Is this the ultimate pupil of the Yuxi Bo?

I looked at the belt on the side, and the wave of water is estimated that this life is also seen in this disciple.

The wooden quasi-tree is coming!

The dance dress is also said in the heart.

Although the flow of the flower tree has the effect of paralysis pollen, it is sure enough to have a tree in the range of the tree.

And ... although it is impossible but constant to enlighten it because of those who are not enough because of insufficient blood levels ... such as God.

Dance clothes otherwood do not say, the strength of the tree is absolutely stronger than the initial generation!

Next, countless trees on the whole land instantly came out, attacked the front!


"I know!"

A black sphere began in front of the eight tail.

Tail beast!

it's useless.

Jianyue dancer said softly in his heart.

Mu Wei Mu Dragon!

Next moment, a wooden dragon wrapped around the arm of a must.

Directly swallowed the emitted tail beast.

"No ... isn't it?"

The dancer is closed, and it feels slightly.

Still a little.

Anti-the-tailed beast jade he felt that his blood rose, but ... that is, one tenth of rising.

not enough!

"Can you evil - can't you come?"

The next generation of Lei Ying Ai's face has some ugly.

He didn't know what to do. After all, he is not all muscles in his brain, but at least a lot is this.

"Everyone releases the tissue in front of the wood! To be the biggest!"


Earth, water, wind, fire, thunder!

A variety of sickness rushed to the wood in front of the watching dance clothes in an instant.

Although there are many causes of various reasons for attribute in the half-way, but it still blocks the footsteps of the wooden.


"This is not enough!"

Jianyue dance clothes no longer uses tolerance, controls the need to hold both hands and hold the double knife is a mess forward!

This time ... can't stop!

The speed of attack is too fast, and it is not asked to release the tissue.

"Yes ... Tested my Ibe,"

Jianyue dancer suddenly said.

Sasuke can be able to attach a flame that is attached to the sky, then ... Can you add a thunder?

In this way, it is a powerful lightning on the double knife to be able to go to the two-knife.


A long knife can't be broken, see this, the Jianyue dance dress is slightly changed, and the long knife is quickly pulled forward!

"Expand !!"

Lei Ying looked at the very powerful attack, and sent a roar.


boom! ! ! !

The mountain is shaken. This hit of Jianyue Wear directly disappeared in front of a large piece of land, and the forest disappeared, and it has been extended to the ocean in the distance.


Aisha funny voice looked at the change caused by the Women's clothing.

This is ... Ai is in the only thing ... too strong, strong scary.

Chapter 166 ends ... all the meaning.

The sea water began to roll, countless seawas poured in the canyon cut out from the Jianyue dancer.

Is this really ninja?

This is the idea of ​​everyone.

It is completely exceeded common sense.

Changed the terrain, is this the Ninja can do? This is also called the ninja really no problem?

The other knife must be broken in the hand of Sasone.

"This trick is good, what is the name? Um ... I think about it ... it is called Lei."

The dance clothes are still relaxed, but the heart is cool, wow.

Just blow, although it looks good, but I used all of my own Chakra.

Including Xianke Chakra, her legs have a little station unstable.