I have 240,000 hours a day

Chapter 1 Ma Ma Never Worry About My Study

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"But it's okay. There are still four months before the college entrance examination. I believe you will make progress, son."

Listening to his mother's comfort, Brigadier Kou buried his head deeply in his legs, looking unwilling.

Kou Zhun, a senior in high school, just took a model three days ago, and took 370 in six exams.

Ranked third last in the class.

If it's other people who mess around, this result will be a fate.

But he... doesn't want to admit his fate!

"I am a rebirth, and I have already changed my fate against the sky! Why should I admit my fate!"

At this moment, thunder broke out in his mind.

After a while, a voice appeared.

"Congratulations to the host for activating the perfect life system. The system will use its strength to help the host rewrite life and reshape the light."

"System? System!"

Kou Zhun was taken aback first, then ecstatic!

He is a rebirth, but a rebirth without gold fingers is a toothless tiger.

Kou Zhun: "What ability do you have?"

He asked hastily.


"System function 1: Time exchange. The initial ratio is 1:10000."

"The system has been studied and found that people will miss many wonderful scenery of life in the pursuit of success in their lifetime. Time exchange will help the host to shorten this time as much as possible."

At the same time a ray of information appeared in Kou Zhun's mind.

After a while, he understood.

"This time exchange means that if I study for an hour, using this ability is equivalent to 10,000 hours of study."

He is very excited.

There are still four months to go before the college entrance examination. What does he lack the most?That's time.

But now he has the message, and the Jedi fights back.

Thinking of Kou Zhun picked up the math book, buckled it directly on his head, and opened the first time exchange.

An hour later, Kou Zhun put down his math book, just like a lifetime.

And looking at the math book in his hand, his eyes changed.

If this math book was the most familiar stranger to him before, then now... it has been chewed up by Kou Zhun.

A piece of cake.

And not only this one, but also other math textbooks.

How do you say this feeling, like in the field of high school mathematics, he is invincible in the world.

Just so confident!

This confidence came, even he himself was frightened.

Quickly draw out a set of real questions that have not been done before.

The prescribed time is 120 minutes.

Kou Zhun stopped writing on time at 47 minutes.

Check the answer.


Full marks!


Kou Zhun looked at the paper in a daze.

The brain will deceive, but the score will not.

"Who would have thought that this paper came from a guy who passed a 64-bit math test?"

At this time, news came from the class group.

Yuan Xinyue: Everyone, look at this question, who will?

Then a picture of a math problem was posted in the group.

As the goddess of the class, Yuan Xinyue immediately made the otherwise silent class group lively.

Qi Tian: The goddess is in trouble, I am the first to help!But... mathematics is indeed not my strong suit, next!

Wang Maolin: This topic should be the knowledge on the parabola side. Let me try...

After half a minute, Wang Maolin made a shameful expression.

Wang Maolin: This question is a bit difficult, I haven't done it!

Yuan Xinyue not only looks beautiful, but also achieves top results.

Although it is not the kind of absolute academic bully, her grades are still in the top 20 in the school. It is naturally not easy to be able to get stuck with her problem.The sixth book www.6shu8xs.com

Lin Chong: You don't talk nonsense!

Wang Maolin: Would you?

Lin Chong: I won't, but some people will!@, Brother Sun, come out to help.

Kou Zhun saw that Sun Kai was called and knew that this question should have been taken.

Sun Kai is a legend in Kou Zhun's class.

I used to book overnight for the day before the exam, and finally got the first place in math.

It has always represented the pinnacle of their class's mathematical ability.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that this guy likes Yuan Xinyue.

Sun Kai: @, I saw it just now after I went to eat. This question is indeed a bit troublesome, but I should be able to do it.

Three minutes later, a clear problem-solving step was sent to the group, which aroused everyone's surprise.

Wang Maolin has taken it: I have a headache in reading this question, but I didn't expect it to be done in a few minutes.

Lin Chong: As expected of Brother Sun, this question can be easily solved in three minutes!@Goddess, you know the ability of Brother Sun. If you have any questions in the future, I think you can talk privately.

As a good friend of Sun Kai, Lin Chong gave a good assist.

Yuan Xinyue: Thank you Sun Kai for your help, but I still think there are some problems with this topic. What do you think of this topic @?

The group was quiet for an instant.

No one thought that as a goddess, Yuan Xinyue would take the initiative to arte Kou Zhun?

Who is Kou Zhun?

That was one of the five stable foundations for the class for three consecutive years.

Countdown all year round.

This time, one model of mathematics has made breakthrough progress, and got a result that no one can match ---NO.1.

Let such a product solve the problem?

Then watch the mouse eat with a fork.

It's okay to troubleshoot.

Lin Chong: Sister Yuan, he is number one in the math test this time. Wouldn't it be difficult for him to tell him?is it necessary?

Wang Maolin: I don't think this is necessary, too?

Sun Kai: One result can't tell you anything. Maybe Kou Zhun has any insights?@.

When Kou Zhun saw Yuan Xinyue Aite herself, he also had a toothache.

I thought: This girl is quite grudge.

This matter started from when he came back from rebirth a month ago. Seeing Yuan Xinyue, the goddess of the class, he couldn't hold back and gave a spoiler to the story of the later: it was the period when he was almost thirty and didn't marry.

Then this Nizi kept staring at him.

But seeing Sun Kaiaiite himself, Kou Zhun's mouth curled.

"Just want to make yourself foolish?"

Stepping on others to highlight one's own greatness, this is normal in the context of chasing girls.

If on weekdays, when Kou Zhun is in a good mood, maybe this will be the stepping stone, but today he doesn't want to pretend.

"Lao Tzu is a rebirth, a rebirth with a system, why should I suffer this grievance?"

With his eyes wide open, he clicked on Sun Kaifa's problem-solving steps, glanced twice, then he smiled slightly and started typing.

Kou Zhun: I really have some thoughts. Let me talk about Sun Kai's problem-solving steps first. The solution is very fast and the words are pretty good. That's right... You did it wrong.

make a mistake?

Lin Chong: I said Kou Zhun, you can't help but talk nonsense.

Kou Zhun didn't explain, he found a piece of paper, quickly wrote a few lines, and then took a photo and sent it to the group.

It is similar to Sun Kai's writing, both are quite delicate, but can write completely different.

At this moment, Kou Zhun seemed to throw a bomb into the group.

Instantly exploded.

Who is Kou Zhun?

Who is Sun Kai?

The two are so different in math skills!

But at this time a rubbish said that a king problem was done wrong?

And really gave a new answer?

Are you kidding me?

The group became quiet for a moment.

But no one can tell whose answer is right.

For a time, the situation was a bit stalemate.

But this stalemate was quickly broken.

Wang Maolin: I just asked the math teacher, and the answer the teacher gave... seems to be the same as Kou Zhun's.