn't take me this long to find me."

"Raid? The Fire Lord Raid?"

"Yeah, that guy. They used to call him the Fire Lord. The water queen and I had a sheep's clothing plan, but he was pretty good."

Amazing stories popped up without any fuss.

Flemish scratches his cheek with his index finger.

"I always have to study and study hard, so I'm a little stronger than everyone else. Tsk."

Travis, who was silent, interrupts.

"That's not what you're saying. Raid's personality was shaped entirely by you. You ate his mind."

Strange stories followed.

Flemish replied with a very fair expression.

"So you should have studied and studied hard not to get eaten. Hehehe."

A terrifying creature.

Flamdor's eyes turn to Roan.

"If it wasn't for the Spirit of Water King at the time, I could have eaten him... Tsk."

He tasted like a pity.

Flemish points fingers at Roan and Travis in succession.

"Roan. You should be thanking the Spirit of Water King and this Swordstone here. If it wasn't for the two of you, you'd look like Raid, or maybe Simon."

"What does that mean?"

Roan surprisingly asked in a bold voice.

Flemish hesitates a little and kicks his tongue.

"Tsk. Okay. I'll tell you all about it. The more I learn my Mana, the stronger I become, not you. Once I'm strong enough, I swallow the mind of the man who was learning Mana. Humans get consumed by the energy of fire and their personality explodes. They get hotter and hotter, but the truth is, they're losing their minds."

The hidden secret of the Flamdor Mana Act.

It was a moment when the secret of Raid's rugged nature was revealed.

"You tried to eat me the first time I ran into you, but the Spirit of Water appeared out of nowhere and pressed down on me."

The horse gradually sped up.

"I've been hiding for a long time since then, and now I have another chance. Second burst. Moreover, the Spirit King's Handwriting, which was pressing with energy, disappeared. I quickly tried to swallow your rationality......."

Travis then smiles brightly and stabs himself in the chest with his fingers.

"I interrupted."

Flemish nods.

"I didn't think he'd come at me. I didn't know you had that much power."

Travis looks at Roan.

"Roan. You've given me strength."

It was true.

Roan spills most of his firearm into Travis' spear, not himself, in the midst of the rush.

To put it bluntly, you gave Travis the power of Flamdor.

Travis uses that power to get to Flemish's ankle again.

At first glance, Flamdor was a bad guy.Travis seemed like a good guy, but he wasn't.

They were neither good nor bad.

It was just acting on its own instincts.

"If you work harder at training and research, you'll be able to overwhelm me and gain real power. Don't hate me for wanting to eat your rationality because it's instinct and whipping you to try a little harder."

It was Flemish.

Travis' words were similar as well.

"So am I. If you want to use me properly, you're gonna need a lot more training and research than you do now. And don't get me wrong, I didn't save you from Flemish. I saved my life. If he eats you, I'll have to sleep until another owner shows up."

Roan, Flamdor, Travis.

Three existences were very strange relationships with each other.

Roan lets out a long breath, clearing out the intricacies in his head.

"Eventually, it all depends on how I do it."

Flemish nods slowly.

"Yes. Be my master or be my servant."

"You can lose your relationship with me forever, or you can escort the world."

Travis said something.

Roan stands motionless and stares at the two of them.

Flemish and Travis smile and do not look away.

The dark room slowly fluctuates.

Flemish tastes terrible.

"It's time to part ways."

"It was great to be able to see each other and talk to each other. It took longer than I thought... Hehe."

Travis shakes his head, smiling strangely.

Flemish waves his hand as if to say goodbye.

"Now that we've seen each other's faces, there won't be two storms like the one before. But if there is no further progress in this state....... you know what will happen?"

Roan nods silently.

Travis raises his hand as if to say goodbye.

"I shouldn't have done this, but I'll give you a quick heads-up. Last time in your life, your friend took me to Byron Kingdom to be an Earl."

At that moment, Roan's face hardened.

I remembered the face of the man I thought was my friend.


The one who stole Travis' spear from himself.

It was a long time ago, but then I just thought about things and my teeth broke.

Travis smiles and says something behind his back.

