I am the One Piece Kaido

The pirates are the Baochand 477


Kaido pinned his fist, the golden eyes flashed, and smiled and gazing his friends, and smiled.

"I am calling my father!"

After the sudden moment, Thaedo raised his hand and brought out, and the time atmospheric shock, unparalleled horror power swept, terrible waves shredded the huge arrows hit, and the rest did not change the horror The waves tear everything in front.

"not good!"

You Habo faced a big change, induction of this horror, instantly disappeared in the original place, and directly avoided the front.

Boom! !

The earth is torn, the snow is smashed, everything in front of thousands of meters, all of which are killed by this punch.

"I am really powerful, but my body!"

At the other side, when Friends Haubach appeared on the other side, a flat voice, let friends hick, and then couldn't help but get rid of it.


A big feet arrested in the eyes of Friends, and waited for him to discharless, and he took him directly on his face. He immediately gave him the whole person.


Atmospheric roar, That is Thaedo stepped on the atmosphere, 2.5 No ability to use any capabilities, with the fuss of the flesh, and chase it in an instant.

Hey ...

The sound of fist and meat is constantly sounding. In the eyes of the star cross knights, their emperor, the king of the teacher, the king of the teacher, is being burst with the body, which is being bursted, and the handsome face belonging to the rain. The moment of fat is swollen, just in just one second, the whole person is made into a pig.

'what! ! '

Friends Habach were incomparable. He wanted to send a roar to express his anger, but from the fists of all sides, he made him even shouting, if he used to use "Jingshi" to improve his flesh The force, I am afraid that it will be exploded in the first time.

This is the case, he is also in the power of the resistance, and it is not good.

This is unilaterally hit!


Thirty-five-two chapter Egg cribed Friends Haubach! (Second more)

This is unilaterally hanging!

Under the Mado's unparalleled flesh, the power of Friendabhachi rebellious, the body flew in the air like a sandbag.


It is also a boxing in the friends of the friends, and the powerful power is almost bombardized by friends.


Friends Habo anger, the sharp spiritual force is crazy, and it is condensed out of the outer casing that is covered.

Shell static blood!

This is a stratified strengthening extension, which can resist the attack of the enemy, and even have the power of eroding everything.



With a crisp sound, the shell is stunned directly, and a big feet directly stepped on the face of Friends, the horrible power directly fell.

Bomb! !

The earth cracks, and Friends hit the earth along the ground with amazing speed, and directly hit a long "channel".

17 "!"

"Like dreams!"

"Your Majesty is actually ..."

Looking at all of this star cross knight group, there have been swallowed the mouth, and the eyes are shocking. Looking at the friends, Habi is a madness, and everyone has a dreamless illusion.


Foot atmosphere, Customar shape is like Thunder, whistling to the friend, Haubach, speeding up the body shape set off the wind, and flying out the gravel of the earth.

"not good!"

Looking at the face, Friends who stand up to see this scene, suddenly shocking, instantly showing the fike.


Next moment, a big feet, the power of terror, collapsed directly to dozens of meters, like the meteorite hit a general, directly depressed.