I Can Speak with Animals and Demons

The enemy is on the south side.

Even Sabertiger!? Famous for that fierce thing... not for the obsessive thing!

By the way, in this world, it is also a hidden word that calls for perseverance.

Leaving that crap aside, apparently Sabel Tiger showed up.

If you do poorly, you might keep attacking me all the way down this road.

"Ugh, no! You're not supposed to be here. How could you!?

"You've been wandering the east woods lately!

The loud voice of the adventurers, the escorts, echoes.

The adventurers can't seem to set up a detour just for them.

In contrast, Sabertiger stares at this one with a sharp glance.

Maxillary fangs developed into gray giants. On his front leg he glances at his sharp nails, looking around at each and every adventurer, honking his throat to intimidate him.

And when you put me in your sight behind you the most......

'... what the hell. Jed again. "

and sighed, drooling his beard in a fuzzy manner.

Seeing what you know about me and how I did it, I pinned.

"Ah! You're the usual -"

I accidentally raised my voice, but I blocked that mouth with both hands along the way.

No, it's crazy of me to scream "usual sabel tiger" or one in front of someone else.

Unlike me, other people can't talk to demons.

Still, he didn't expect to sigh when he saw my face again.

"……… What's wrong, brother?

"Oh, no... it's nothing"

"Right. We'll take care of this place and hide behind it."

The adventurers frowned when they saw my suspicious behavior, but now they confront each other without any particular concern, thanks to the presence of Sabertiger in front of them.

The adventurers are sweating cold and staring at their opponents with serious eyes, but the Sabertigers are swallowing.

After checking on me, he is putting his butt down to the ground, licking his front leg and hairing it. Of course, the nails are all over the place.

The adventurer was confused by the state of relaxation.

When I thought a fierce demon appeared in front of me, I suddenly weakened and became hairy. I think it's stranger not to be confused.

"I can't feel any hostility."

"Does that mean you don't care about us?

"I've never seen a hairy Servel Tiger in front of a human. You care more about your hair than we do?

You think you're being licked, the adventurers give you a muddled look.

It's not. Just because you know me, doesn't mean you're licking me. No, but I'm not interested in anything other than the Dans right now, so I'm just saying it's not in my eyes, so is it something similar?

Anyway, if you didn't have to fight, you wouldn't have crossed it.

I walk out of the shadow of the carriage to have a conversation with Sabertiger.

"Hey, brother, you're in danger!

Sabertiger is a monster, not to say he sees no hostility. An adventurer man raises a voice of restraint.

"It's fine. I'm an adventurer, too."

"He's a fierce Servel Tiger!? Danger!"

"Dude, is he stupid. Are you willing to die without a weapon!?

Still, other adventurers raise their voices, but I ignore it and move on to the Servel Tiger.

No, 'cause if you don't get close and talk to me secretly, you're gonna look like a pervert I'm gonna talk to a demon about.

"Hey, why are you here?

I stop and ask about a step before Sabertiger. Then the Servel Tiger answers with a big mouth open and an outstretch.

"Well, you've decided to wander for those fucking adventurers."

Apparently it's not Dan, Rudd and Gill the adventurer was after, it's infidelity.

"……… I know where they'll come for sure."

"What no!?

The words I said blush are extremely effective. Servel Tiger releases hostility by making him change from being unfaithful and disgraceful, with his sharp fangs and nails out.

"Oh, hey!

"I'm suddenly mad at you!

"What did he do?"

Seeing that, the men of the adventurers rush to set up their swords.

But it's not about us, it's about Dan and the others, and there's no problem.

I look back and wave in the wind that I'm okay, but the adventurers don't put down their swords.

"Hey, he told me to sink that hostility a little bit."

'Hmm? Oh, bad. A little bit when I think of them. "

When I whisper, I suppress hostility.

Sabertiger's anger seems considerable.

I don't know if he's just obsessive or how much worse Dan and the others have done than listen.

"……… Are you okay?

"…… I don't know. We could die here."

She said she was fine. Too worried! I just wanted to say, maybe that's the right feeling.

"So what's the place where they're sure to come?

Sabertiger asks me to stare at you. I guess those big eyes are the real info, huh? Says.

"They are on a quest for escort to Asma Village. I'm sure it's already on the village. So when I come back to the city of Aether, it's... south."

The moment he heard the word South, Sabertiger's eyes narrowed and a fierce grin appeared.

"All right, whoa, whoa, whoa! Then I'll come south!

And Sabertiger roared and ran like an arrow.

Because of your excitement, you seem to even forget you have me in front of you.

I glanced at my face and blocked my ears with both hands, dropping off the back of the Servel Tiger, which disappeared far away.

It's a punishment for Dan and the others who have been spreading weird rumors. Let's hope Sabertiger's revenge succeeds.

"No, I thought you were crazy then!

"It's amazing how you get rid of the Servel Tiger alive!

Then we were able to resume our journey without anyone getting hurt.

Now he rides in the same carriage as the adventurers and eats lunch.

Lunch is luxurious because the merchant gave us food to get rid of it without any damage to the carriage or luggage.

A sandwich interspersed with thick meat, rich in fruit. It's a luxurious meal to eat on the move.

I was told to expect more for dinner.

It seems that the rewards of the adventurers will also be increased, and I am in a bad mood.

I'm not an adventurer on an escort quest, so the reward was declined.

"More than that, you're that Jed."

Elbow my flank while a man in a good mood holds a sandwich.

"What does that Jed mean?"

"Jed. No, he's a perverted rookie of famous expectations, even in ether, isn't he?

"No! I'm Jed... no!

I'll deny it immediately, but I won't stop shooting.

"You think your lover is an unfortunate guy named Honeybird, even though he's a brilliant guy to do any collection quest"

"Uh, you. Is that true?

The witch wizard's dong pull pierces deep into my heart.

"So, because that is a misunderstanding!

In the end, I was desperate to keep talking until night to solve my misunderstandings.

× × ×

Letter from Gillion

[Claim for damages due to equipment damage]

Window glass, tables, furniture, etc. Claim for five gold coins.

From the School of Magic.

× × ×

Letter from Claire to Gillion.

I thought I'd finally sent you a letter. Is this it? Your mother is disappointed.

I will never pay from us! Work yourself and give it back. Because it's the same if you rely on your father. And you can't rely on Gladys.

Please keep me posted. I'm worried because I'm family......