"He was a worthless spearer like you before he had me. In just one year, how did he become the Earl of the Kingdom and become a nobleman?"


Low tears flow from Roan's mouth.

I never thought about it, never thought about it.

Thinking about him was so angry and painful, I just covered it up and pretended not to know.

Travis' smile grows darker.

"Only one reason you have me is you become a nobleman? You know that's not possible, right?"

Roan nods slowly.

'It is absolutely impossible.'

Carrying Travis' spear was not the only thing that gave me great spear skills.

If so, he would have already been a conquering spear.

'I'm the one who just kept Travis' spear. '

I fought in lengths and thicknesses, but never studied spears.

I was ashamed of myself.

The distortion in the surrounding space became more severe.

Flamdor and Travis smile brightly, revealing this.

"See you often here in Vertex."

"The stronger you get, the more this space will change. No......."

The two of them looked at each other for a moment, and in one voice, they spoke backwards.

"Everything's going to change."

That was the end.

Flemish and Travis vanish as if they had never existed.

At the same time.


A bright light burst in front of my eyes.


Roan closes his eyes, grinding his teeth without even knowing it.


Suddenly, I heard a sweet voice in my ears.

Roan closes his eyes, looking for the protagonist of his voice, and turns his head.

No, I didn't have to turn my head.

She was right in front of me, in my dreams.


A cloudy voice.

She nods, stealing the moist eye area that could be filled with tears right away.

"Yes, it's me. I'm right here. Lancefield."

A beautiful voice pours out like soft snowflakes.

Roan smiles faintly and raises his hand.

Her fingertips sweep away her hair.

"Aelys. Please......."

"Yes, just say the word. I'll give you anything."

Aelys nods, holding Roan's hand.

Roan's smile darkens.

"Can you call me Roan now, not Lancefield? No......."

I felt a slight tremor in my voice.

"It's better if you call me brother."

Unexpected request.

Alien bursts into laughter without even knowing it.

She nods, patting Roan's hand on the back.

"Okay, I'll call you whatever I want."

A beautiful voice wetted sweetly.

"Roan brother."

* * *

The news of Roan's awakening soon became known to people.

A loud shout erupted from the mansion where he was staying.

The Lansfield Territorial Army and all of the people of Miller have gathered near the villa.

"Roan! Roan! Roan!"

"Lancefill! Lancefield! Lancefield!"

The shout of the patron of Roan shook the heavens and the earth.

Laughter blossomed on people's faces and scattered red rose petals.

It reminded me of a similar festival.

However, the ambiance of Roan's bedroom was not bright.

"Do I have to go now? Just a little more rest and let's go......."

She sighs anxiously.

Roan, wearing an armor, shakes his head with a smile.

"It's been three days since the fall of the king. It's still too late."

His gaze was on Chris.

Chris responded coldly as if he was waiting.

"According to the information provided by Ian and Director Ian, and the information we have gathered separately, there are cruel things happening in the Longport Castle area that are hard to keep in your mouth. In addition, the Grain Mountains to the west of Longport Castle are swarming with monsters."

Roan nods slowly.

'It's the same as last life.'

The timing was clearly different, but the flow was creepy and the same.

'I don't have time to hesitate anymore.'

It's a close call even if we go right now.

Roan clenches his fist and looks at the young man at the side of Chris.

"Ian. You've already had twice as much help."

A natural handshake.

The identity of the young man was Ian.

Ian shakes his head, smiling faintly.

"Help....... I've already decided to follow the Lord, so I just did what I had to do as a servant."

I was still at it, but it was a powerful voice, I don't know where.

Roan glances at Ian with a happy look.

"How can that Ian be my servant......."

I still feel overwhelmed.

Ian Philips came to see Roan just moments after he regained consciousness.

Ian kneels on one knee as soon as he meets Roan and asks for an officer.

The reason was simple.

As the succession war raged, the nobles were beheaded and the elite of the elite were destroyed.

In doing so, Earl Philips was annuited at Miller's mansion, taking all of his territory, property and soldiers because he also did not actively support Simon.

