I defected before the night of genocide

Chapter 23 The Nine Tails Start Running

You can search for "I defected before the night of the genocide" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Konoha.

While resting at the stall, Itachi Uchiha found Kakashi.

"Senior Kakashi, can you talk about it when you have time?"

Since learning that the instigator of the Nine-Tailed Rebellion was the predecessor of the clan, Itachi has been entangled.

He heard a lot of things from Taki, mainly including the eyes of immortals and intelligence with soil.

Itachi had already reported the information of the Eye of the Immortal to three generations, but itachi believed that he should ask Kakashi about the matter of Uchiha's soil.

Fortunately, he and Kakashi no longer have to monitor Uchiha now, so they have free time.

Kakashi saw Itachi, who rarely took the initiative to find it, and couldn't help being curious: "Itachi, what do you want?"

Not long ago, in order to mourn his best friend, Kakashi made a special trip to Nanga Shrine.

When passing by the Uchiha clan, Kakashi discovered that most members of the Uchiha clan extremely rejected other ninjas.

However, Anbe's colleague Uchiha Itachi seems to be different from other Uchiha.

After considering his tone and words, Itachi said, "Kakashi-senpai, I'm a little curious about Uchiha's belt. Can you... tell me his past."

Although he didn't understand Itachi's intentions, after a pause, Kakashi recalled: "Take the soil, he is a real hero..."

He explained the matter of bringing soil to save his life to save his life, and explained it to Itachi in detail. By the way, he repeated the famous sentence of bringing soil:

"Those who don't follow the rules are waste, but those who don't cherish their companions are not as good as waste."

Itachi was a little confused.

Uchiha, who can speak so much, why did he release Nine Tails to harm Konoha?

"Perhaps Taki deceived me."

But as soon as this thought emerged, Itachi shook his head.

There is no need at all. After all, what's the point of Taki's accusation on a dead person.

Thinking of this, Itachi looked at Kakashi, and said, "When I was hunting down Taki, I heard him say that the dirt is still alive."

"It's absolutely impossible!" Kakashi vetoed Itachi's words excitedly. In order to prove that he was right, he even revealed the dirty writing wheel eye:

"This eye was entrusted to me with the soil before he died. If the soil is still alive, why didn't he return to the village?"

Kakashi said earnestly: "Taki said something similar to me before he defected. His purpose must be to split the village and Uchiha, Itachi, you can't be fooled."

Seeing Kakashi's excitement, Itachi said, "Although Taki has rebelled against Shinobu, what he said does have reference value."

After a pause, he informed Kakashi in advance of what he would do next: "I will report this news to the third generation. After that, how to verify the accuracy of this news depends on their ideas."

Itachi left using the instantaneous spell.

Looking at the empty room, Kakashi squatted down a little bit, and sighed very sadly: "With soil..."

On the other hand, when the three generations heard the news reported by Itachi, they took a violent pipe.

He was not very impressed with the soil, but why Kakashi fell into the darkness, this is the question that the fourth generation has mentioned, so the third generation has some understanding of the past of Kakashi and the soil.

"Is this a trap set by Taki?"

Since Uchiha Itachi didn't bring it back to Taki himself, the three generations were skeptical of what Itachi said.

What's more, bringing the soil is the hero on the memorial monument, even if he is still alive, he should not hurt the village he once loved.

Therefore, this news is likely to be false.

The slightly perfunctory attitude of the three generations silenced Itachi.

The fundamental reason why he didn't doubt Taki's motives too much was that he saw through Taki's illusions and thoughts.

Taki is different from ordinary Uchiha who is obsessed with fame and fortune, and also from Shisui who obsessed with village and family peace.

He has repeatedly applied to leave the village, perhaps because he is tired of the position disputes between the family and the village.

In fact, if it wasn't for Zhishui's dying entrustment, if it wasn't for Kakashi's belief that a close friend's entrustment must be persisted, Itachi felt that he had no power to support the previous situation.

Although Taki was rebellious, he unearthed a huge hidden danger for Konoha in advance.

Otherwise, the detonating charms buried by the old man of profound energy would be enough to destroy most of Konoha at a critical moment.

But the three generations and others did not identify with Taki, just as the people of Uchiha did not identify with themselves who opposed the rebellion.

"Who is right?" Itachi was more dazed than ever.

At this time, a ninja came to the Naruto Building to report.

