I defected before the night of genocide

Chapter 68 The Arrogance of Indra

You can search for "I defected before the night of the genocide" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Sasuke didn't go to school for a day, and the girl who had a crush on him went to the teacher's office and asked in dissatisfaction.

When I heard about Sasuke's leave from Iruka, Sakura was worried.

I heard that Sasuke was looking for Naruto everywhere, and he seemed to be anxious.

She then helped to pay attention to Naruto's movements.

For some reason, Sasuke looked for Naruto who hadn't been found for a long time, but she accidentally caught him in the woods.

Without a word, Sakura immediately took Naruto to find Sasuke.

At first, Naruto, who was held by Sakura's hands, was a little bit shy. Later, when she heard that she wanted to take herself to the nasty Sasuke, she immediately struggled:

"Let go of me, I don't want to find him!"

Finally, under the deterrence of Sakura's violent fist, Naruto reluctantly followed her behind her ass, and the whole village looked for Sasuke everywhere.

Finally, on the street they saw Sasuke walking towards him.

Sakura immediately raised her hand happily and greeted her favorite Sasuke-kun.

Naruto's expression became more wilted, and became depressed.

Looking at Sakura who was running over and Naruto who was forcibly pulled over, Sasuke's gaze passed Sakura and fell on Naruto's body: "Return the things!"

As soon as they met, Sasuke coldly said such an inexplicable remark.

"What else?" Not only Sakura, but Naruto was full of question marks.

Seeing him dumbfounded, as if he didn't understand what he was saying, Sasuke immediately pointed at him: "Don't pretend to be stupid. You made trouble in the village and caused losses to those people. Shouldn't you make compensation?"

Kozakura immediately recollected it and stood on Sasuke's side without hesitation, and asked Naruto with her hands on her hips: "Did you scribble on other people's walls again?"

Now, Naruto knew what Sasuke was talking about.

Recalling the mistakes he had made before losing control of his emotions, Naruto touched his fingers with a guilty conscience.

"How could it be so simple as scribbling..."

Seeing Naruto's guilty conscience, Sasuke stared with both eyes: "You destroyed the goods in other people's stores and drove away all their customers. Now those shopkeepers are asking you to pay for their losses immediately."

"No money..." Naruto held the back of his head and tilted his head to the other side.

"What about the one million taels you stole?" Sasuke curled his lips, staring at him tightly.

"What is a million?"

Naruto scratched his head and looked at Sasuke suspiciously.

Upon seeing this, Sasuke hugged his arms and snorted coldly: "Let's load less garlic. An employee of a store accused you of stealing their manager's wallet, which contained a lot of money."

"Naruto, you stole something..."

Sakura covered her mouth and looked at Naruto in surprise.

Her word of stealing reminded Sasuke of something that his father and brother had mentioned at home: Naruto stole the book of seals in the Hokage Building.

At the moment, Sasuke said with an impatient expression: "The Uchiha clan that you used to steal the Sealed Book is not under the control of the Uchiha clan, but this time, you must be responsible for your mistakes."

Hearing Sasuke's mention of the incident, Naruto's negative emotions that had accumulated in his heart soon resurfaced.

At that time, he thought Mizuki was the first person in the village to recognize him, but the hard facts proved that it was an illusion.

All that Mizuki did was to deceive him and let him help steal the Sealed Book.

This time Sasuke opened the scar without any hesitation, which undoubtedly angered Naruto.

Indra Chakra, which he struggled to suppress before, showed signs of expansion and growth.

Naruto's first thought was to tell Sasuke and Sakura that he didn't steal the store manager's wallet. The reason for making trouble in those stores was because the people first vilified him.

But just when he opened his mouth and tried to plead.

Another voice suddenly appeared in his heart and told him that if his companions were willing to believe him, he didn't need to rush to explain these things.

And if they don’t believe it, then there is even less need for them to explain to people who don’t trust them.

Such arrogant thoughts and thoughts shouldn't belong to Naruto, but when I think back to the day when I was dropped out, no classmate was willing to stand up and save himself.020 reading www.020ds.com

Suddenly, Naruto lost the will to suppress this thought.

"For them, I am not important at all."

Thinking about this, Naruto completely lost the thought of explaining to Sasuke Sakura.

"Whatever you think!"

He pushed away Sasuke who was in front of him, and left alone.

"Hey! How could you treat Sasuke-kun like this?" Sakura yelled at his back dissatisfied.

Seeing Naruto's disappearing back, Sasuke pursed his lips.


"Father, I failed!"

When he returned home, Sasuke lowered his head and didn't have the guts to look directly at Futake's eyes.

He was afraid of seeing disappointment in those eyes.

"You should have found the talent of Wuxi Ming!" Fu Yue looked at him blankly.

"I found him, but..." Sasuke hesitated, not knowing how to describe that mood.

"Is your heart soft?" Fu Yue sighed after glancing at him.

"It should be!" After hesitating for a while, Sasuke also classified the delicate feeling as sympathy.

"He was expelled from Ninja School, perhaps because of this, he was dissatisfied with the village."

Sasuke recounted his guess.

Fu Yue shook his head.

Unlike Sasuke, who is still young, he knows things are more detailed and specific.

Uzumaki Naruto's desire for destruction... could it be the ghost of Kyuubi?

Uchiha Itachi is not in the village, and Futake is a little worried that the Kyuubi people will run away.

Because Ren Zhuli's emotions must be taken into consideration, he also needs to consult with the village's high-level officials for law enforcement.

"You are not suitable for taking over the guards, so let's study in Ninja School with peace of mind in the future!" Taking a look at his son, Fu Yue said similar words of attack.

Sasuke lowered his head: "I understand."


The next day.

Ren Zhuli's troubles in the village quickly reached the ears of the senior management.

At this time, Naruto was a little hesitant and didn't know how to deal with Naruto's two consultants, Koharu and Mito Menyan.

"Danzo's proposal to replace Renjuli is not unreasonable!"

"Perhaps we should seriously consider the feasibility of this proposal."

Each of the two consultants expressed their support for Tuanzang's practice.

Three generations slammed their pipes and shook their heads and said, "This may be a conspiracy between Uchiha Taki and the "adult" behind him. We must first investigate the truth of this matter."

After all, in Naruto's memory, Uchiha Taki and Uchiha Daido have appeared one after another.

Through the news revealed to Itachi when Taki defected, the three generations knew the identity of the mask man.

It's just that this news involves the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha, so he didn't make it public before.

So far, the only people who know that taking soil is behind the scenes are he, Itachi, and Kakashi.

But this does not prevent him from using it to intimidate those advisory elders.

Uzumaki Naruto is the orphan of the fourth generation, unless it is an unavoidable situation, such as Naruto's complete runaway, otherwise, the third generation will not agree to the request to replace Renzhuli.

In the silence, Danzo glanced at the third generation. He already had an idea in his heart, and he did not interrupt and persecute further.