Ian originally went to the column and tried to ask for an executor, but soon he changed his mind about the upcoming report on Abnegation.

'Prince Column is also being cruel to the royal people in order to take the throne.'

After all, none of the royal family members are worthy of trust.

He naturally left his bloodline and sought out who fit the king best.

'No, I didn't have to.'

Just one.

There was someone close to the ideal monarch Ian thought.

"Earl Roan Lancefield. '

He wasn't just a man of abilities.

He knew how to love and cherish the people of the kingdom more than anyone else.

Ian takes a deep breath and looks straight at him.

A spark flashed deep in his eyes.

Roan smiles blurrily, looking at Ian like that.

"Ian. I'm going to need a lot of your help in the future."

Ian replied coldly with a happy expression.

"I'd be happy to oblige."

Roan nods with a satisfied look and looks around.

Eilee, Chris, Ian, and all of Austin's major commanders were looking at themselves with a united expression.

Roan slaps his chest with a right hand.

"We go to Longport Castle."

Powerful voice.

"We will save the people of the kingdom. But......."

My eyes became hot.

"Before that, I have something to do."

Everyone was curious about what he said.

Roan's gaze is towards the square outside the window.

"I will tell everyone what I want to know."

What you should have done right away.

We had to let everyone know that Roan was no longer loyal to the Rhine royal family.

Some of the commanders or soldiers may still be loyal to the royal family.

If I told the royal family to draw their swords without explaining anything to them, they could be in great confusion.

No, it could have been painful.

Roan didn't want his soldiers to suffer so horribly.


Screaming loudly.

"Yes, my lord."

Austin quickly bows his head.

Roan still cries out in a loud voice, looking out at the heat.

"Assemble all troops outside the west gate. I will reveal my will to them."

Orders have been issued.


Austin replied with a strong voice, along with his manners.

Shortly thereafter, Lancefield's territorial forces plunged into the fields ahead of the west gate, following orders from Austin and other key commanders.

According to Roan's will, some of Mil's saints were also on one side.

"What? What's going on?"

"Are you declaring a contest?"

"Ah. What a declaration of engagement in this yard......."

"There must be some other reason."

I hear chattering everywhere.


Ba-ba-bam! Ba-bam!

The sound of hitting the chest, not the ears, echoes.

It was played by Milta, the official military band in Lansfield territory.


The sound of grumbling subsides.

At the same time.

Roan appeared on a temporary high platform.

A majestic figure with a red helmet, armor, and a cape.

The cloak flutters along the southwind.


Everyone swallowed the drought.

I was amazed by the gently flowing majesty.

"He is our Lord! '

The soldiers of Lansfield's territory open their hearts with pride to the throat.

In the meantime, the majestic music of the Milta Force ends.

The gaze of the Lancefield army and the people of Mill is towards Roan, standing alone on the platform.

Tens of thousands of pairs of eyes.

Roan glances at them with bold eyes.

A moment of static.

Soon, Roan's voice awakened the static in the field.

"First of all, I want to thank the brave soldiers of Lancefield and the people of Miller."

He applauded the struggles and perseverance of many who led to victory in the fierce battle for a while.

An emotional glow appeared on the faces of the soldiers and the saints.

At that time, Roan suddenly bows.

"I hope you'll forgive me for leading you once again to a terrible battlefield."

The Earl of the Kingdom bows.

You duck for the soldiers and the common people.

The light of emotion that came to the faces of the soldiers and the saints became darker.

Roan takes a deep breath.

It was time to get to the point.

"I will march on Longport Castle and execute Simon."

A short brawl strikes the faces of the soldiers and the saints.


Everyone swallowed the drought.

In fact, it was expected to be somewhat.

The king had anticipated this from the moment he attacked Mill.

That's why I wasn't more shocked than I thought.

But soon after, Roan's remarks were truly unexpected.

"I am no longer a servant of the Rhine royal family."


The soldiers and the saints' faces were stiff.

What are you talking about? '

Shi, you're not a gentleman? '

The bewildering light was powerful.

He was the one who spoke behind my back.

I felt a little empowered in my voice.

"I don't want to be a royal servant, but a royal servant."

