"Do not..."

Jianyue dancer shook his head and said: "It's just because I didn't go to real fight, I forgot these capabilities."

"Is it ... Ok, restore it."

"It's useless to use it. Useless."

The man stands completely in front of the two: "No matter how powerful strength, you will definitely not be my opponent, just have some preparedness, now, even the mirror flowers are also invalid. "

"Oh, is it so..."

"of course."

The man laughed and said: "Why is it very curious about me? So ... Do you know that Penglai medicine?"


Jay moon dance clothes pupil.

"Yes, it's right, I said? I have all the power I want, but not dead ... how can I miss it."

The man has a sword in his hand ...

No, it is a sword but there is no Jianfeng. It is like three cylinders together, and there is a blood red pattern.

That is...

"Ea ..."


The man smiled and said: "The Hero's EA can destroy the world (there is no premise of Gaia existence), and my E-class Temple can do it, and now ... you ... how to hide me EA? Using ... face? "

"Wake up! EA! Heaven and earth from the opening star - !!"


Jianyue dancers have smashed the blue dye.

"You can use your ability to block!"

"Ah, I know."

The blue dyed nod, and the next time two people said together.

"Baddance Eighty One · Dry"

"Baddance Eighty One · Dry"

Next, the two sounds sounded.

Two transparent barriers appeared in front of the moon and blue dye.

boom----! ! ! !

Sure enough, if you have a debord attack or this trick is the best.

But it's not finished!

Single is this unfortunate!

When an E-class Tempel can destroy the planet, how will the EX level? Destroy the universe?

I don't know, I don't know at all!

Wooden, wood,!

Muyi · The drainage!

Next, a wooden man appeared in front of the viewing dance dress, then the barrier formed by the wood was outside.

Jianyue dancer also gives yourself and blue staining a must.

Then open his hands and use the Aries Saint Seiya's oysters.

"Crystal Wall -!"

Boom ----! ! !

Constant impact, came.

Jianyue dance clothes feel that your bones are shaking!

If the apprentice dancer can see the outside, it will find it.

Originally, even if she could not leave a trace of the land in the collapse!

Unlimited crash!

The first layer of ghost is broken, and the second layer is broken.

Wooden shattered.

The attack power is small, and the prototype has a block of less than one second.


It must be broken for two seconds.

Crystal wall is in the abuse ...

The gradually formed ripple appears above.

"Can evil - ah !!!"

Jianyue dancers roared, the next moment, the blue dyed hand expredited.

"The attack has fallen by a half, and it is beautiful, so."

Blue dyeing in the hands of the knife force forward.

The crystal wall has a back attack all disappeared.


I didn't expect that the blue dye was so easy to get this attack.