I am the One Piece Kaido

The pirates are the hundred beasts 224

Pick up the blood red illusion · bat fruit, Thaedo throws it to the British Leide.

"Xie Cai Dom !!"

I took the devil fruit, and I have already served the Laide, who has already been surproved, and there is no hesitation, directly peeled out the peel, and eat the fruit!


It is difficult to say, disgusting to the extreme, according to the passage of the average taste, full of the taste of Lyder, the violent disaster, but the students have been to endure by Lyder, just frowning, I will bear it.

This fruit is like! !

"As for this golden fruit, it is still not really useful, wait for me to say enough people!"

Take the golden devil fruit, Thaedo holds it back to the box.

Superman, Golden Fruit, this fruit itself represents wealth, and Kaido will naturally not waste, but intend to find a real talent, play this devil fruit to the extreme, and reach the original "Golden Emperor" , Even more stronger.

After all, I want to create a huge power, and the necessary money is absolutely indispensable. If there is no enough money, who will follow you? Even the World Government and the Navy is also supported by huge funds, otherwise the soldiers have already rebellious.

What's more, all kinds of military materials, food items, and scientific research require a lot of funds. This is the current "bottom" that Kamada is currently not available.

This is not a simple strength to achieve, it takes a long time to accumulate, slowly reach.

"Okay, I will go!"

When everything is packed, Thaedo said, then turned and turned into a few surviving pirates.

"As for a few, pass the news to white beards, then let them go to Lexo Island to find me!"

"Remember, it is the 100th Union, otherwise waiting for them, it is the news that does not die in Malco and Catarau!"

PS: Tomorrow recovery four more, occasionally five, the way, to prevent occasionally no time, but can not be updated! (Ω)

In the words, it should also be prepared for the next world's information and plots, good headache! .

The 160th chapter of the One League, the anger of white beard (third more)

The world's strongest monster - Baoren Case, led the huge fleet to Mobit Island, strongly rushing to defeat the non-dead bird Malco, the first Kataka, the star of the star, the night fork Dufangming, multi-library, etc. Four strong people in the One League.

I even dropped the proud of the big sword. The eagle eye hooded, and got a few pirates that were surprised by the unparalleled ribs and devil fruits, this news was survived, with a short two or three days, pass Over the new world.

Subsequently, it was an earthquake earthquake, and suddenly attracted the eyes of countless pirates, and even the throne of the King of the One League.

"Heaven, the monster of the beast is actually going to the new world!"

"I just went to the new world to suppress Malco, it seems that Thaedo is the iron, it is necessary to rule the new world!"

"I don't know how white beard" eight two zero "will they go to Lexo Island, which is not more opponents, white beards they may not dare to go!"

"This battle is no matter who has won, the situation in the new world will have a change in the sky, and countless forces will be shuffled!"

This news has been distributed, and suddenly attracts the attention of countless pirates, even the great power of the new world, the strong kingdom is in tightly observing the situation.

Whether it is a white beard, the terrible Thaedo, any party in the two parties, the strength of the ownership is far from them to resist, now what they can do, it is to consider which party victory Thereafter, how to correspond.

Of course, they also saved how cheap is lucky when they have two defeats in white beards and Thaedo.


The center of the new world - Helks Sea, Poncrelos Island, One Pirates Headquarters.

Since the United States and other pirates jointly fight against Kamad, in order to prevent it from being broken by Thara, they gave up their own old nests, turned to gather, and chose the center of the new world - Poncrelos Island. As the headquarters of the alliance.

At this time, the Ponk Relos island gathered a large number of strong pirates. Hundreds of hundreds of ace boat were scattered around the island, and there were hundreds of hundreds of pirates to gather on this island, bringing more than 200 strong. The One Piece can be said to be half a pirate in the new world.

Of course, the new world has also distributed many hundred thieves, and white beards did not gather all the hundred pirates, and they still need to guard, two hundreds of pirates, even if they have this part The strength of the elite sea, even if you gathered more than 100,000 people, and you can't bear a tyrant domineering.

Therefore, white beards and others are only gathered outside of the elite pirates, and they will continue to aggregate.

"Bastard !!!"

At this time, the Trilos Island, suddenly came out, and then a horrible overlord is swept across the entire island, and there are countless pirates. .

"This voice is white beard !!!"

"Sure enough, white beards are most important to their son, now Malco is taken away, enough to make white beards."

"Even if it is anger? It is not a general opponent. Even the Navy will add the top of the World Government, it is not the horror monster of the opponent. All the top strong people all the top of the Miolitan is not an opponent!"

There are countless pirats look at the center of the palace group, and they have said that they are sighful. They are all ordinary pirates, and they are not too big, and they are not too strong.

After all, this world is originally strong, and the world's strongest monster is not a lot of face, but it is unfortunately, their captains are a strong pirates with ambition, and it is impossible to be willing. The surrender of Thaedo, naturally wants to resist.

At this time, the depths of magnificent palaces, in a meeting room, a large round table with a foot, more than ten meters, sitting in a lot of powerful pirates.

White beard, red hair, Bio-Mom, death hunter, a famous top hundred pirates, and more than twenty, sitting on the round table.

Like "diamond" Joz, Ben Becman, the powerful cadres such as "Diamond", is not sitting, not their strength, but to participate in the conference, the new world is strong, ruled many one thieves The leader is not an ordinary crew, or even cadres can sit on. ..