The sound that made my heart beat dug into my ears.

Ever since Roan first joined the Royal Succession War, his thoughts have finally been shared with everyone.

"Our families, our relatives, our friends, our neighbors....... are having a painful day with our precious people laughing and chattering together. Someone has to save them."

Roan clenches his fist.

"I thought that Simon, Tommy, Column……, the Rhine royalty could do that. But the three of them trampled and provoked the kingdom."


Lancefield's men and his men clench their fists unknowingly.

The power that began at your fingertips flows through your veins and into your heart.

Muscles. Muscles. Biceps.

My heart was racing.

Roan's speech continued.

"I intend to save the people of the kingdom from the ignorant."

The southern winds were gradually raging.

The red cloak flutters roughly.

"Once again, I am no longer a servant of the Rhine royal family."

His voice crosses the field.

"Those who are loyal to the royal family may leave me. You can call me a reverse hat and finger me."

I meant it.

I didn't want to hurt them.

"I won't force you to join me. No, my life could be at stake right now if I stay with you. You may not gain wealth, honor, or power. But......."

Roan's eyes flash with bright light.

"If you fight with me, your children will no longer die of bitterness, cold, or harsh taxes. Your descendants will live in a country where everyone can make their dreams come true."

That was the world that Roan dreamed of.

No, it was a world that everyone, including Lancefield's soldiers and the people of Mill, dreamed of.

Roan screams loudly.

"You will leave a name for history! A hero who ended a terrible world and opened a new one."


Soldiers and saints swallowed dry water with the expression above.

Roan sighs a long time.

The speech came to a close.

"Flowers don't bloom on their own."

Nothing changes if you do nothing.

It was the truth.

"Let's sow the seeds."

What someone has to do.

"Let's make the world fertile with our sweat, blood and tears."


Noble value.

Roan looks convinced and talks behind his back.

"Flowers will bloom."

The soldiers and the saints once again clenched their fists.

My heart grew big.

He looks at everyone and speaks one letter, one letter slowly.

"Our sweat, blood, and tears will never wither."

Even the wind stopped.

The world was quiet.

It feels like even the world is listening to Roan.

"In the name of Amaranth, you who fight with me."

Roan raises his right hand over his head.

His clenched fist trembled.

"Raise your fist."

I didn't need any more words.

No one opened their mouth.

I didn't have to say it.


No one had to go first.

Over 20,000 Lansfield soldiers and the citizens of Mill slowly raise their right hands.

The fists above my head tremble.

His clenched fists shout for his mouth.

< Let's fight together! >

Roan lets out a long sigh in front of his eyes.

My chest swelled up like a burst.

It took me a long time to get here.

There's only one thing left.

Roan widens his fist.

"All forces!"

A resounding voice.

His widespread fingers pointed west.

At the end was Longport Castle.

Finally, an order is given.


At the same time.


Lancefield responded in one voice.

To the extent that the sky and the earth shake.

Soon after, the Milta Army played a marching band.

The people of Miller quickly retreated to one side and shouted.


"Roan Lancefield! Roan Lancefield!"

Roan leads the Lancefield army westward, behind a thunderous shout.

Of course, I didn't forget to leave the garrison behind.

The row of doors leads west for a long time.

The saints held their ground until the tail of the line disappeared.

Among them, there were a number of snarlers, especially old people with long, short breaths who were covered in clothes and hot beards.

"Phew. Phew. Not a royal servant, but a royal servant......."

A voice that feels a complex emotion somewhere.

"Phew. What should I do..."

The old man presses his nose deeply to lift up a strangely bitter giant.

A face that was revealed at the moment.

Surprisingly, he was the Duke Francis Wilson who disappeared after he moved the crest and the parrot of the Rhine family to his home.

He takes a deep breath and presses the giant again.

"The royal family crest and sovereign bird are worthy enough to be masters......."

Once again, a voice mixed with complex emotions rolls down the floor.

Francis bows his head, impatient.


Long breaths touched the floor.

And he muttered in a very small voice.

"Surely the Rhine royal family must end this way......."

It was to be watched.
