I am the Monarch

< Chapter 40 Amaranth >


I thought it was strange from the start.

No, I thought something was wrong.

Changing direction from the northwest of the Rhine Kingdom to King Mill, it was once again the site of Infec Castle, where it was difficult to meet the people of the kingdom as the journey continued.

It was difficult to understand that we could not meet people this far, even though we were moving very secretly, avoiding the possibility of imminent death.

Even as I got close to Infections, I could not meet one of the royal people, even though I visited the village openly.

Literally the whole town was empty.

'I thought you had fled because of the war.'

Abel Limos, who was in charge of escorting Princess Cady Lines, smiled bitterly.

It was not his idea.

Cady and the other knights thought the same thing.

But their thinking was that by the time they entered the Infect region, the mountains had crumbled.

In front of their eyes were these monstrous, hideous, mollusc shamanstones.

After a fierce battle, Princess Cady's group defeats the shaman dolls and focuses on gathering information later.

And I finally had access to the official announcements in the name of Earl Roan Lancefield.

< The Estonian Imperial forces led by Mills Boysa are sweeping the north of the kingdom! >

< Column Lines and Lucan Dies join hands to ravage the southern kingdoms! >

< Simon Lines is kidnapping the Kingdom with shamans and turning them into shaman dolls! >

The first and second publications were also surprising, but not compared to the third.

I didn't believe it at first.

However, the shamanstones and horrific sights that you see as you move across the Infect region, and rumors of the battle between Roan and Simon, have complicated your mind.

Over time, the certainty that it would never be turned into doubts.

But there was only one person, Cady, who trusted Simon to the end.

"My brother wouldn't do that. Something's wrong."

A confident voice.

"I have to check it with my own eyes."

Eventually, Cady, Abel and many other knights gave up their covert movements and rescued horses and wagons, moving quickly towards Longport Castle.

Then I heard a rumor.

It was that there was a battle between Roan and Simon on the west side of Long Force Castle.

Kady and Abel immediately turn and head for the battlefield.

Two days running day and night.

They were finally able to arrive at the terrible and terrible battlefield.

Ironically, that's when Simon started running.

"Oh, my God......."

Cady could not believe the sight that lay before her eyes.

Two groups battling intensely with each other.

Earl Lancefield's flag on one side and King Rhine, who stands for Simon on the other.

'The rumors were true.'

Abel and the knights' faces harden.

Shamans, if you will! '

Nobles and knights were inherently opposed to shamans.

Simon, who they believed in, is desperate to work with the shamans.


"Brother! Where are you?! Brother!"

Cady screams nonstop.

A sharp voice sweeps through the battlefield.

Abel shakes his head in surprise, shaking his hand at the clumsy heart.

"Go, Princess! Be quiet! You may be attacked by an enemy if you are not careful!"


Cady screams calmly and asks.

"Enemy? Which one of them is the enemy?"

In a way, it's a very easy question.

However, no one, including Abel, responded in a cool way.


Awkward look.

Cady said with a confident expression.

"I believe in my brother. And I trust Earl Lancefield. This must be some kind of mistake or misunderstanding. I......."

Her gaze returns to the battlefield below the hill.

"I'm gonna put everything back the way it was."

Then I took a deep breath and screamed out loud.

"Brother! Earl Lancefield!"

There was a small wavelength on the battlefield that was silent because of Magi of the Pienville Mana Act.

The wavelength reaches Roan and Simon, who are now facing each other.

Roan watches over Cady, being cautious of Simon.

Maybe Princess Cady can stop Simon from running off. '

It's like the Alien Line stopped him from running off.

Expectations of work.

'No, I'm more of a runaway…..'

When I thought about it.


Suddenly, Simon, who was with the storm, disappears.

No, I was running so fast that I felt like I was gone.

Head where Cady is standing.

"Damn it!"

Roan grumbles without knowing it.

Why is he in such a hurry?

It's not a favorable gesture! '

What comes out of Simon is a horrible life.

