"I wonder who..."

The Kingdom of Roseblade, a country where the concept of magic breathes strongly.

A royal castle built with majesty in its king's capital. I - Liz Beltran took a small, deep breath as I walked down the golden corridor of Braveheart Castle.

A little, yeah, no. It's pretty exciting.

Then I had an eye for the dress I was wearing.

I really like the latest fashion conscious bright red new dress, but will he be happy to fulfill it?


I feel anxious, but I shake it off immediately.

I didn't think I was weak.

- I don't even have to think about it. Something you're definitely determined to like.

Because it's me.

Beautiful green eyes for lustrous, plentiful blonde hair and even gemstones.

The lips are beautiful pink as if they were red.

I don't stain one on white skin that hasn't burned in the day, and my complexion is good because I got enough sleep last night. I will not tolerate pimples and other things on my makeup face as a preference for the noble lady, and even the pack is indispensable.

Although he was only fifteen years old, he also grew around his chest around this time, and his style grew more crisp.

I care about height, a little higher than average, but still not high enough to smash a man's self-esteem. To the extent that you can wear enough heels.

I'm told my personality is tight, but that's what we all do if we're high-ranking courtiers, and I think it's better than no pride.

And after all, he comes from a famous family that contends for one or two even in the Kingdom of Roseblade: the Duke of Beltran. Naturally, noble education is perfect.

Modestly, I don't think any woman deserves him more than I do.

That's right. Conclude again, and think about the people you're going to meet.

- Him. Prince Alan Roseblade.

First heir to the throne of this country, the Kingdom of Roseblade.

Features red eyes and dark hair. Literary martial arts, calm and adult in character, who is expected to have a future.

I haven't made my social debut yet, so I've never seen him before, but I hear he's a pretty well-faced beauty figure.

Today I meet that prince face-to-face - I've come to a so-called pageant. If there is an agreement between the two parties, the engagement will remain in place. The future king and the Duke's wife. I think we deserve each other's identities, uncalled for engagement.

My father said if you don't like it, you don't have to get engaged or anything, but if you're a prince famous for his brilliant eyebrows, my opponent has no shortage. Marriage of a beautiful me and a beautiful prince.

I can be proud of the other ladies who want to marry the prince, and such a beauty would be visible even standing beside me. Nowhere is there a reason to say no.

- Heh heh, at best the prince has to have me obsessed.

I don't think it would be a problem if I had a polished beauty for this polish, but I still need to get in the mood.

Imagining a glorious future with the prince and totally concerned about it, I walked behind a soldier who was guiding me to slip like a nobleman's warrant.

I will not forget to observe the castle for the first time.

Either way, I'm going to live here, too, so I have to remember the internal structure.

Now walking is the corridor on the ground floor. The walls are completely painted with religious paintings. The ceiling painting, which was done by a famous painter about five hundred years ago, remains beautiful even now without fading. Because the magic of preservation hangs from year to year to avoid deterioration, but I see, it's great indeed.

In the mood for a tour of the gallery, go through the long corridor and then up the stairs. The interior was transformed into something even finer. The soldier who led me to one of the rooms on the third floor quietly bowed his head there.

"I'm sorry. Currently, Prince Alan is having tea with Prince Wilfred. We'll call you as soon as we're done, so could you please wait in this modem room for a while?"


I heard an incredible word, and there was a voice from the ladies.

I didn't expect you to come here and wait.

The soldier says Prince Wilfred is Prince Alan's twin brother.

He's bright and active and has a completely different vibe and personality than Prince Alan. A second prince who will never succeed to the throne.

Normally, I can't help but get along, but Prince Wilfred and Prince Alan were famous for being close brothers. Especially Prince Wilfred. He misses Prince Alan better. I often hear the two of them together, so I didn't wonder the very fact that they were having tea, but the discomfort was solicited.

"You're gonna keep people on call and keep them waiting? How many princes, not rude?

Sure, I still have till the promised time, but still, I don't usually have tea with another person until just before.

I was angry that they were not interested in me.

I thought it was decided to be greeted with great joy, so it's more unforgivable. Or tea? You said you were having tea because you knew I was coming? I don't believe it.

Having never been scorned by anyone before, I have exposed my anger to the situation where I am to be waited for.

"I don't feel good. I wonder if you're making fun of the Duke of Beltran family. You can talk to your father."

