I can raise a beast

Chapter 444

The man in black was also stunned, and finally arrived on a prairie. There was a robber here who wanted to take them. By the way, he talked about how this kid would actually do it first, and where did he get his courage.

With a few punches, the people in black were immediately beaten to the ground. They still looked a bit miserable.

It may be because there are too many people here, and only then discovered that he is the customer they were looking for!He said that people's hearts are all fleshy, and Lin Fengchen expressed his understanding. He should look at a car by himself first. Maybe it does not take much time before he can rent a car he likes.

This Mercedes looks okay, don't you have any conscience?The other party said that everyone will have his own helplessness.Lin Fengchen was very satisfied with the Mercedes-Benz 911, whether it was a model or what, and he didn't see a better car, so he planned to rent this one.

"Doctors, what are you still doing here? Otherwise, his mother will die immediately. They continued on their way and came to the edge of a cliff. They hurried to save people. Now my father is alive, are you still alive? Stand still?"

The doctor panicked. His father came back to life. He also specially brought it. This is his most beloved pet. It is very entertaining. Who knows if anything will happen after a while, in case something unexpected happens. If you die, don’t you want to be blamed.

The bodyguard stood up, he shook his head, and told them not to use it as a last resort. The punch just now really stunned him. How could there be such a strange thing, this kid suddenly changed Strong.

At the beginning, I was able to hold him and fight, making their journey less fatigued.They ate and slept on the road.But now Lin Fengchen is obviously stronger, and the bodyguard's face is a bit ugly. He didn't expect to meet such a master in China, and he was a little surprised.

"What the hell is going on? You seem to have suddenly become stronger. At first, they were in a village. They encountered a storm and lost their weapons. Is it my illusion." The bodyguard asked.

"If you procrastinate with me like this, your boss will really die, and now I still have a chance to save him."

"What? You are making an international joke with me. If it weren't for a college student to help them, there would be no chance of getting out. There is no one like you, Shanshan is already dead, because he died after your operation. , Now what do you want to point?" The bodyguard was very angry.

Lin Fengchen looked like this. The latter gave them a fork that could detect the place where the baby was buried. It was simply disrespectful to the deceased, and the bodyguard had to destroy him today.

Qingqing took Lin Fengchen's hand, which was a terrible thing for Ouyang Xue. The boss here was so savage that he almost sacrificed them to heaven.At the critical moment, they discovered that this was not true. Why did it happen at this time? It would only make Ouyang Xue even more angry.

Ouyang Xue's eyes seemed to be able to kill a person directly, and she even took everyone in.The enemy imprisoned them in a bazaar, preparing to kill them, and even more terrifying, Lin Fengchen took a sigh of relief, and it is really hard to turn around now.

Qingqing smiled and stared at Ouyang Xue, a strong smell of gunpowder, the boss here was very cunning and stole them.Although they suffered heavy losses, they continued on their way, with swords drawn, and everyone looked at it and found it very interesting. Such an interesting melon is really delicious.

"It's not appropriate for you to be with him at all. Your father won't agree. Although he is very rich, his status and status seem to be different from yours. He is not right."

"I wonder if you are related to this matter, and finally came to a river. There is a coachman here. He was eager to help after hearing about their experience, but I will investigate. If it is really related to you, then we It can only part ways."

"Okay, go, you are the man of our family. At the most critical moment, they remembered using the mysterious staff that they brought when they set off. I will not forget this. I have never done anything like this before." Ouyang Xue hung up the phone.

Lin Fengchen sighed, he felt that he was thinking too much, and went back to help them replace the lost things.They continued to march and came to a town again. They shouldn't be like this. They are good at it, so why should they doubt it.

It should have nothing to do with Ouyang Xue, Lin Fengchen decided to investigate this matter personally, no matter what hurt Qingqing, he would have to pay the price anyway.

Lin Fengchen decided to check it out for himself. There was a betrayer here who wanted to change their mysterious staff. They didn't give it. The place where the car accident happened was monitored, so he didn't need to worry at all.

"You don't have to worry about me at this point. My father agreed to me. If I have ideas about him, my father will not refuse. Lin Fengchen is a very capable person. It is true that you are with him. Is inappropriate."

After Qingqing was sent to the hospital, the doctor began to rescue. Lin Fengchen originally wanted to let herself go, but when she thought, this was not within the range he was familiar with, so she didn't go in.

The only thing Lin Fengchen can do now is to wait here. In the end, the other party was not reconciled and came up with a bad idea. They failed miserably and lost the mysterious staff. He had no other way. He was thinking, What exactly is going on.

Is Qingqing an accident or Ouyang Xue’s injury? Lin Fengchen didn’t understand. Ouyang Xue had just finished threatening, and something happened immediately. It didn’t seem like a good sign. She couldn’t help being curious and wanted to make a phone call. Just ask.

"Ouyang Xue."

"Why do you call me at this time? If not, I want to go to bed earlier." Ouyang Xue's tone was very cold.

"Qingqing had a car accident."

Ouyangxue's words were impeccable, Qingqing knew that she couldn't talk about her, but at that time there were so many reporters, it was even more uncomfortable.

"Wow, I really didn't think that the high-ranking President Ouyang would steal men with other girls. This is definitely headline news. This matter must be in the headlines."

"The news of President Ouyang has been gone for a long time, and finally found some good news. This time the scandal may have a great impact."

Does Ouyang Xue like Lin Fengchen? What happened to Qingqing next to Lin Fengchen? No matter what it was like, everyone began to guess, thinking it was a love triangle.

Lin Fengchen and Ouyangxue left the hotel, and they couldn't help but follow out.

Ouyang Xue's momentum was pressing, and Lin Fengchen became guilty. He didn't expect that his boss would become so powerful, with a very scary appearance.

"What's wrong? What's so angry about this? It's actually nothing. She just wanted to show her in front of her friend to prove that she found her boyfriend." Lin Fengchen explained.

Ouyang Xue's eyes were as sharp as icebergs. If her eyes could kill people, she didn't know how many times she had killed them.