A girl named Elf jumped off a tree. I landed beautifully despite the fact that it was quite tall. I would have missed the shock by successfully using my entire body.

And her face slowly rises.

I thought she was a beautiful girl from a distance, but when I looked close, I could tell she was breathtaking. Cut long eyes on skin that reminds me of fairness. The more I look at it, the more I can see that it has a positive face.

Such a girl says she is an elf.

"Are you sure you're an elf?

"Yeah, that's right."

When I asked her a favor, the girl hand-paid her silky hair and answered with dignity.

Elves. Subraces living mainly in the woods.

Everyone has a decent face and boasts a human estranged beauty. It is assumed to live three hundred years with long ears and a long life span. He freely manipulates the power of his own spiritual magic and specializes in handling bows. They were closed because they lived in the woods and had weak breeding power and low numbers.

Apparently, it's because a long time ago, a species called the Elves was said to have perished. It is said that a small number of elves have perished as a result of repeated battles.

At that time, humans seemed to be exclusive to elves.

You think old mankind manipulated spiritual magic and was terribly afraid of elves, long lives?

As much as I found out in the book, I am now a completely gay species.

No one believes the elves are real.

As much as some researchers at the pole claim to have existed by researching from a place that looked like a forest trail of life, no one cares because it doesn't exist anywhere now.

Knowledge around here is that there are strange creatures like demons in different worlds, so there are other races besides humans? and so on.

Elves existed a long time ago, but they were depressed when they found out they were doomed.


"I told you it was true."

The elf heard he was doomed, so I ask him with a suspicious look. Then the girl gave a muffled look before putting her ear hair up.

Peeping through long golden hair are pointy ears that are a testament to elves.

It's not about the slightly longer ears we occasionally see in humans, it's obviously pointy ears with different shapes and structures.

"True! I have long ears!

I was driven by a commotion that made me want to come closer and touch it, but if I did that, I could certainly imagine being shot through with an arrow, so I look at it not too close.

Although the elf girl was surprised by my curious gaze, she figured out I wasn't coming close, and she looked uncomfortably away.

"But that's enough! Now you know I'm an elf."

"Ah, oh."

The elf girl lowers her hair just to say that's enough. I can tell that I have leaked a pitiful voice myself. If you look closely, you can see a little pointy ears even with your hair down. That's something I didn't know in the long run.

It looks kind of flimsy. And I can't help but notice my gaze.

"How long have you been looking at my ears?"

"Sorry, it's unusual."

The girl who said that also has a curious gaze at me from time to time, but I decided not to care because she seems angry when she penetrates it.

"Words than that! How do you know our language in human habits?

"Uh, that's because of my personality."

"What's a personalized ability?

"Eh, is it simply the ability to talk to most creatures? If you have a language, you can read letters."

"Is it true? So you can read this?

When I answer that, the elf girl picks up the branches that were on the ground and draws the letters.

It is similar to the complex letters that were written in the shrine.

"Uh, my name is Ferris...... right"

Is the name of this elf girl Ferris?

"Huh? Ugh, no. So, what's this?

When I answer without hesitation, the girl continues to write more words with her amazement exposed.

Repeating my immediate answer, the girl shook her body and suddenly grabbed me.

"Huh!? Oh, my God! That people now fully understand the Elf language!?

"Hey, no, no, I'm not. Because it's just me! It's just me, let go."

"Isn't that true? If that's a lie, there's no point in putting up a line!

I think we just kind of suspect each other.

Well, there are so many things we don't know about each other that we can't help but do that.

"By the way, is it a trick to get back from that temple?

When she settled down, I asked her about the bond. By the way, her name was Ferris.

"That's right. Lost junction. It's a bond my ancestors made. so that the surviving elves can live safely. Anyone who doesn't understand the Elf language is not supposed to be allowed in..."

"With personality, I was able to get in."

I take Ferris' gaze in grandeur.

"Regardless of how you get out of the juncture, where did you learn the euphemism? You didn't write that much in the temple."

"What is this? The last line was rubbing unnaturally!

"Of course I do. It was written when we weren't used to it, but now it's gone."

Cool! How depressing you think I was when I found out the last sentence was rubbing and I couldn't read it! Can you see how hard it is to come to this land far away and not reach it even though it is just one step away?

"Where did you learn the word when you were a human being, even though you had erased it?

"Uh, if I couldn't read the last sentence and fell asleep, the light flew in and told me"

"Light? Glow, you mean the Spirit?


As I put the question mark to my head, Ferris waved his arm in the void.

"Come, spirits of the wind"

Her crystal clear voice that speaks to all the air.

I felt that the voice was similar to when I uttered a magical language that interfered with magic somewhere.

Then the emerald-colored light lights up in a void with nothing.

It gathers to be drawn by her voice.

Did you call him?

"Will you magic me?


Then I hear one young voice after another from the light. Because of the different colors from the light we met at the temple, we can see that it is a different individual.

The jade light emits a pleasant voice and a dazzling light, freely flying around Ferris.

"These are the spirits. These children are spirits of the wind."

"This light is the Spirit?

When I reached out to try it, a spiritual fluttered over.

"It's human. Not an elf. '


'... short ears and different quality of magic... human'

That's unusual.

When one spirit approached him with a rare voice, the other spirits stopped by straw.

"Oh no! I can't believe the Spirit allows human hearts..."

Ferris looks terribly surprised, but it's a mistake.

It's not that they liked it, it's just that it's rare for humans to come here. Curiosity.

"Hey, hey, can I have some magic? What's it like to be human magic?

A spirit said that in front of my face.

'… I don't know. But I'm interested. "

"Uh, could it be bad for you?

Whoa, isn't that a little rude? I don't know if you like magic, but if you want my magic, I'll split it it up a little bit for you.

I release my magic into the air.

Well done for practicing magic. I still do it by releasing a little bit or by a certain amount to avoid releasing more magic than I need.

"Wow! Magic!

"True! And full of it! '

"... It's kind of comfortable"

Spirits of the wind flying around near me with a big shag. Is the light stronger than it was earlier because you are happy?

Looking at the brightly glowing jade trajectory, I noticed that the surroundings were getting noisy.

"Magic. That's full of dense guys too!

"It's full of magic! Besides, is that human?

"You're not an elf."

'Oh! There's so much magic in here! That's nice!

When you look around us, there was light in various colors: red, blue, purple.

"Hey, I'm not giving you that much without any consideration! Well, there's a lot of magic in human habits."

Well, is the spirit magic used by the elves and the magic caused by the spirits?

"Not enough magic -!

"… more"

"Uh, don't you have any? Too little! '

No, no, no, no. There's a lot of you, right?

There are all kinds of lights that no longer fill our sights. Even at night it would have been a beautiful illumination.

But this, then, releasing it will soon be gone. And if you keep doing that, I won't have it.

"Ah! That's enough! Much! Give me a break!

"Let me out more!

"Hey, get out."

"… Quickly"

Even if I scream, the spirits don't have ears to listen to at all. Instead, they demand that I give them even more magic.

I now know what Ferris noticed.