Roan raises his weapon and sends it to both legs.

It was to go after Simon.

Travis' voice echoes through his mind.

[Wait! Are you going after that monster?]

'Of course.'

Roan nods briefly.

[No way! That guy! Pienville Manat is the one that that that monster trained! Dammit, I forgot all about that horrific energy!]

Travis shudders.

[At your level, I can't deal with Magi of the Pienville Mana Act. You'll die the moment you come at me!]

My head rang.

Roan frowns with his left hand on his forehead.

'I know what you mean. But.......'

His eyes follow behind him.

He was running towards Cady, slaughtering soldiers with his sword at will.

Roan takes a deep breath and plunges into the ground.

My body leans forward and my new stature is blurry.

'I can't let him go on like this.'

I had to make a decision.

The moment I missed him here, hell was about to break loose.

It's happened once in my last life.

'I don't want to go through it again.'

Roan quickly chases after Simon.

[You idiot!]

Travis sighs as if frustrated.

A deep sigh echoes through my head.

Then he said in a voice as if he had no choice.

[Roan, listen to me. If you keep this up, you're gonna lose your life to Peñeville Maggio.]

His voice was serious.

[Peenville Maggy can't deal with it in the usual way.]

At that moment, Roan's eyes sparkle and glow.

"Can't you handle it the usual way? So there's another special way? '

[Yes, there is one way.]

Roan asks, still chasing after Simon.

What's the plan? '

The answer was harsh.

[If you want to hear it, come to Vertex.]


[You need to concentrate on Manahall. At your level, it's not hard to open the Vertex gate.]

'No, that's not what I'm worried about.'

Roan's gaze leads to Simon's back, or rather, the soldiers around him, and Kady and the knights on the hill.

When I get into Vertex, who's gonna protect them? '

Travis makes a short sigh as if it were absurd.

[Huh. This is too irredeemable.]

But somehow, I liked it a little better.

Roan strikes the ground again.

I was ready to take the fight for my life.


[It'll be fine for a while, so don't worry. Come into Vertex.]

'For a moment......?'

Roan frowns.

Travis' excited voice echoes through his mind.

[Look west of the hill.]

Roan's gaze naturally flows west.

His eyes sparkle and glow for a moment.

At the same time, the tail of my mouth went up.

Not only that.

Even the fierce pursuit of Simon's rear slows down slightly.

Without hesitation, Roan makes his way to the camp where Lancefield Force's headquarters are located.

Abandoning Simon's pursuit.

As soon as Roan got to a safe place, he sat comfortably, closed his eyes and was ready to enter Bertex.

[That's a lot of faith.]

Travis seems surprised.

Roan nods, smiling bluntly.

"Of course. He's the greatest founder on the continent. '

You concentrate your mind on Manahall, terrified of finishing your speech.

At the same time, the doors of Vertex, which were tightly closed, opened wide.

Roan takes a step inside the door without hesitation.

The world became calm and dark again.

Meanwhile, Simon drives the running soldiers out into the hills, pushing them back and forth.

A hazy black smoke emanates from the body.


He stomps to the ground, splashes into the air and twists lightly.

He flies like a bird to the top of a hill.


A feather-like, soft landing.

Simon smiles brightly, revealing his black teeth.

The black eyes sparkle strangely, without any white.

Where the eye can see.

It was Kady in front of him.

"Oh, brother......."

Simon's appearance was bizarre, but Cady could recognize him at once.

She steps forward and extends her hand.

A white, thin finger moves toward Simon's face.

"Go, Princess!"

Abel and the knights call Cady with a nervous expression.

But Cady had no reaction.

Her big eyes were filled with thick teardrops.

I feel like I'm going to fall.

"Why, why did this happen....... why......, why did this happen......."

Blame, worry, sadness.......

The humble emotions flowed in my voice.

Simon still smiles strangely and horribly at Cady.


His head tilts back.

It's like looking closely at Cady in front of you.

Are you okay? '

Do you recognize the princess? '

'But what a terrible sight…..'

