"You got help, and you can't abandon this one.... Noel. Please don't talk to your brothers in human language. If you will, I will put it in the mansion, as always."

"Fine. I guess I should do the whole cat thing the way I've always done. Cheap use Well, I'm not sure I can make a good face for your brothers. I like women, but I hate men."


Recently, Noel seemed to want to avoid men if he did, but he found out it wasn't his fault and made a subtle face. Noel looks fed up.

"I don't even like kids, do I? My treatment is cluttered and irrational."

"Maybe the last time I threatened the orphanage kids..."

Huh, I remember when I went to the orphanage a while ago and asked, Noel looked disgusted because he saw it.

"Hmm? He just didn't want to be touched because it's depressing. I really don't want anyone touching me but a girl."


I remember the story of the great wizard Noel liking a woman and exhaled in a deep sigh.

Apparently, I'm not mistaken for the perception that I don't like anything but women rather than women.

But - and look at Noel.

In this minute, I don't think I should ever take Noel to the orphanage again. I know I'm going to betray Noel and the kids I believe I can get along with again, and I can't possibly do that.

Al has looked at me with a subtle face.

"... Lili, even this still keeps Noel in the mansion, what do you say? I can't really recommend leaving my personal feelings behind."

"Ugh... so, but it's true that you got help..."

I got a little anxious, but I don't want to imitate the kind of favor I get back to you with a vendetta.

Even though Al looked unconvinced when he realized I wouldn't change my opinion, he ended up nodding like he'd given up.

"Okay. After I know I'm a benefactor, it's hard to abandon as much as I want. But I'm still worried about a man in my fiancée's mansion. So I'm going to let you insure one thing."

"Insurance, is it?

"Yes, wait a minute. I'll bring it now."

Al gets up off the couch and goes outside. It was me and Noel, Noir, who were left behind. And he's Prince Wilfred, who hasn't spoken at all since earlier.

"Brother, I wonder what you're going to do"

Prince Wilfred said as he stared blurredly at Al's exited door.

"Your Highness... Um"

Speaking up, Prince Wilfred shifted his gaze to me. He asks, tilting his neck.

"Hmm? What? What's Liz Beltran doing to me after he attacked my brother and pushed Noel Route further? I didn't even know you were opening a hidden route."

"Hidden? I don't know, I'm not interested except Al"

Prince Wilfred looked frightened when I told him I had to be clear there.

"He said he knew you didn't have to say that. My brother loves me, and you can't decide to cheat or anything. If you want to go to the Bad End, you can go on your own, but as long as the basics are loved by your brother, you'll be fine."

"Ha... ha"

He looked hazy when he nodded, thinking he didn't know what Prince Wilfred was talking about.

"... uh... forget about what we're talking about. So? What are you doing talking to me on purpose or something?

"Well, we were talking about Noel having a curse, weren't we? I was wondering if you knew how to solve it."



Prince Wilfred raised his bare voice. I shook my head vertically with cockroach.

I can't keep kicking Noel out of the mansion like this. But I think Al has a point. So I thought I could return the favor I was helped by.

Decurse Noel. If we can do that, we won't have to let him live in the mansion because we won't have to shelter Noel either. Al thought he'd be relieved.

But Prince Wilfred looked difficult.

"I know you thought about it to keep your brother from being extra jealous. Not a bad idea. But I don't remember. 'Cause even if you think about it, look. How much do you think I'll ever remember the details of a game I played, usually, decades, no, long ago, just because I loved it? If I could do that, I'd be usually creepy."

"I don't know... do you mean you don't understand?

Being likened to a game doesn't make sense to me that I don't know what it is. But from the dialogue that he doesn't remember, I made a guess that he doesn't know. And Prince Wilfred nods.

"I don't care what you think about hidden characters here, so I'd like to work with you if I can. Seriously, I don't remember. Sorry."

"No...... thank you"

It's not a matter of Prince Wilfred apologizing because it's natural not to know. I think so, then, and see chillari and noir. Noticed my gaze. He slipped away from his gaze.


