I can't be so dirty when I came to Hokage

I can't be so poor, I'm going to get into the shadow.

There is no captain, almost mean death.

this matter.

No one will be more clearly known than the mountains in the mountains.

he is...

The existence of man-made Haboch in Millennium Millennium.

Not just like this ...


It is said that it has been reported to the Lingwang Palace.

Zero team - may appear anytime, anywhere.

Now this time ... what should I do?

Jianyue dancer is thinking about the future.

Yes ... Now, it is the scene of the invisible empire, or say ...

Standing in the corpse world ...

If you want to say emotions ...

Decades, there is still a little less than people here, but the invisible empire is different.

However, the Intangible Empire is under his name.


I was not ready to kill anyone.

But now it is different.

The body of the corpse ... and the invisible empire collide.

Even if Friends, Habo said that they are not enemies.

Because, Yamada Yuan Liu Wei will not believe that the zero team will not believe ...


She has already entered.

Select that one, or that you don't choose.

But ... no matter that, death is inevitable ...

Blue dye ... The possibility of his success is ...

More than the originality!


"So ..."

Blue dyed figure slowly appeared in the corpse soul.

"Will you attach the Lingwang Palace ... Friends Habi. Come on, for me ...

Yes, he quietly returned in the case of not known.

As for the control of the collapse ...

This is too fast.

Can be so fast, beyond your expected, complete the collapse of the collapse in just a short time ...

It's really good to thank alone ...

Looking at the scenery sitting on the roof and looking at the surrounding scenery did not notice his viewing moon, blue, blue, laughing.

"Thank u."

Chapter 34 Palace

Chapter 34 Palace

"It seems ... it's time ..."

Jianyue dancer looked at the things on the system panel sighed.

I have opened my own redemption project.

First, redeem the exotic space for one day.

There is a rule of every world in every world.

For example, in the world of death, even if it is a lawyer, the rules of this world are also able to use Chakra, but can't cultivate Chakra in this world.

But exotic space is different.

This is a world that is opened by the system, completely without any rules.

In other words.

What can be used in this world, what can be cultivated.

From your own soul space, take your own flesh, souls.

Next, the flesh opened his eyes.

After that, I will change it.

Small universe practice.

The small universe comes from the "Saint Seiya" world.

After cultivating, you can have the sixth, seventh, eighth, or even the ninth sense and I don't know how to save.

Anyway, anyway is extremely high.

The sixth is the level of bronze sacred sacred and silver Saint Seiya ... Representing the ability of the sound, N is punched by the sound. The seventh sense and the eighth sense are the level of the Golden Saint, representing the ability to speed. In the ninth, it is the level of God. After that, I remember that I have seen the tenth feeling, who is not forgotten, it seems that the most popular Zeus is still Odin ... I have a tenth.

Well, there is a very bad thing.