"Also, I'm sorry. But never..."

A soldier who takes my anger and looks like trouble. When I saw that face, I just calmed down a little bit.

I can't help hitting eight soldiers. Because there's nothing he can do about a mere soldier.

"... that's enough. You stay back. I just have to wait here, right?


Formally bowing his head, the soldier left to flee. Drop that off in a white mood.

"I don't like it..."

It ruins my good mood.

I had no choice but to enter the room where I was guided. A scarlet carpet was laid in the room, which was said to be a modest room, with a number of chairs lined up on the wall. A golden clock with a dial above a white fireplace with sculpture. Age dishes and antique dolls. The large pot with large wheels of flowers is decorated with fresh flowers at all costs.


Sit in a nearby chair.

I didn't think they were going to wait here.

"I can't believe you left me alone"

If I see the prince, I'll never fit in without letting him complain about one of them.

What the hell do you think the only daughter of the Duke of Beltran family is?

- That's why.


When I was having trouble with my anger, I heard a small voice. Bossy talking. Apparently the voice of a man. I wondered. When I stood up, I headed in the direction of my voice.

Door in the back of the room. That's just a little open.

"... careless."

If anyone is here, you should lock them up. While I thought so, wondering who was talking, I looked softly inside through the gap in the door. I felt like I was imitating something, but I was so bored.


My voice leaked out. Hold your own mouth in a hurry.

It was two men inside.

They both look very neat. The two of them, with the same colour: red eyes and black hair, nevertheless had the opposite effect of creating an atmosphere.

One is calm and has a loose grin on his mouth. An obviously discerning smile that the other is having fun. They are both wearing well-tailored black long jackets sewn in gold thread. He wore shirts and vests inside, but they were all the finest, not very much for civilians and lower nobility, but all he could not prepare. The Thai shape tightened at the neck is an easy to understand indication of the person's identity, but it was very similar to what my father and brothers would tie together.

red-eyed, brunette hair, and how to tie Thailand in line for the Duke.

Definitely. They, prince of this country. First Prince Alan and second Prince Wilfred.

- Was this where the twin princes were having tea?

I didn't think they were keeping me waiting this close.


My breasts sometimes. I stared at the prince with the cup of tea with a gentle grin.

- This is better, Prince Alan.

Mine, who will be my fiancée.

I get concerned and seriously observe.

The reddish dark hair shakes saggily. The lay down eyelashes are long and the sides are breathtaking. I found it true that the gaze directed at my brother was soft and friendly.

- Oh, my God, it's nice.

Sometimes I can't help it.

Prince Alan was brilliantly a beauty that walked in the middle as much as I liked.

I've never been more pleased to be born as a daughter of the Duke's family to be engaged to someone like this - and hence to be able to marry.

Transfer your gaze to your brother, who sits in the seat across from him. That's the twins, they looked a lot alike, but they didn't hold out on this one at all. The beauty shape is a beauty shape, but let's say it's a shiny, bright beauty shape, which is not my preference anyway. Many would be healed by a smile without Prince Wilfred's back, but I preferred a moist, glossy smile like Prince Alan's.

- I'm glad my fiancée is Prince Alan.

If it was the other way around, I almost had to sue your father and ask him to change his fiancée.

My father is sweet to me, so even in that case he would snort pleasantly if I asked him, but I was glad that the other person was Prince Alan from the beginning.

It didn't matter if the man who became my fiancée cared that it was my preference and I completely forgot my earlier grump. It was more important to look at Prince Alan's beautiful work.

And I finally think that I've been taking a peek there the whole time.

I peeked wondering who was there, but it would be rude to watch forever just because they hadn't noticed. Neither do I want to make a bad impression on my fiancée.

"... it would be better if you waited for me."

Soldiers also said they'd call me when the tea party was over, and let's not peek any further.

Get out of sight of the two of you. Well, it's still going to take a while, and why don't we ask the lady to have some tea, too?

That's what I thought, my brother who was drinking tea - Prince Wilfred opened his mouth.

"So? Brother. You're going to meet that Liz Beltran today?

"Oh, yes, I am."


My name came up and I looked back unexpectedly. Prince Wilfred, who gave my name, says it in a pleasant tone.

"Be careful, all right? Liz Beltran is arrogant and high-tempered, my dear lady.... Honey, the word" villain "fits in perfectly."