I can't be so dirty when I came to Hokage

I can't be so stains 390 chapter.

The current six seats, the future deputy captain, in this five teams, one hundred people under one person.

Even the thirteen team of the entire guard, only 13 people above her. [Forty-six rooms are not the thirteen teams of the guard ... Not counting.

"Hey - Blue Dyeleman, I am back."

"Ah, dance clothes, come in."

Wow -

Jianyue dance jacket Jiangmen pushed open and looked at the blue dye of doing official duties.

"It's really, I will not say it in advance, I sent people to pick you back, how? Is there not lost?"

"Well, thank you, the blue dyele, but I am not lost, and it is still good to turn a circle in the Jingling court."

"Is it ... Is there any interesting thing?"

"Ah, I have encountered two captains, the Jingle captain and the floating bamboo captain, when eating."

"Yes?" Blue dyed a little smile, I couldn't see some other emotions. I naturally said: "Jingle captain and the floaders of Zhuzhu are hundred-year captain, strength is far from afar, I can compare , You have to get along well. "

"Yes! I know, blue dyeles, but ..."

"Well? But?"

"However, someone will be stronger than you? Blue Dyeleman?"

"Ah, some." Blue dyed smiled and said: "There are thirteen teams in the guards, and the current captain is almost better than me, and even the strength of silver may be stronger than me."

"Hey? Is the deputy captain be so strong?"

"Ah, yes."

Blue dye is still gentle.

Chapter 7 Time Life

"The blue dyele leader is talking about it."

Just then, a voice outside, then the door was pushed away.

"The blue dyele leader is very strong, this, you should feel it? How can my strength be more than a blue caucasian, it is not a grade."

"It's really ... Silver, you just sneak it."

Blue staining shakes the head and says slightly helplessly.

"No. Municipal pills and silver smiled:" I just heard it just after the blue dyele and dance clothes. "

"Then there is no difference between and around ..."

Women's clothing has some speechless said ...

But it is really interesting ...

Blue dye ...

These two people should have been taking each other ...

No ... watch is friends, but ... actually ...

Well, but these should also be played ... should be ... special dedication to see you ...

Because ... now you are not worth trustworthy.

"Is there anything here? Silver."

"No, no. I am just just passing." The silver said, "I only have some curiosity, so I will come over ... If there is anything, I will leave."

"Is it ... So, the sky is not early, silver, you will take a break."

"Yes, I know."

Looking at the city of silver, the blue dyeing smiled and said: "Don't care, silver is like this, actually a good person, habits it."

"Well, I know."

Jianyue dance clothes nodded and said: "So, there is nothing, I will go first ... Time is indeed true."

"Ah, yes, right ..."

Blue staining suddenly suddenly said: "Dancers, you are ... Why is it a dead god?"

"Well? Is this ..."

Jianyue dancer is imaginative to say: "For better live, in order to become strong."

"Is it ... for ...?"

The blue-stained mouth hangs a smile, in which one, there is a feeling of a violi, or if it is a Jianyue dance dress, it is estimated that it will think is the illusion.

But actually is actually illustrative ... Because of the vigilance of blue dyeing, it is considered that the expression of blue dye will change this time.

In fact, the expression of blue staining has not changed.

Always ... mild smile.

"So ... you have to cheer well, and also ... don't worry." There are some serious sayings in the blue dye, but you have to control your strength, not by power to swallow yourself. "

"Don't be swallowed by your strength ... Thank you! Blue Dyele! Thank you for your advice!"

If you know that your true face is really thinking that you are related to yourself ...

And ... even knowing the true face, in that moment, the inner heart of the ghost clothing is indeed very moving.

The camouflage is too powerful!

Compared with yourself, it is completely two grades ...

It seems ... learning things are more.

In addition to ghosts, ticks, instirs, beats, there is another way to learn ... that is actuating!

"Well, then ... remember, you will rely on yourself."

"Yes, then I will leave first."

"Ah, go to bed early."