'I won't say. No matter how much the life of the Lord, there is no Spirit to help untie the curse of Arre. Let me tell you that this isn't just me, it's basically the same in every spirit. You can help yourself if you want to solve it, but give up your cooperation.'

"It is. Bye, Noel. Doesn't Noel know? How to Uncurse Yourself"

Noel, who was told the story, shook his head to the side.

"I tried everything when I was still conscious, but not at all. Sounds like the original curse of the Spirit King. If you do a full study, you may find it difficult to get back to where you were."

"Oh well..."

"Unless the Spirit there tells me so ~"

Noel sends a deliberate gaze to Noir. Noir distorted his face reluctantly.

'Who would do something that would do you good? Think of it as the totality of all spirits. "

"Right? Because this is the right place. Hey, it could be hard."

Apparently, it's hard to break the curse.

I'm sighing, and I'm like, "What's wrong?," Al said, returning. I have something like a red collar in my hand.


Noel, who saw the collar, turned his hair upside down. Retain hastily trying to escape.

"What's wrong, Noel?"

"Oh, Lili. Just keep Noel in check. All right, now..."

"I don't like it. Oh!

There was a chirping noise and a collar fitted into Noel's neck. The red collar has a small bell and looks good on Noel.

"It sucks! Why is this stuff stored in the Kingdom of Roseblade!

Noel escapes through my arms trying to take off his collar and jumps around. But the collar won't come off. Al said with a laugh that he thinks this is the whole thing.

"It's an item called the Wheel of Subordination. It was in our treasure trove, but I got permission from my father to bring it to me. Whoever put this on will never disobey the orders of his registered master. Because my husband sets it up for Lili. Lili, touch the bell with magic."

"... Yes"

Like I was told, touch the little bell that was on the collar. Through a little magic, the colour of the bell changed. It was yellow, but it glowed golden.

"Al...... this"

"Yeah. Now Noel can't go against you anymore. I'm sorry. I knew I had to keep this up. If Noel strikes, don't hesitate to give the order. 'Cause I don't care if it's' die 'or' hurt yourself '."

"That means the same for both of us! You, Prince of the Kingdom of Roseblade! I know the royalty of the kingdom of Roseblade has been belly black for generations, but you, aren't you pretty bad?

"It's an honor to compliment you. The Great Wizard Noel."

"Absolutely, because I'm not complimenting you! Goshzinsama, are you sure this is the right guy? I can still start over now, so if it was anything, I'd introduce you to a better man!

Al stared depressingly at Noel, who threatened Sher.

"Extra care. Lili's marrying me, so I don't need another man.... Right, Lili?

"Yes, sir"

I'm slightly afraid of the gaze directed at this one. Shaking his head vertically many times, Al nodded satisfactorily, "Right? I am horrified that my mood has risen.

"Anyway, if you're wearing this collar, fine. Meditate your eyes."

"Can't you hear my appeal that I haven't meditated at all..."

Are you complaining? The Great Wizard Noel. "

Al smiles at Noel. Noel sighed when he saw the look on his face.

"... I get it. To coexist. I'll put up with some inconvenience, too."

"Yeah. It's good you understand"

Say it like Noir was impressed.

'I didn't know you could turn that Noel in. Lord, the Lord has a good eye for men. "


Is this praised? Thinking it was subtle, even Prince Wilfred followed it.

"My brother is, in a way, the character I should piss off the most of the offensive characters. Come on, Liz Beltran."


"Will. Do you want me to talk to you for a second later?

"Brother! My eyes aren't laughing! He said his eyes weren't laughing!

Prince Wilfred, who obviously said something extra, is being pulled cheek by Al.

I wonder what. I thought I could finish my spiritual covenant and relax from here on out, but I can't seem to do that.

As he wanted to escape reality, Al, who was pulling Prince Wilfred's cheek, looked at this one and tilted his little neck.

"Hmm? Lili, what's wrong?

"... no, it's nothing"

I was looking at Al's face and it all got better.

'Cause my eyes are so sweet everywhere you look at me. I'm glad to hear that, so it's useless to worry about.

- I'm sure we'll figure it out.

I just need to get to Al.

I mean, I'm probably in love with Al, too.