I am the One Piece Kaido

The pirates are the 158th section of the beast.

"If I don't come again, are you still destroying a palace!"

The middle-aged man drunk, let the Rolos sanctuary are somewhat dissatisfied, but I don't dare to say anything. After all, the Rolros family is still his father.

"Is it that Thaedo appeared again!"

Looking at your son, a middle-aged man asked, as a father of Rolos, how can he not know the Rolos' Sheng.

Therefore, for Thaedia's things, middle-aged men are very clear, and naturally know why Rolulis is so angry.

"Yes, the guy has already appeared!"

Biting the teeth, the Rolos holy face is incomparable.

"I have already moved zero, I have to kill the guy completely!"

Rolos sanctivation, directly let the middle-aged man change, some ugly,

"You are crazy? Zero guy can be cultivated by the Tiansheng family, which is their spokesperson, even if I want to invoice each other, I have to pay the giant 257 big price!"

Zero, is the highest emermer of CP0, but also the captain of the whole CP0, with the power of the level of the shoulder, and the strongest family in the Tianlong people - Tiansheng, cultivated, is their Spokesperson, even if it is a dragon, it can't order him.

"I am not crazy, as long as I can kill the guy, the big price is also worth it!"

Rolos crazy roaring trail, some of the face.

"You! Stupid !!"

The middle-aged man's beard is rumored, and the finger trembles pointed to Rolulose, and finally did not say anything, but said.

"For, since you are alone, I don't intend to stop you!"

"The majesty of Tianlong is not allowed to violate, since Kai Du dare to take the dragon people, then kill it!"

"Just this time the Navy and the world government will make a big move to Thaedo, let zero together!"

The middle-aged man looked at Rolos, and the tone was not suspicious.

"As for you, solve that guy, it is best to give me a little, don't make trouble!"

"Yes, my father!"

Rolos is excited, with the ugly face with footprints, become more and more difficult to look.

"Thaed, this time you are dead!".

Chapter 110, the sea vibration, Thaedo's goal (third more)

The sun is high, the warm sun is sprinkled.

" ..."

The light wind is slow, blown up, the waves are surging, and the array of waves is launched.

", , ..."

In the air, occasionally sporadic seagulls flew over, slightly a shadow in the sea.

When the news released by the Navy, after the news birds all over the world, the sea boiled.

"The beasts have forms a hundred beasts, which have tens of thousands of people, to go to the new world?"

"Scorpio, the navy actually wants to declare war in the area of ​​the shampo, in the area of ​​the islands !!"

"This is simply super news !!"

There are countless shocks, whether it is a "hundred beasts", Capedo set up a hundred pirates, or the Navy declared war, it is enough to vibrate the sea, especially the Navy, and the aroma is still placing the battlefield, waiting for Cairong, and will Live a live broadcast of the world, broadcast the specific situation of the battle to the world, which is undoubtedly a shock to the extreme.

"Hey, the navy has made a big hand this time! I don't know how Kay dares to fight!"

"Oh, don't necessarily, although Tharma can make the navy down, but it is because the alone will threaten the Navy. Now he set up a hundred pirates. Once he meets the navy, I am afraid I will be crushed directly!"

. It is considered that only the small pirates composed of the great waterway will be better! "

Most people shake their heads. I don't think that Kamado will fight. I can't wait for the Navy. I just just because I want to find a person in the sea. It is too difficult, and Thae's own strength is also extremely Horror, the navy will be helplessly give up, and low to Kamado.

But now, the shampoo is not far from the Navy's Ma Lin, which is not far from the Navy. This distance is nothing, it is not too long. It is not used for too long, and the navy actually dares to broadcast to the world, then show Have absolute self-confidence suppression "100 ~ ‖ beast", Thara, at all, not afraid of the strength of Kamo.

In this case, Cailladare is still hitting, that is, pure brain is kicked, basic impossible.

"Hey, Mare, but the strongest monster in the world, how can it be afraid of the so-called Navy!"

"Yes, I believe that Mare will never avoid war, and it is impossible to fear the Navy!"

Speaking of these words, is crazy worshiping the hundreds of pirates, in their opinion, Madox is invincible, it is impossible to fear the small navy.

Just in the whole sea, the controversy, the first half of the great waterway, the big sea, a huge fleet is rapidly galloping at sea, a huge shocking ripple.

Puzza is a hundred meters long warship, on the boat, there is a thick and extreme mast, like a custom sea god, fixed the entire vessel, the dark and bright, the brush, full of horrible murderous beast images, the live flexibility The appearance, it seems that it is about to go out from the painting, full of shock.