I Can Speak with Animals and Demons
Adventurer Guild Daily
Since then, I have reported the findings of the Southern Forest to the Alliance.
I told the guild that I was transferring territory to the depths of the southeast.
Then, after a while, some adventurers also saw goblins in the depths, and nothing happened. The forest investigation was completed.
The truth is that the goblins led by Hygoblins live in the mountains and trap them all over the place, but I don't care.
There should be no obligation to report that far.
Never have I looked at the address and whined about "You sound like a dungeon" or anything.
Yes, this is fine……… I'm sure.
× × ×
Refreshing morning.
I walk through the city as usual.
I'm not going on a quest today, so I took a lot of sleep and woke up before noon.
Many of the shops have already opened, with waitresses running around the tray in one hand looking busy inside.
The fragrant smell of drifting from shops and stalls irritates the empty stomach.
"Uh, that smells good. Let's eat here. No, but Mr. Cock said yesterday that we're gonna have a good fish today, so I'm gonna have to put up with it."
I rub my belly underneath and take my gaze off the store and stall.
Still, the fragrance seduces me by the time it is violent.
That's when I heard voices as usual.
"Hey, can we go through here?
He said, "Go!" That's what my mustache says about bins. "
The voice is heard from the two cats in front of the building.
One is a three-haired cat with three-colored hair. The other is a black black cat.
Apparently, he's trying to get into the details between the building and the building.
The two are groaning when they stick only their faces in.
"Are you sure you can get through here? It's a pretty narrow road, huh?
I said, "Hey, did you make sure with your mustache? My mustache says you can go. '
"You've made up your mind! No, but my mustache says something about quitting."
Don't do that, okay? He said he could do his best. If we go down this road, we can get out to the back door of the fishmonger. We have to go!
'Sure. This is the safest and surest place, isn't it? Then I'll have to go. Fresh fish are waiting for us. "
Cats nodding face to face.
Is it okay? Can one cat really get through the road? Other roads are big enough to make a difference, but this is the only place that is thin.
The black cat is more slutty, so I think I can get through, but the three-haired cat is a little suspicious.
As I watched what I was going to do, a black cat ran out.
"Come on!
Black cats run through without bitterness, as expected.
"Say hello! Me too! '
And the three-haired cat also ran out with good force on his leg.
"It jammed ahhhhhhhhhhh!
I got caught softly in the middle of the road.
At first, he seemed to have been forced to push in thanks to his help, but he seemed to have lost momentum in the middle of the road.
Now sandwiched in stone walls, my body is deformed squarely.
Yeah, that's hilarious.
"It's sloppy."
'That's why you said you couldn't have my beard.'
Don't do that, okay? You're the one who decided to do it. "
The weak voice of the three-haired cat echoes among the buildings.
A passing woman giggles, wondering if the average person heard too much ringing.
I wonder what. I don't feel like animals are smiling after I realize this ability.
When even a noble and splendid horse runs, he says, 'Strike me with a whip harder!' Or 'Pull the reins forcefully! Some guys say,' What?
I'm surprised every time I meet a new animal.
"I can't help it."
A black cat with a sigh jumps around behind a three-haired cat.
"I'm gonna push your ass, so just step on it."
A black cat pushes his three-haired cat's ass with his head.
'Look......... how about that?
'Oh, go a little further! I'm moving on!'
"You said ah! Then I'll keep pushing it in. That! '
"Ah, hey, Ma-"
"Ngghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!? Give it to me. Yeah! You jerk off at zero distance!
"Bad, bad. I'm having a bad tummy today."
"You bastard! I don't know anymore! I'm going to the fishmonger first!
"What!? Hey, that's troublesome! Wait a minute!
I left the spot before the smell came to my place.
× × ×
After lunch at the Guild Tavern, he spends a whole lot of time.
It is the other adventurers who are getting to the same table.
Unfortunately, it's not Dan, Rudd and Gill. If those guys were here, I wouldn't be sitting in a bench in peace.
Teng himself spread rumors that didn't make sense to those guys. I haven't been able to punish you yet.
