I Can Speak with Animals and Demons
Peaceful village of Asma
From this time on, Brother Gillion says, "Stop being an adventurer and go to the School of Magic" or something.
I politely declined because I unfortunately had no intention of doing so at all.
Since then, Brother Gillion has been practicing magic in the garden repeatedly.
The damage to breaking the walls is enormous, perhaps due to the practice of intermediate magic.
Not to mention, my mother has told me to ban magic practice on the premises of the mansion.
Is it because of this that in the plains near the village, you can hear the explosion here recently?
Perhaps now it's intermediate magic of fire, or even the explosion practice I let do.
The villagers were surprised at first, but now they don't care much.
Even on the way from the mansion to the village, this is how it sounds.
The explosion is sounding and the black smoke is soaring.
In the direction of the plain,
"Dowwwww! Not again, man!
"I was napping!
"Every day, every day, give me a break!
"That's Jed's brother!?
And the birds fly away.
"……… I'm still doing it today."
I looked at that from a distance and thought they must complain today.
I walked down the road sighing.
"Ah! Heavy! Why do you have to drag me like this? What the hell is this!? Am I pulling this and plowing it? Don't plow yourself! There's going to be a jar there!
In the field in front of the village, one horse was complaining aloud.
What is happening in front of us is horse farming, which is common in agriculture.
Let the horses pull on farming tools such as bamboo, or grind earth masses.
A man holding back his farm tools in the back and a man leading the way make a swallowing voice without even knowing how the horse feels.
"All right, all right, all right, Kanji."
"How's it going? How's it going?"
"Right, uh! I'm Tong Chi! Kanggi has long ears and a long temper! Come on, you know what I mean!
When he summons him to do so, Tong Ji stops and moves his ears back and forth.
Is this the Tongyi that Kanggyi was talking about? Certainly similar.
However, if I normally look at it, Tongyi's ears are shorter and the tenderness is a little twisted, so it seems like it would be difficult to tell...
Though the name may just be passed on somewhere.
"Hey, Kang-gil, what's wrong?
"Did you snap it already?
"Ugh! Is this how I snap? Give me the carrot. Why are you only eating yourself?"
"Oh, oh, you want to be sweet? Let me slip your head off."
"You're gonna eat that hair up! Who's sweet enough for you!
"Ha, he's a cute guy"
"If you take off your farm tools, be prepared. I'm not taking it off today, am I? My legs are roaring behind me."
I have trouble getting my horse kicked and seriously injured again like last time, so I send out a rescue boat.
"Uh! Excuse me!
"Nn? Oh, isn't that Master Jed?"
"Looking good today."
When I speak, the men smile and reply.
"If you give that horse a carrot, I think he'll move again!
"Oh, you know the kid there! But I'd be more motivated by honey and sweet fruit, wouldn't I?
"Don't be a kid, Tongyi."
"What!? What? What? You know my language? Could it be you, you rumored Jed!?
Tong Ji reacts happily, and the men raise their alarming voices.
"" Yes?
"Oh, no, it's nothing. I'm hungry, so let me eat some carrots."
"Oh, yeah... what is it?
"Well, that's what Master Jed says. Give it to me."
When the men look at each other, they give the carrots a ton of luck in the meantime and so on.
Well, you do get confused if the lord's son says something like this.
"Ugh! I like this sweetness. Thanks, Jed. 'Cause these guys are blunt, and they want me to know more about how horses feel.'
Tong Ji walked out in bad shape when he ate the carrot in a shade.
"Oh, Kanji's moving."
"Maybe he was just really hungry."
We smiled and waved at each other.
When I arrived at the village, I saw the villagers working well again today.
The place where you built your house until this time is lined with beautiful finished houses. There was no woodworker figure there, the voices of woodworkers men who lived like family and now work in different places.
When I look at it like this, I can feel it growing.
I have no heart, but I feel like the carriage is getting more and more.
People get richer. This village is still growing.
Proceed with your feet looking at the village about to become a town that way.
I'm not here today to practice light magic at Mr. Oonoki's house or anything.
Or just learning a little trick and knowledge of pronunciation and rhythm, so it's not something I go to that often either.
Then, the reason why I came here is because I haven't been going to the village very often lately because of all the training, and because if I walk like I did earlier, there are troubled animals.
Half of it is weird. I mean, I have unscrupulous orders, but it's better than being pushed over to the house.
I can hear the missing voices between them coming from in front of me.
It's Rachel.
Her eyes are also a little soft because of her surprise.
Oh, I'm back already.
"Hey, what's up?
"You're the one. Are you coming home today?
"No, I'm just wandering around the village. What about you?"
When I ask, Rachel sticks out the crate in her hand and answers.
"Grandpa tells you to take it..."
When I opened receiving it for now, there were many eggs in it.
There is also a proper cushion to prevent the egg from breaking.
Had you had enough chickens to be caught so much?
Somehow, I feel like I'm thanking those chickens and my cheeks are loose.
"I'm glad I didn't have to go to the mansion. I'm nervous."
Even if I do know someone who learns in the same place, I'm a little hesitant to go to the noble mansion.
Although Mr. Oonoki normally came all the way to the front of the mansion, this should be natural.
Eggs. When it comes to eggs, you can grill them with eyeballs and make mayonnaise.
The mayonnaise doesn't seem to be here yet, so why don't we make it?
"Yeah. How's the recovery magic going since then?
"I think it's improving. I think the patient's wounds healed faster than ever. But it's hard to remember. What about the muscles..."
When I'm listening to Rachel, who starts talking hard, I stop talking.
I can't talk to friends my age like this, so maybe they followed me out.
"Anyway, because I did give it to you!
And finally she said, "Come again! When I said," I left with a ponytail spooked.
Well, I guess it's nice to see your attitude soften up a bit.
Let's split the mayonnaise when it's ready.
Later, I took the finished mayonnaise to Mr. Oonoki's house.
And the next day, he came to the front of the mansion and said, "Teach me how to make it."
In the end, she began to come to the mansion.