Abel and the knights stare at Simon and Cady, breathlessly.

Cady covers Simon's face gently with both hands.

"Brother, let's stop now. Throne is power, so let's both live happily ever after."

Seeing Simon change, my heart aches.

It was all about the throne.

That's what Cady thought.

At that moment, Simon's head, which had been tilted back down, is in place again.

At the same time, the eyes grew wide and the mouth that was smiling wider became even more bizarre.

It's like he's gonna eat her right now.

The feeling was not at all wrong.


Simon reaches out his left hand and grabs Kady's neck with a strange sound.

It was a very relaxed and slow movement, but strangely unstoppable or inevitable.


Cady vomits in agony as she tightens her breath.

"Go, Princess!"

"Your Majesty! Let go of that hand!"

Abel and his knights are startled and rush towards Simon.

Instinctive behavior.

At that moment, Simon lightly shakes his right hand.

The black smoke scattered along the fingertips, drawing a curve.



The galloping knights stop at the creepy feeling.

At that moment.


Blood spurts from your shoulders and knees.

The arm and leg that were firmly attached fell out uglily.



The knights fall screaming in extreme pain as they arrive late.

No, it collapsed.

The knights, known as the interior of the kingdom, fall with their arms and legs cut off at once.

"Ugh. Oh, oh, brother......."

Cady looks at Simon with bloodshot eyes.

Grim eyes.

"It's me. It's Cady. Glug off one brother......."

The horses could not continue.

Simon's fingers dig into Cady's throat.

Roan's run and Simon's run were clearly different.

There was a difference between the existence of Aelle to Roan and the presence of Cady to Simon.

Roan answers Ailee's call, but Simon does not respond to Cady's.


Simon flares his black tongue and draws his sword with his right hand.


It was a colourful sword that fell apart as part of the encounter with Roan.

Simon raises his sword and cracks up a weird smile.


This looks like a very pleasant moment.

Cady opens her eyes wide with her teeth clenched, choking and dizzy.

To capture Simon, my only brother, until the very last moment.

"My brother......."

A voice that is completely powerless.

"You're already dead."

The voice is all in my heart.

Cady realized Simon was dead, too, after standing in front of death.


Simon pulls down his sword with a strange smile.

Tries to lengthen Cady's torso.

Moment of death.

Nevertheless, Cady did not detect the eyes.



Along with the rift, Cady's long pole reveals itself.

A spear made of crude iron precisely blocks Simon's fallen blade.


Simon turns his head along the spear, grinning.

Cady turns her head and finds the owner of the palanquin.


Suddenly, a low elasticity flowed out.

A young man standing on the edge of a spear.

The young man with a very dirty impression was Fields who had just wandered off from each other.

Phil gives Cady a big smile and lowers his head slightly.

Then you twist your wrist at the stake and flick Simon's sword.


The sound of the iron bells resounded.

"Hey, cavities man. You better let go of that hand. If you don't want to get fired."

Pills quietly spits out his words and swings his spear.

Quick movements.

As the spear dances, it is drawn down towards Simon's left arm.


Simon laughs still, quickly dropping Cady and pulling back.

But he didn't just back off.

You throw the longsword in your right hand at Cady.


Along with a sharp wave, the polarization pierces Cady.

Phil quickly rolls his feet and shakes his spear wide.

A smashing spear bounces off the ground, and soon Simon's Longsword is suspended.

Ka 'ang!

The heavy metal rings in my ears.

"You take care of your own stuff!"

A mild joke that doesn't suit a serious situation at all.

Phil's personality has definitely changed.

This was all about the rail baker.

No, it wasn't just like that.

I was taught by the rails in my last life, but nothing as dramatic as this has happened.

The blade bounces off and flies toward Simon's head.


Simon smiles happily and reaches for the flying sword.

What a stupid thing to do.

It was obvious that your wrist would be severed by a sharp blade.

However, Simon cleverly twists his wrist and grabs the flying longsword.

Amazing technology.