"Hokage-sama, things are happening again on the Kyuubi Imp."

The ninja who came to report half-kneeled in front of Naruto's desk and informed the third generation of the news of Renzhuli's violent departure.

Since witnessing his death, Konoha's person Zhuli Uzumaki Naruto has fallen into a state of insecurity.Fate Novel www.51yuanxs.com

Fortunately, when Naruto ran away, the nine-tailed Chakra revealed from his body was of little weight.

And Anbu has the awakened Kaleidoscope Itachi, who can easily subdue the strength of the people who have not yet grown up.

Three generations pressed their foreheads tiredly, and smiled bitterly at Itachi, "Itachi, please."

It's not that he can't subdue Naruto, but if he takes action, Naruto may be hurt.In this regard, Itachi is more suitable than him.

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi nodded.

Three generations have explained Naruto's life experience to him. Naruto is the child of a dead hero. If conditions permit, Itachi will try not to harm Naruto.

Ninja school.

Naruto, dressed in a tail beast coat, with a hideous face, is running wild on the campus.

In the runaway state, he still barely kept a trace of sanity.

In order not to hurt the students, Naruto vented his irritable power on the playground.

When Itachi rushed over, he saw the students of the Ninja School crowding around the playground, watching Naruto run wildly.

"Naruto, this guy has such a strong Chakra."

Many of the students in the same class as Naruto showed surprised expressions.Even if this is not the first time they have seen Naruto in this state.

However, a small number of students complained: "Really, what's going on at school, how can such a dangerous guy keep him in Ninja School?"

Sasuke curled his lips, "Is there anything to worry about? With the presence of a genius from the Uchiha clan like me, even such a dangerous guy will not pose any threat to you."

Sasuke became a little uncertain when he saw that the chakras that Naruto ran away increased.


At this moment, Itachi appeared suddenly.

"Don't be careless, Nine-tailed Chakra is not something you can deal with." Itachi who suddenly appeared poked his brother's forehead with his finger.

"Brother!" Although Itachi was wearing a mask on his face, his familiar behavior made Sasuke recognize his brother.

On Naruto's side, his young body was already unable to withstand the damage caused by the tail beast coat.

Even his blood vessel burst on the surface.

Without too much hesitation, Itachi immediately rushed over using the instantaneous technique, opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, and hypnotized the nine tails in Naruto.

Subsequently, Naruto also fell into a coma.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, the principal of the Ninja School hurried over to thank Itachi.

Itachi nodded indifferently and watched the Shinobu teacher carefully send Naruto to the hospital. He had no reason to stay here.

After bidding farewell to his younger brother, Itachi quickly left Ninja School and returned to the Hokage Building to report to the third generation.

Before leaving, he heard the murmur of the Ninja school teacher: "Really, it's the fifth time this month. If this continues, how can Ninja school continue to operate?"

"The safety of students is not guaranteed."


In the dark, a pair of evil eyes was secretly watching Konoha.

"It's really stupid for the Uchiha clan to stop preparing for the ninja."

Originally waiting to see Konoha and Uchiha fight, when he heard the report from Bai Zetsu, he sneered.

Bai Zetsu said, "However, Konoha's senior management does not seem to be so defensive against Uchiha."

"Huh, this is their usual practice. It is used to confuse the Uchiha clan." There was mockery in Dai Tu's eyes.

"But..." Bai Jue was still a little concerned about Konoha's recent changes.

At this time, Heijue emerging from the ground interrupted them: "Oshemaru has begun."

During this time, Oshe Maru seemed to be secretly preparing some plan.

"It seems to be used to target Payne." While speaking, Hei Jue stared at the soil, wanting to see what he would do next.

Perceiving his playful eyes, he frowned, and the face under the mask exuded a chill: "Oshemaru is impossible to defeat Payne, but it is better for us to witness it in the past."

He said sarcastically, "This is a battle between the three-nin levels and the eyes of reincarnation. Maybe the result is different from what we thought?"

As one of the three forbearances, Da She Maru had a strong strength. If the eyes of the immortal fell into his hands, it would be difficult to regain it.

The Moon Eye plan will be difficult to proceed.

Therefore, knowing that Penn's strength is crushing, he is still not at ease with the soil.

Hei Jue, who knows the power of the reincarnation eye, said, "Oshemaru should not be Penn's opponent!"
