Yak escapes because Fia and Ferris stroke Yak too much. The untouched deceased go after Yak in dissatisfaction.

This kind of flow became commonplace, and now it's like playing with us in a yak. Naturally, I suffer from Yak too... from my kindness for Fia, I turn to the side chasing Yak.

Yak rushes through the growing grass.

Fia goes after it and reaches out desperately, but Yak accelerates as if to bruise this one.


I turn around to stand at the end of the yak scratching Fia's hand.

Open your hands like a goalkeeper, drop your hips, and wait for the approaching yak.

If Yak swirls around trying to get me in, he's gonna have to slow down for that. I'll jump in and secure you as much as I want then.

'Ugh haha! If you want to catch me, try to catch me!

Yak noticed this one approaching at a fierce speed with a high laugh.

It is such a gessy laugh that it is said to be the Holy Beast that it is questionable.


If you miss the moment when Yak slows down trying to get around, look ahead firmly.

Seeing Yak's short but moving feet at high speeds, now or now.

But Yak's velocity never dropped, and he stuck straight in.


I panicked and narrowed my crotch, but Yak accelerated and came through my crotch beautifully.

It's a tunnel.

Damn, can't we still win with agility? I'm only as fit as Itachi, and Yakunosu's lumpiness is inside. Even when you first met me, you were running away from Greatwolf.

"Hey, hey, hey. Try to catch him."

A yak passing between his crotches rises cleverly with two legs and slaps his hand. And now you're going to turn your butt toward this one, and you're going to provoke me to slap this one with two tails.

It is truly a holy beast of no character. I can't feel the intelligence.

A black shadow falls beneath the Holy Beast who behaves like that without character.

"Oh? What?

With a shadow falling on Yak's body, he stops the provocation and looks up.

There is a figure of Ferris who would have jumped from the top of the tree.


"Argh! Ferris!

Yak tries to escape by peeling his eyes at Ferris, who falls to cover him, but Ferris was a little faster.

Landing as supple as a cat, Ferris blocked his opponent's escape route with his body and captured him brilliantly with two arms while Yak panicked.

"I did it!

"Ferris, your sister is amazing!

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!? Not if they catch me the most. He's got me. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Yak's thin body is lifted disappointingly caught in Ferris' hand.

Yak trying to get away from it, but he couldn't do anything with his short hands and feet.

"Uh, yak is still a fukafker"


Yak caught is fully cheeked by Ferris and screams.

Ha, ha, ha. I think it's a good feeling to go after Yak and remember what he did to me.

Wouldn't you be bald if you spent the rest of your time in an elf settlement?

"Next time, I'll have a fia too -!

Fia smiles and rushes under Ferris.

And a yak that gets cheeky and nadenaded by Fia and Ferris.

Looking at the two of them looks like close sisters.

Hair color is different and blood is not connected, but elves have a long life span. The two of us who have lived together for years must be like sisters.

"Gwwwwwwwww, Jed! I need your help!

"Oh, no."

Hey, Kakiko, we climbed a tree and played around the woods in full swing.

Thanks to Ferris and Yak or Fia, she was perfectly well and had the usual smiling look on her face.

I didn't know why he had a dark look, but he was more than happy to cheer up.

"What's next?

Looking up at me and Ferris with a smile as Fia hugs Yak.

But the sun is already hanging in Jomtien.

Fia's parents told her to come home for lunch, but she seemed to have completely forgotten who the fun was.

"It's almost lunch, so let's go home."

"Uh, Fia, you can still play, right?

Ferris tells him to teach, but Fia says he has a pointy mouth and hasn't played enough yet.

But is Fia's body honest, or the cute sound of ku from around Fia's stomach went up.

"…… Ah, my stomach is ringing."

"Look, my body's ringing hungry."

Ferris gently strokes Fia's head and laughs.

Fia laughs at it.

Very smiling sight.

When I was in Asma Village too, Sister Julia used to stroke my head like that to bring me back.

My mental age was very embarrassing for not being a child, but now it is a good memory.

When I said this to my face, I was sure they would make fun of me, but I wanted to go back to Asma Village for a moment and meet my sister Julia and her mother.

Mother will be happy, but Sister Julia is going to make fun of me on a yearly basis for a few months if I'm bad.

When I remembered the village of Asma that way, Ferris's stomach started ringing this time.

"Ah! Ferris, your sister's stomach is ringing, too."

Ferris' stomach is pointed with laughter as Fia laughs "haha".

That you're a sister who can't stop bellying to Ferris.

My cheek unwittingly loosens to the smiling sight of Ferris.

"…… What are you sniffing about?"


Ferris dyed his white cheeks and stared at him, but I can't feel the fear at all in the current state.

Ferris often sighs after glancing at me to see how I was doing, or realizing that I was unfavourable.

"…… well, fine. I'm hungry. Let's go home."