Phil, who was watching, shrugs lightly.

"You take care of your own stuff. Keep it safe from now on."

He makes a silly joke and then approaches Cady.

It's like Simon doesn't even care.

"Princess, are you all right?"


Cady didn't answer.

She sits motionless and screams for tears.


At that moment, Fields' heart fluttered greatly.

'Why are you doing this.......'

It was strange.

Every time I met Cady, I felt an unknown emotion.


He tried his best to clear his mind.

Phil smiles awkwardly and raises his thumb.

"Hang on, hang on, hang on. I'll get it over with."

He turns his spear and stares at Simon.

Simon smiles strangely, swinging his sword around without context.

"Hey, cavities man. I'm a little busy right now, so let's get this over with. Huh?"

Phil hasn't figured out who Simon is yet.

Who can think that the beast with black black eyes, lips, teeth, soles, and nails is Simon, the king of the Rhine Kingdom?

Pills aims for Simon at the top of his spear, taking the Riding Formation.

"Well, then……"

When the horse goes on like that.


Simon hits the ground with his readiness.

An unprecedented attack.


A sharp wave struck my ear.

A fierce corrosion erupts as if the sword were to cut through the space, even as the man moves.


Phil swallowed the wind.

I knew the opponent in front of me was an unusual skill, but that level was exceeding my expectations.

Cham! Cham! Get it, get it!

A duel broke out with the sound of iron.

Simon wields his longsword, gushing out Pienville's magi.

Fields actually prevented all of his attacks with a strange and dizzy spear.


There was a gruesome roar between the workshops that continued without any rest.

The protagonist of the blush is Fields.

In my last life, I struggled to deal with Simon, who was called the greatest creator of the continent and a newcomer, who had just begun to boom.

"Is this too early for you?" '

I regretted coming out of the Gran Mountains so coldly that I thought I was good enough.

I didn't expect such a monstrous swordsman.

No, it was just a monster.

"If I had only completed the Creative Arts….."

The spear method is incomplete because of Hassan's haste.

If that essence had been made completely your own, it would have been a little easier to deal with the monster in front of you.

Kang! Kang! Caaaaang!

The heavy metal rings in succession.

Workshops became more intense over time.

"Kake! Kake!"

Simon bursts out in a series of weird smiles, whether meeting the hostile enemy.

On the other hand, as time went by, Fields tasted like death.

"Dammit! What the hell is this thing?!"

Eventually, my fury burst.

Then Kady, who was still sitting on the floor, mutters, looking at Simon dazed.

"He's... my brother. No, he was my brother."

A pathetic voice.

Fields who was listening opened his eyes wide.

"Your brother? King Simon Rhynes?!"

I was surprised, but there was no disturbance in the spear.

"What the hell does this look like?"

Simon and Cady were both asked at the same time.


Simon made strange noises instead of answers.

"I don't know."

Cady's answer was not helpful.

Of course, Pills didn't want an answer either.

He gripped his teeth.

"If this monster is King Simon..."

He was Roan's enemy anyway.

Fields also late confirmed the announcement in the name of Roan Lancefield.

It was also later found out that Roan had subdued Simon and the shamans.

Immediately after that, he hurried to the Infect region.

And fortunately, or unfortunately, we arrived at the location of the battle shortly after Simon's runaway.


Phil stares at Cady, avoiding Simon's aggression.

A very short look at Cady.

Complex emotions got tangled.

"I'm sorry, but I need to put my brother, or someone who was my brother, to sleep."

It was a euphemism, but it meant killing Simon soon.

There was a dark light on Cady's face.

But I did not openly disagree or act out.

I looked at Fields and Simon with sadder eyes than ever before.


Phil swallowed the moan.

It was unbearable.

However, my decision did not waver.

He was more important than the kingdom, more important than the king, more important than the princess.

'Erl Lancefield's enemy is my enemy. That's it.'

Pills takes a deep breath and spits Mana into the clutches of his spear.

Though it was an unfinished method, I was able to imitate the last one.

