I can't be so dirty when I came to Hokage

I can't be so poor, I'm going to nourish.

Ha ha

"My TM also wants to be a renminbi player !!!!!"

Thank you for rewarding from time to time (3)

May 18

Thank you just feel that you like to reward 100 happy currency

Thank me? Is it tired? ! Enjoy 100 happy currency

Thanks to the road, Xijing, reward 100 happy currency

Thank yourself 676446450 to reward 100 happy currency

Thanks to SHZ_LULU to reward 100 happy currency

Thanks to the whisper 781914327 to reward 100 happy currency

May 19th

Thank He Tian Shangyuan Bai Yinlu to reward 100 happy currency

Thank [] Restaurant 100 Happy Coin

May 20th

Thank you to reward 100 happy currency

Thanks to the pineapple orange juice to reward 1500 happy currency

Thanks May 21

Thank yourself 6033521877 to reward 100 happy currency

Thank ⑨ ⑨ 100 100

Thanks to the flame color, don't want to reward 100 happy currency

Thanks to the whisper 2031310684 to reward 100 happy currency

May 22

Thank you Huiyue to reward 100 happy currency

Thanks to the idol Type of Sakura, reward 1500 happy currency

Thanks to the avenue 100 100 100

Thanks to the whisper 5929124859 reward 100 happy currency

May 23

Thanks to EHVIEWER to reward 1500 happy currency

Thanks to the top of the black Tati reward 100 happy currency

Thank you card secret (~ reward 100 happy currency

Thank God 15 1500 happy currency

About Fan

Originally wanted to send a meaningful foreign article.

Of course, it is not yellow, but it is a bit amazing.

Um ... I feel so much.

But I didn't expect it ... I originally edited this book.

And .. Even if it may not work over an hour, it is finished, so ... For safety, I decided not to send it.

But I will send it to the group ....

Book friends, there will be the same as it will be on.

Book friend group number is 291773266

After reading the book, I will go to the book review area.

After reading the foreign book, I will go to the book review area.

It is considered that the stains are just like.

It is too polished to be black.

It is considered that there is not enough point to reply to enter [not enough].

This time vote will decide the next extends, just like this ...

In addition, the last chapter edits the big charter ...

Anyway, you can't see editing, you don't know who the editor is, compared to my own, there is of course you want to throw it on your editor.

Also ... editing is a sister ...

So saying this .. I really want to be a little embarrassing ...


Ok? What is this on the ground?

Section ...

Chapter 78 The name of the title is broken.

Chapter 78 The name of the title is broken.

"233 special qualified version shield."


The dancer nodded at this shield that I just bought.

With this, she will not let others see it in the future.

In this way, it is thinking that the dancer is closed, and the system panel begins to observe the power in your own body.