I am the One Piece Kaido

The pirates are the 161st section of the beast

"Call, call, call ..."

Magma giant fonds, like a meteor shower, make people shocking.

"Is Sakasky's attack!"

At this time, the battle boat "Jun Lin" is on the deck, ZERO, 2B, Jack, and the men are standing there. Everyone has exudes a sharp momentum, and coldly goes with a magma, such as meteor shower.

"Heaven, a horrible attack !!"

"It is the attack of Saskaski! We will die!"

"Three disasters, why not don't shoot!"

On the twine on the "Jun Lin", a group of pirates raised cold sweat, and some fear shouted.

"Brush! Hey !!"

The sharp knife of Feng Rui scored a trajectory, killing a thief of a shout, rolling out of the skull, blood spurting, sprinkled with deck.

"Give me a quiet point, who will dare to yell, I am destroyed him!"

The pirates grew very much, coldly swearing, the pirates, instantly let them calm down, although they still have a little panic, but reluctantly maintain calm.

"This level of attack, three disasters and adults can be easily solved, you only need to fight with the navy, understand !!"


Although the fear is incomparable, the Pirates will accumulate the prevailing, or the pirates shouted, and they have grown their weapons.

"This is a large-scale attack, and only ZERO adults or Horton can resist it!"

Jack stunned, some dignified roads, not him and fans could not fight, but the attack range of meteor volcanoes is a bit big, and they can only block part, it is better to have efficient as natural.


There is no expression, Zero's right foot is repeated on the deck, the body suddenly rushes into the sky, the white skirt hunting, the horrible cold is evolving, and the atmosphere is frozen.


A pair of ice dragon wings suddenly opened, the scorpion of the criminal became a cold dragon, and the cold eyes looked at the upcoming fists, and a silver long hair fluttering, like the immortality of the world, amazing.

"Ice Spear !!"

The horrible to the ultimate cold, the sudden interconders of the atmosphere, the thies of the thies of the ice, each spear exudes the ultimate cold, projected, enough to kill the murder, in an instant Freeze a small warship.

" ..."

The slender jade hand, the spear is like a meteor, crazy, broke out, puncture the atmosphere, and make sharp blank sounds.

· · Fresh flowers · ··

"Hey ..."

The horrible collision is out of the air, and countless magma giant fists have been treated by the ice spear. It has become a numerous magma, and the crazy fall falls to the sea, evaporates sea water, and raises large water vapor.

"Who is that woman, there is actually blocked Saskasky's volcano!"

Kapu frowned, and some doubts looked at the glamorous woman in the air, asked in confused.

"It is the princess of the Othi Kingdom, the South China Sea, who is milled!"

The Warring States said that he looked at the air waving between Saskasky, and said some taboo.

"That fruit should be the legendary ice dragon fruit, in the shampooland auction will be obtained by Caillom, just did not expect such a strong devil fruit, it will give a woman to eat!"

"Ice Dragon Fruit !!"

Everyone in the field is not a horrible monster level, naturally see how many people are wide, naturally clear and powerful, and one will show an envious and eye-catching.

"The courtesy came late !!"

The corner of the mouth rasherly smile, ZERO's right hand, unprecedented horror cold, and a super huge burning ice hockey suddenly appears.

"Ice meteorite !!"

"Boom ..."

The volume is a volume of hundreds of meters, comparable to a horror ice hockey, bombarding the atmosphere, heavy fall, the horrible volume, blowing 20 warships, the sea water Crazy, waves on a magnificent sea, even sinking a concave pothole, making people shocked to the extreme.

"How can it be!!!"

"It's too exaggerated !!"

It is the steel bone empty and others, and it looks at the horrible ice hockey.

"Oh, if this is unable to stop, the Navy will be destroyed by the whole army!"

The tone is still in the world, but the face of Pusasale is dignified, and the ice hockey in front of them has no threats, although the size is very large, the destructive power is also amazing, but with their speed, you can completely fall in the ice hockey, calm Suddenly, but other navy can not do, once the ice hockey falls, the 20 warships present, tens of thousands of elite navy will be completely destroyed.