I can raise a beast

Chapter 797

"But that's because you have never gotten their attention before, but now I have no way to get those people who are related once they come out, then nothing is too late, you can imagine the current situation.

Why don't you fight here anymore, it won't do you any good to fight, do you understand?No one knows what kind of situation it is now."

Lin Fengchen knew very well in his heart that things are very dangerous now, and no one may be sure about the final situation.

If this continues, it may be too late for everything. If your appearance appears, it will be impossible to beat, and there will be worse things.

"I think there are some things that you should know. If you have never known about these discussions, you will feel that you have been wronged. In the end, you will disappear without knowing that you have become like this. It is all because of those aliens. wrong."

"Well, you don't have any opponents anymore. It's normal for you to deal with me now. Don't express this dream. There is nothing to say between us. It's time for this.

Do you think I haven't told you anything?If you don't do anything to me, we won't have to be like this."

To be honest, the youngest man was very unhappy in his heart, but what is the use of being unhappy at this time? It was already over long ago before. I just hope that this can be over soon.

"Your boss is my only friend. To be honest, I can't even think of hurting me like this. The days in the past will not become friends all of a sudden.

"We are not an alien's fault for me. It is all your fault. This is what I should think. I know these things are not so simple.

If it weren't for you, all this might be gone. We could have done very simple things, but now we are a different matter."

Lin Fengchen shook her head, his sister thought that this person just didn't want to believe her words like this, what can be said, sometimes it is so difficult

In this case, it’s a bit accidental. There are many things that happen. Maybe what will happen after I get to know him, but I always believe him in my heart. At least he can help many things. Isn’t it my enemy? ."

"Well, the only thing he does is that if he doesn't treat you as a friend, there will be nothing. Why do you want to do such a stupid thing? I don't know what you are."

"He insists on being a friend with you. You are my life. I am not who you really doubt you. This is something I can't change. No matter how you think about it, it will be too late."

"Now it looks like it was the period of recovery. It doesn't matter. I can plan it to bring him back to life. Then everything will be fine.

No one knows what will happen. Once those people go out, everything may change. In the end, no one can say what will happen. As a person chosen by fate.

"But it was okay before, some things can be solved, but now it's completely different, everything here will disappear. If you continue to toss like this, then everything may be over. Once the aliens appear, you I'm just the dust settled."

The third child didn't know why he kept listening to these words. It seemed to be a big blow to him. Does he think he thinks too much?All these possibilities are really a bit wrong;.

What was going on with him at the time, and why did it have such a big impact on his heart?He felt that he shouldn't be like this in his heart, maybe it's another matter completely now.

"I don't know why, now I'm quite nervous, just what happened, maybe because your staff said something inexplicable to me.

This kind of thing is quite normal to me. I used to do this kind of thing a lot, but now I can also have no problems at all. Anyway, it is in this situation."

"What are you talking about? At that time, you actually wanted to save our elder brother's life. Are you kidding me?

He is gone, completely disappeared, and your lives are completely under our attack. How can you save people in this situation?"

But he was a little skeptical at first. You think you can do anything. If he succeeds, then he has no meaning.

He said that it had been so long before, and he had toppled this position, but now all of them have to repeat the same mistakes, this young man can do this.

This pyramid has changed so much since he came, who knows what will happen in the future, what he least wants to see really happened.

It makes me so serious. Many times I don't know how it was before, but I think I can think of nothing at this time."

"You should be very clear why you are reluctant to give up here, but now there is a reason for all this, things are not simple at first, if you continue like this, then everything is over, how dangerous it is for you , I think you really want to play with us if this continues."

The situation has become a bit worse now, and he doesn't want to be like this.

The third child raised his hand and began to attack. He knew very well in his heart that if he didn't go there anymore, it would be too late, so he had to be more cautious to make these things better.

"If you chase my eldest brother back, it would be really disgusting to me. Things suddenly become particularly uncomfortable. Everything you think of is in your grasp. You really don't treat us as one It's true, I can't stand this kind of thing."

"All of this is what you think. I don't want to do so many things. I'm just an ordinary person. You have to treat me as an enemy. I can do anything. But I do so many things."

"Looking at you destroying me like this, I don't allow this to happen. I have prepared a lot, and I know the way I am now."

The third child was unwilling in his heart, "You are a bastard, and it is all my fault from now on. I must drive you away. Don't think that even if it ends like this, I have never been your opponent before.

But this time I couldn't catch it, and in the end I lost all of this. The two brothers that I managed to run were defeated. Why did you steal me?"

When he was there, I didn't know where I took out a sword. It was not an ordinary sword. It was a very powerful sword. It was a very simple thing for him.

The trouble seems to be relatively fast, so I don't know what will happen after this, but he knows exactly what is happening now in his heart.