I have a lot of relatives

325 Exploring the Lair

The next day.

Pan Haodong sent away the reluctant Natasha, found Shao Dianshuai, Wang Junshi, and others, and asked: "Shao Dianshuai, this king wants to check the gluttonous habitat. He needs a scout who is familiar with the terrain of Khitan to lead the way. You can arrange it. ."

Hearing the words, Shao Dianshuai responded: "The prince, the gluttonous glutton lives underground in the territory of Khitan. This commander has led people to investigate many times, and every time he returns without success..."


Pan Haodong asked.

"Because the underground extends in all directions, and all kinds of tunnels are interlaced and connected, even if we are equipped with enough equipment, we can only go deep into the ground for 10 kilometers. If it is deeper, it will be difficult to breathe. If we do not return in time, we will die of suffocation."

Wang Junshi gave the answer.

Pan Haodong frowned and said, "It seems that there is something strange underground."

Master Wang Jun asked, "Master, are you still going?"

"go with."

Pan Haodong didn't hesitate for a while, Lin Mei, who came to him at some point, had a gleam in her eyes.

The prince cares about the people, relieves the country's worries, has many magical methods, and she feels very honored to be the prince's maid.

"If this is the case, then I will lead you the way."

Wang Junshi confided his heart and gave up his life to accompany the gentleman.

The prince's body of ten thousand gold dared to brave the gluttonous lair, why should he hesitate because of his poor background?

Done it!

Isn't it a little dangerous?

People are inherently dead, some are lighter than feathers, and some are heavier than Mount Tai.

To die, Army Master Wang will die vigorously.

After a little preparation.

Pan Haodong, Lin Mei, and Wang Junshi, accompanied by the Eight Hundred Crane Army, entered the territory of Khitan. The Eight Hundred Crane Army did not enter the crypt. After arriving at the entrance to the Taotie Lair, they would be stationed there.

Only Pan Haodong and Wang Junshi really entered the crypt.

Too much, he was afraid that he would not be able to take care of it.

It’s about a five-day trip from the cantilevered Great Wall to the Taotie’s Lair. It’s strange to say that Taotie clearly appears in the territory of Khitan, but every time it comes out of the nest, it doesn’t attack foreign races very much. It will eat when encountering Khitans, but will not specifically look for Khitan tribe , But went all the way south and invaded the Song Dynasty.

When Junshi Wang mentioned this matter, Lin Mei was very angry, feeling as if she was targeted, and she was particularly unhappy in her heart.

Pan Haodong was also very upset, and more and more wanted to find out the truth...

Five days later.

Everyone arrived at the gluttonous nest, and there were long warblers flying nearby. The environment was quite good. Ignoring the large-scale damage caused by the gluttonous pouring out of the nest, it would be a very good pasture.

"Set up camp on the spot."

Under Lin Mei's instructions, eight hundred female soldiers entoured quickly set up camps and worked very efficiently. In just half an hour, nearly a hundred yurts were erected.

Pan Haodong entered the main camp for a short break and said: "Wang Junshi, how are you in your state, do you need to rest?"

Master Wang shook his head; "No, I can't sleep without finding out the source of the gluttony."

"Then go!"

Pan Haodong picked up a package, which contained some food, a few chickens and pastries, all prepared by Lin Mei, and the taste might not be very good.

But he was very happy eating.

Because the contents of the package are all from Amei's heart.

Junshi Wang is more struggling and can only bring a pack of dry food to satisfy his hunger...

Go underground.

The light gradually darkened, Wang Junshi took out a fire fold, and was about to light the torch wrapped in tarp. Pan Haodong took out two long, thick, one big end and one small end out of thin air.


A light flashed from the big head.

Pan Haodong turned around and handed the flashlight to Junshi Wang: "Use this."

"Master, what is this?"

Junshi Wang immediately put away the torch, and looked at the flashlight with a face full of novelty. The steel suit was too high-end, and it would be difficult for him to figure it out for a while.

But a simple gadget like a flashlight is still very confident.

"The flashlight can continue to illuminate for 5 to 6 hours. Just replace the battery when it is used up."

Pan Haodong stored a lot of daily necessities in the jade pendant space. There were hundreds of flashlights alone, and several boxes of spare batteries. It was definitely enough to explore the gluttonous underground nest.

"Good stuff, go back and study."

Junshi Wang was surprised at chattering.

"Military teacher, it's not that I attacked you. This thing looks simple. In fact, it is about the entire industrial system. If you want to study flashlights, you must first understand electricity and power. You have to start with steam engines and electric lights..."

After Pan Haodong said something, he heard that Junshi Wang was in the cloud and he didn't understand what he was talking about.

Finally, he simply shook his head, leaving his left ear in and out of the right ear.

The gluttonous lair extends in all directions, like a huge maze, you need to be extremely careful when entering the crypt, because many corridors are lined with abysses. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into a pool of mud.

After spending an entire night, 10 kilometers underground, Junshi Wang began to breathe quickly and gradually became difficult.

Pan Haodong handed him four do not use batteries, and said: "Military, I will explore the next one alone, you go back first!"

"Master, you must be careful."

Wang Junshi did not postpone.

Insufficient own ability, forcibly following, will only drag the prince.

He died and died, but if he hurts the prince, he will be cast aside after death, because the prince is the great hero who saved the Song Dynasty, the Optimus Prime of the Song Dynasty.

"Don't worry, this king is very life-saving and will not risk his life."

Hearing this, Wang Junshi just set foot on the return journey in peace.

After Wang Junshi left.

Less than half an hour deep underground, Pan Haodong felt a hint of crisis.

Without a word, he opened the summon list and summoned his cousin.

A white light suddenly appeared, and Stephen Zhou made a shining appearance. It was different from yesterday. The fairy robe he wore today, with a kitchen knife in his hand, Stephen Zhou looked around and said, "Brother, what the hell is this?"

"The gluttonous nest."

As he said, Pan Haodong apologized and said, "Cousin, sorry, I'm going to trouble you again."

Stephen Zhou said in a rare and serious manner: "I'm fine to trouble me, because I'm afraid it will delay the Jade Emperor and his old man's meal. When you called me, I was cutting vegetables in the kitchen!"

Pan Haodong replied: "Uh, will there be any problems after leaving?"

"It won't be a big problem for a while, let's talk, what's the matter for your brother?"

Stephen Zhou is the god who is in charge of the dining room of the Heavenly Court. He suddenly disappeared out of thin air. The helpers and servants in the dining room will not think too much about it. The God of Heaven will not teleport!

Master Cook suddenly remembered something, it was normal to leave.

"I just noticed a little danger. I just wanted to find someone to help, so I thought of you, cousin."

After a pause, Pan Haodong continued: "Of course, if you rush back to cook for the Jade Emperor, I can summon other people to help."

"A little thing, why trouble so many people!"

Stephen Zhou stretched out his hand to embrace Pan Haodong's shoulder, and disappeared in place with a'swish'.

Pan Haodong only felt the darkness in front of him, and people came to the deepest part of the earth. Under their feet were piles of bones. Judging from the shape, they should be the remains of the predecessors. What greeted him was an oval light curtain.