"If you want to catch this monster enough to imitate it..."

First, I had to lay out the perfect plate.

'I'll make you crazy.'

Phil's jaw goes up gently.

His spear moves like a dance.

Cough! Cough! Ka 'ang!

Once more, a fierce Workshop War broke out.

In fact, when I think of the bear, it was really amazing.

Fields was fighting equal to Peenville Magi without having clearly mastered the great Mana method.

What was lacking was filling the gaps with unfinished windows that he had created and trained himself.

To that, a flash of short-term response was added.

Phil, he was a genius.

Boom! Boom! Chang!

As time went on, the sound of the metal resounded like an instrument.

Simultaneous rivalries gradually spread to Simon's advantage.

Phil begins to be pushed off very little by little.


Intermediate burst of depression.

His forearms and thighs were full of wounds.

I even had a shallow gasp on my cheek and neck.

"Kake! Kake!"

As Fields is pushed, Simon's strength grows stronger.

No, he was getting crazier.


Simon's sword was like a wet dance, like a frenzy.

He was even more excited when he saw Pills crouching in front of him.

That's why the movement of swinging the sword gradually grew.

It was at that moment that Pills' mouth, which had been immersed in centuries, went up.

'Good. The game is sharp.'

The perfect edition for a single occasion.

Phil turned him on purpose to create a loophole for himself.

To stab the last one precisely.


One more time, a cry came out.

Of course, not all of this was an act.

As the actual workshops continued, Phil was increasingly at large.

Pienville's Mana Law was enormous, and Simon's buzzing vigor was terribly powerful.



Simon raises his sword high and lunges straight for Phil.

Okay, that's enough. '

Pills, who was pushed backwards, called for inner joy and moved his feet dizzily.

Simultaneously, Simon's sword falls over his head.

At that moment.


Phil disappeared along with the wave.


Where he showed up again was Simon's left hand side.

"Now go to sleep."

Pills yells out loud and moves his spear loudly.

The final step in unfinished creation.

That was the first time I saw any good in the world.



Simon gives a big smile with a strange sound.

Completely unexpected.

He was staring at the empty front, not at Fields moving around to the left.

At the end was a woman.

Cady Lines.

Simon showed interest in Cady, not Phil, who had just opened a fierce workshop.

He ignores Fields' attack and throws his sword at Cady.

"Holy shit!"

It was Phil who was embarrassed.

I never thought Simon would be interested in a third party, not himself, in this fierce struggle.

Phil pauses as he prepares for his final blow.

'Stick a spear in here and Simon dies. But at the same time Princess Cady dies.'

The world was slowing down.

It was a very short time, but there were tens and tens of thousands of problems in Fields' head.

It was the same problem.

Will you save her? Won't you save him? '

Normally, no, she wouldn't have bothered at all if she wasn't Princess Cady.

'I do not seek.'

I'm sure you did.

But strangely enough, I couldn't turn my back on Cady.

It was from the first encounter.

It feels like we've known each other for a long time.

Phil's eyes move toward Cady.


Cady's eyes pierced her chest.

A pathetic look that has already accepted its own death.

Phil grips his teeth.

'The answer doesn't have to be the right answer.'

He forcefully twists his wrist.

The Mana twists at its own pace.

The spear turns and aims at the flying longsword.

'The wrong answer is also the answer.'

Phil answered the question.

At the same time, Fields' spear disappears from his grasp.

At that moment.

Ka 'ang!

Simon's longsword, which was flying through the room with an enormous iron screech, is shattered.

We don't even know how it happened in English.


It was the same with Simon.

Cady, who had already experienced death, blinked her big eyes with a puzzled look.



Fields vomits blood clots with a deep cough.

In his hands, a spear that had clearly disappeared was once again gripped.

It's the stuff ghosts sing.

Phil clears his distance with Simon as he calms the boiling Mana in his body.

I took a slight step toward Cady's side.

Luckily, Simon was distracted by a shattered Longsword in front of his eyes.