They are still on a merchant escort quest and have not returned.
Looks like he went into Asma Village, so it's still going to take him a while to get back.
Guess from the date you left, it was about time you arrived at the village of Asma.
It's still going to take a while until the day I get back.
Think like that, eat the knob on the table.
All the other adventurers are spending the same time.
It's a day off, that's fine. I'm doing my quest with my life every day, that's about as good as it gets.
"Ha, ha... Something funny might happen."
A warrior-style man in front of me squeals.
"Look in the mirror, too. Big laugh, huh?
"You bastard! You think my face is so funny!?
A warrior-style man grabs the chest barn of a strong man sitting next to me.
I don't even care about the women who work here because that much twitching is a daily tea meal.
Instead, you were listening to the current conversation in your spare time, and everyone is shaking their shoulders. And even the staff.
A warrior-style man looks around stunned when he realizes it.
"... no..."
That's an incredible look.
Both the salaries and the staff, who were free until just now, are wiping the table and glancing at the paperwork without meaning so as not to gaze at the warrior-style man.
Salesmen and staff are terrible.
Mr. Waiter said, "I'm done cleaning the table! It's shiny. I don't need to wipe it any more," he said with a cross nose.
The clerk also said as he stretched out, "Finished checking the paperwork for lunch -!" etc.
Besides, my shoulders are still trembling.
"... Jed... you don't laugh."
"Yeah, of course!
"Then why haven't you seen my face!
Dunn! and a warrior-style man on the table.
'Cause that's... it's up to you now because if you look straight in the face, you're gonna laugh.
The warrior-style man tries to look at me, and he moves in and peeks in at me.
"... no, no, no, no."
"………… pu."
My face was funny again at that time, and me and the strong guy finally laughed with their bellies.
We rolled off the bench, but not the other way around. I can't breathe.
"You bastard! I'm gonna punch you!
When the warrior-inspired man stood up with his fist firmed, he laughed in the guild's chambers.
Perhaps because of our laughter, we finally lost it.
From earlier on, the warrior-style man looked a little weird and I don't think I can help it.
I think that's coming to make me laugh.
"Uhihihihihihihi! I can't do this anymore! My stomach hurts."
"Cora, you're rude...... I laughed hahahahahahaha!
"Shh, aren't seniors the ones laughing!?
"Wow, wow, you're not laughing, are you? I'm just having a little stomach cramp! Pfft."
We're terrible too, but the staff is worse.
The warrior-style man who saw it,
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!
and burst out the shouting guild with tears.
This is also an adventurer guild routine.
I think it would have been worse if Dan, Rudd and Gill had been around.
× × ×
Claire, a letter to your mother.
Jed's status report
Father and mother, I am now in Aether, the city of adventurers.
Adventurer life is in itself going well and every day is so much fun amazed by the various discoveries we make every day.
If you are on a quest, you are on a collection quest and you are not injured.
Now they call me a specialist in collecting quests, what a city of ethers.
How is your mother?
× × ×
Letter to Jed
Hi, Jed. I'm your favorite Claire. I'm glad your letter arrived and your mother is happy. By the way, some idiot hasn't sent out a letter yet.
The village of Asma has grown greatly over time thanks to Julia and her father.
As a result, my mother has been spending more time alone in the mansion lately.
My mother misses you, Jed. Jed, isn't it time you missed your mother?
By the way, Mr. Jed, rumors of activity are spreading, but what does your lover mean by Honeybird?
My mother agreed to make a lover. Admittedly, I never thought I'd come off the human race and make an animal my lover.
Besides, I would do a dungeon on a rabbit or a little bird on the side of the road. Isn't that right?
Where did Jed go wrong? [M]
My mother is very Jed. I can't stop worrying about you.
Was it now the perverted rookie of expectations?
Jed, I think you should come back to the mansion for your sake, too?
(A trio of adventurers with afro, blonde hair and skinhead told me so politely about you, Jed.)
× × ×
Claire, a letter to your mother.
Please give me an opportunity to explain. And don't trust what those threesomes say.
From Jed.