I can't be so dirty when I came to Hokage

I can't be so polished, I'm going to Nash. 502

It seems that you are yourself, everyone is like this ...

No one can see that on his head, a kind of emotions have just happened to slowly turn into the body of this person.

The more you think so, the more fear this person.

But the fear left this person's body in just born.

Not only him.

All people are.

All of the world is true.

Not only single, or even animals, insects, trees, etc., all everything is true.

The power of emotions gathered in the air in the world, penetrating into the void.

Penetrate into it.

Enter a unknown place.

There is a broken world!

The power of emotions penetrated the broken world to come to this new world, then ...

And this world - the soul of the corpse.

All the same emotions in all the same have begun to rise.

At the same time, there are other world power.

Ductone, hell.

All emotions are rising, rising.

Finally, he raised the highest.

Lingwang Palace -!

No, it should be called true world city.

Here, some people fight in the faceless battle.

Why fight.

do not know.

Why is there no emotions?

These people don't know.

Even, curious, there is also disappeared in the moment that has just been born.


It is incorporated into the air in this true world city.

where is it.

Four people are confrontation.

A person, holding a blood red long knife in his hand. Stretched out.

The lips are light.

One word speech came out.

" - -"


In the next moment, the power of emotion began to riot, all incorporated into the body of this person.

Chapter 39 Chapter Death World - Finishing

Chapter 39 Chapter Death World - Finishing

[The last chapter! ! ! ! 7000 characters! ! ! Once again, I have a volume, I like it! ! Ask for a monthly ticket! ! Ask for a subscription! ! ! ! New volume subscription! Squire! Squire! ! !

"Do you understand?"

Blue staining frowned, I didn't feel a variety of changes at all, but ...

Danger ... very dangerous.

There is no change in the pyramids of the watching dance clothes on the surface, but -!


Suddenly, Jianyue Dancer disappeared from everyone's vision.

"Tick -"

I don't know when I dropped a drop of water, next moment! The big blood drifts in the air!


Takasaki has changed, and there is no way to see how Jianyue dance clothes will appear in front of the front of Yamamoto!

Don't say that there is a guard of Heaki, and you have not seen it!

The speed is too fast

"Don't look at me! Little ghost!" Yama's face faintly said with anger, one hand, grabbed the hand of Jianyue dance, even if he was more serious: " - - "


Haven't finished it, Jianyue dancers don't know when to break away from Yamamoto Liuzhai's hand, take a knife!

"Oh, it's evil !!" Yosaki shouted.

Blue dye is not moving, but observe the state of watching the moonlight.

At this time, Jianyue dancer is red, and the eyes are blooming.

Below ... Somewhere is still moving out of water.