Ferris and Fier hold hands together and walk out.

"… I can finally go home"

Yak, who was held by one of Fia's hands, makes a tired voice.

Well, good luck. I'm going to give you full nuts and dried meat for lunch because it looks like it has contributed greatly to revitalizing the fia.

"Oh, that hurts."

Ferris and I were holding hands, Fia, but all of a sudden I raise my voice to complain of pain.

"What's going on?

If a little kid suddenly raises his voice complaining of pain, this one worries me too.

"I rubbed my knee off."

Apparently, he was rubbing his right knee off while he was playing.

I didn't notice it because it was a small one and the scratches were shallow. When I was running around, adrenaline was out and I didn't feel the pain, but I would have started to feel the pain because the adrenaline was gone.

For one thing, it turns out he's not hurt a lot, and me and Ferris stroke his chest down in a ho.

"Let's flush it with water later and apply the medicine"

"No, I'll fix it with magic."

As long as this is the case, healing magic can cure it immediately.

"What? With magic?

I summon a water polo to wash away the wound, approaching Ferris, who makes a dumb voice.

"[Mime Bo]"

My magic language makes a smaller water polo appear in front of me.

"Wow, wow! Is this spiritual magic?

Fia, who sees human magic for the first time, asks with her eyes shimmering.

"No, I'm not. It's human magic. Chant and activate a special language called Magic Language."

"Heh, I don't know what it is, but it's amazing!

Apparently it was a little difficult for the fia.

But I can see from the look on his face that he is purely complimenting me, so I am also happy.

Once I sat Fia on the ground and stretched her legs, I moved the water polo to cover the wound.

"Wow! It's cold!

She felt a little painful on the wound, but it wasn't a big deal, and now she feels the cold caused by cold water.

Move the water flow in the water polo slightly and fly the water polo backwards where the dirt has been removed.

"Uh, it's crushed."

Fia sees the water polo burst a little too bad. "I'll show you again," said Fia.

"So, what do we do now?

He seemed worried, and Ferris lurked some curiosity.

"Well, look......... [Dare Bolance]"

Put your hand over Fia's right knee and chant the magic language.

Then there is a blue and white light in my hand, slowly enveloping the right knee of the fia.

"……… warm"

"…… Beautiful light."

Two people fall in love with the elementary restorative magical light. I do think the healing magic light is brighter than other magic.

The abrasion of the fia quickly blocks.

The wound on the fia was small, so it blocked in seconds of the thing and a bright white knee appeared with no scratches. This completes the treatment.

"Yes, now I'm cured. I don't think it hurts anymore, do you?

I told them the treatment was over, but they looked at my right knee with a pocan look on their face.

"…………………… What's wrong?

Asked anxiously about the condition, Fia grabbed the momentum. What is it?

"Jed, what's the power now!?

"Recovery magic of light attributes. The power to heal your injuries?

"Is it magic to heal your injuries!?

Fia shouts her surprise.

I wonder what it is? Is it surprising that it's just healing magic?

"Can Jed even use the magic of light attributes?

"Uh, I was using it for pegasus in the fountain, but you didn't see it?

"... something I just saw chilling"

When I asked Ferris, he looked away a little embarrassed.

Uh, yes, yes. You weren't really watching me and Pegasus because you were obsessed with playing with Yak.

"I mean, spirits have spirits of light, too, right? Then even elves can use healing magic?

"There are spirits of light, but no one can use the power of recovery... Few people could handle the Light Spirit themselves, and if it glowed, only used it for about a light source. Because there were herbs in the woods..."

When I asked Ferris, I got an answer that looked like I had a bad tooth cut somewhere.

I heard that wizards who can use light magic are quite rare. I guess that's also common with elves dealing with light spirits.

Since the population of the elves is itself small in this settlement alone, there will be a limited number of people who can use it extra.

Still, there was a wealth of herbivores in the woods, so even if they were injured, they would have been cured mainly with medicines. Maybe I hadn't even thought about it because that was enough.

I want that one too, I want this one too. I wish I had this power. It's only human greed. I think it's amazing how successful it is to be able to handle restorative magic.

"It's magic to make your body better, isn't it?

Fia asks me to change it.

"Simply put, though?

The moment I answered that, Fia took my arm and stood up.

"Jed! Hey, come here!

"Huh? Hey, what's going on?


Even though I don't know or ask, I'm blocked by Fia's hurried voice.

I don't think it's the girl in the fia. She pushes me on the sword screen, and I'm honestly getting my hands taken and run.

"Hey, Fia, calm down!

Ferris raises a voice of restraint, but it's not in Fia's ear.

Turn even forward, turn your legs as if fighting for a moment, and pull my hand hard.

What the hell is wrong with you? This rush to find out that healing magic can be used. Is someone close to you suffering from a major injury?