Phil coughs again.

Cady just found out.

'This is him. He saved my life. Again, again, again.......'

My eyes became warmer.

"You okay?"

Worrying Question.

Phil takes a deep breath and nods.

"Yes, I'm fine. However......."

I smiled bitterly at his mouth.

"It will be hard to fight again."

The unfinished scroll, its final act.

I tried to imitate what I couldn't finish, but I turned to forced at the last moment.

The aftermath caused Mana to become heavily overwhelmed and was severely injured by Mana Road.

It was treatable enough to make amends, but I couldn't afford it now.

It's because Simon, the monster in front of him, was smiling strangely.


He soon lost interest in the shattered Longsword.

Simon's gaze returned to Kady.

When Pills saw that, he burst out a ceremonial smile.

"I think your brother really loves you."

Cady smiled at that as well.

Once Pills' body was destroyed, all that was left was to die.

"I'm sorry."

Cady sends her apologies.

Phil smiles bluntly and exhales for a long time.

"I wish I could say the same."

Bold voice.

Cady asked.

"To whom?"

Phil replied with a bold answer.

"To those of you who serve."


I didn't need any more questions.

Cady knew who he was.

In the meantime, Simon gets close.

Black light flows from his right hand.


He said his last goodbye.

Simon raises his right hand above his head.

The instant.



Cold, cold voice.

At the same time, a red shadow falls between Fields and Simon.

Fields' eyes widen.

It was covered with a red helmet, armor, and cloak, but even from the back, he could see who the red weapon was in front of him.


Tears filled my eyes without hesitation.

"Khh. Deputy Roan. Oh, no, Earl Lancefield......."

My voice is wet.


The red shadow stands firm and slowly turns away.

Under the helmet, red eyes gleam and glow.

The Red Armor was armed by Roan Lancefield.

Roan and Fields' gaze is hot and tangled.

At that moment, Roan's mouth suddenly went up sharply.

Funny smile.

"Khh. Is this the Pills?" "

It was definitely Roan's voice, but the tone and content were very different from that of Roan.

Phil was deeply embarrassed.

"Yes? Well, that's me. That's me. That's Fields."

It made me anxious to think that Roan had forgotten himself.

At that moment, Roan's eyes glow red and black.

"Hmmm. Bringing that dreadful Peenville maggie into thin air with no distinctive mana levels. That's amazing."

I changed my mind again.

Fields' eyes tremble.

"No, this is not Earl Lancefield. '

He could feel it.

The fierce heterogeneity emanating from Roan.

Phil's eyes were wide open.

"Who are you?"

Surprised by the sound of spitting out was Kady beside him.

"What are you talking about? This is Earl Lancefield."

"No, this is not Earl Lancefield."

Pills said with a resolute expression and voice.

Roan rolls his lips.

"Wow. Amazing. I can't believe you noticed that. The two of you have been separated from each other for a long time......."

The words that followed nervously were cut off in the middle.

At the same time, the eyes, which were shining in black, turned brown.


A long breath flowed from my mouth.

Instead of a sneaky smile, a blurry smile settles in.


Phil blows out a low elasticity without even knowing it.

He hasn't said a word yet, but he can feel it.

"Earl Lancefield."

Something you don't even know you're saying.

Roan's mouth darkens with a smile.

"It's been a while."

A bad, yet gentle, warm voice.

Phil grips his teeth.

Suppressing the tears that are about to burst.

Roan taps his shoulder and turns back.

Simon is right in front of you.

I felt a soft look in my eyes.


A voice that sings out loud.

Fields' gaze pierces Roan's back.

"Let's say goodbye later."

Roan aims at Simon with Travis' spear.

"We have very little time to stay in this state."

Unknown word.

Roan narrows his eyes while taking a ride.

"It'll be over soon….."

Confident voice.

"Wait a little longer."

At that moment.


A dark red flame rises from Roan's body.

No, there was a dark red glow.

It looks like the Devil has turned the flames of hell upside down.
