I have a lot of relatives

Chapter 287 Fight Back To School 2 (1)

I made dumplings all night at Zuer's house.

The next day, Pan Haodong returned to the West Kowloon O Kee office to arrange and coordinate the work of the various working groups, and then fell asleep in the office.

When someone else is the head of a department, there are endless tasks every day.It's good for him to delegate everything to his subordinates. He has nothing to do and can do personal affairs every day.

After not staying in the office for a while, he was called out.

"Uncle, what can't you say on the phone?"

Pan Haodong walked into the assistant director's office and sat down on the chair opposite to his uncle.

Lin Leimeng put down the pen in his hand and said slowly: "Yesterday afternoon, an action team of the Political Department was wiped out in the mountains near the Smith International School. This incident has greatly damaged the reputation of the director of the Political Department, O Sir, if anyone Help him solve the terrorists who annihilated the agents of the Political Department, I think he will be happy to inherit this favor."

"Okay, I'll take this matter."

Pan Haodong said very readily: "Uncle, what do you want me to do?"

Ou Jinrong, director of the Political Department, is one of the 14 assistant chiefs of the police department. Three years later, Lin Leimeng will run for the next chief of police. If he can get the support of Ou Jinrong, the success rate will inevitably be much higher.

Lin Leimeng turned out an envelope and handed it to Pan Haodong, "This is a letter of introduction written by Sir Ou. If you take it tomorrow morning, you will be able to apply for teachers at Smith International School."

After a pause, Lin Leimeng urged: "Dong Zi, A Zhen, Qing Qing and others are all in this school. When you apply for a job at the school, you must greet them in advance and don't show your stuff."

"I do errands, don't worry."

Pan Haodong replied confidently.

Lin Leimeng pushed the frame of the glasses and solemnly said: "Dong Tsai, this matter must not be taken lightly. According to the information provided by the Political Department, the purpose of annihilating the terrorists of a group of agents of the Political Department is to hijack Smith International. The students of the school used this to coerce the Queen of England to release their leader."

"What is the logic?"

Pan Haodong ridiculed himself: "They want the Queen of England to release the leader, instead of going to England to engage in trouble, and rush to Hong Kong Island to engage in trouble. Do these terrorists think that our second-class overseas citizens with brackets on our documents are more important than local British citizens? Favored by the Queen?"

"Maybe I think we are better bullied!"

Lin Leimeng shrugged, looking like I was also helpless.

"Then I will let them come and go."

A sharp look flashed in Pan Haodong's eyes.

Fight Back to School 2 is a Hong Kong-style comedy. The robbers in it are very good. Uncle Da, dressed as a Terminator, launched a ruthless one, and he could easily kill a lot of votes, but it was to create a comedy effect and perform it. The absurd plot.

In this real world of Hong Kong and Comprehensive Trade and Economics, targeting the terrorists of the Smith International School can wipe out a group of agents from the Political Department without sacrificing one soldier. This shows that these terrorists are well-trained and experienced in combat.

If they are allowed to successfully hijack a school’s students, the police will inevitably pay a heavy price if they want to wipe out these people.

Even some students will be sacrificed.

Sandi, A Zhen, and Qing Qing are all in this school.

Even if Ou Jinrong, Assistant Director of the Political Department, didn’t call his uncle Lin Leimeng for help, he would not just sit idly by...

In the evening.

A food stall in Central District.

Chen Jiaju graciously poured a glass of wine for Pan Haodong, and said, "Adong, thanks to the jewelry heist some time ago, thanks to you! If you hadn't killed the bandit leader, there would be no more flower on my shoulder, this glass. I respect you."


Jiaju drank it.

Ami frowned and said, "Jiaju, drink less wine."

"It's okay, happy tonight, drink more."

Step by step from a police officer to a senior inspector, Chen Jiaju formally became a middle-level manager of the Central Police Station, completely comparing his appointment with Jin Dazui during the same period.

Although there were still many people in the same period, who climbed much higher than him, but those people either had a background or had a high degree of education. Chen Jiaju couldn't compare with him, and he didn't dare to compare.

For example, Hu Hui, who married Pan Haodong, is now a superintendent!

Chen Jiaju was promoted to Senior Inspector!

"Sir Chen, when are you and Ami going to get married?"

Yazi, who was brought by Pan Haodong, said curiously.

She is very busy during this time, but she has to make time to accompany her husband when she is busy, so as not to be hooked by the foxes outside.

Her man is so handsome, you have to watch it more closely.

Hearing what his wife Yazi said, Pan Haodong echoed: "Yes, you are not young anymore, and you have been in love for many years. It's time to get married."

After looking at each other affectionately, Chen Jiaju and Amei explained: "We wanted to get married a long time ago, but we haven't saved enough money to buy a wedding house. It is estimated that we will have to wait a year or two."

Pan Haodong said readily: "I will give you the difference."

Before Chen Jiaju could reply, Ami took his hand and said with a smile: "We can't borrow the money to buy a wedding house. Jiaju and I must save a little bit to make sense."

"Yeah, we understand your kindness, but Ami is right. We can't borrow the money. You don't have to worry. Ami and I have saved more than 700,000 yuan. A big villa cannot be bought, but a thousand-foot mansion can still be used. bought."

Chen Jiaju's words are correct. The house price in the Central and Western District ranges from 800 to 5,000 yuan per square foot, and about 10 feet per square foot. This means that for an ordinary house, eight or nine thousand yuan per square foot is not expensive.

The so-called thousand-foot mansion is a housing of 100 square meters.

Calculated on the basis of an average area of ​​9,000 yuan per square meter, a 1,000-foot luxury house requires 900,000 houses. Jiaju and Ami have saved more than 700,000 yuan, which is only a few hundred and 200,000 yuan. The goal can indeed be achieved within one or two years.

Judging from the joyful expressions of Jiaju and Ami, they should enjoy the process of making money to buy a wedding house...

"Then we will wait for your good news."

"Thank you!"

"Go one."


Two men clink glasses and drink.

The two women Ami and Meako talked.

When Jiaju, whom Amei talked about, was planning to travel abroad for a week of vacation, Yazi envied: "Where are you going to play?"


Ami said with a look of excitement.

In recent years, in order to save money to buy a wedding house, she hasn't taken a plane for a long time, and she hasn't traveled abroad.

"Has the travel agency been selected?"

"not yet!"

"We will accompany you later."

"Wow, good."

After dinner.

A group of people walked into a nearby shopping mall, a large shopping mall with a large flow of people, usually there are travel agencies settled in, Jiaju and Amei did not choose, and walked in when they encountered a travel agency.

It took a while to report to the group.

When Yazi and Amei walked out hand in hand and were about to stroll around in the mall, a police officer hurried to Chen Jiaju and Pan Haodong.


"Ahui." Chen Jiaju obviously greeted each other warmly: "It's been a long time since I saw you, it's been promoted!"

A Hui looked eagerly: "Brother, A Xin just called and said that there is a bomb in the mall..."

"A bomb?" Chen Jiaju frowned.

"Yeah, we don't know what to do."

Ah Hui is just a senior police officer. He has never encountered such a tricky thing. He can only ask Chen Jiaju for help: "Brother, can you give us some advice?"